White-headed: therapeutic properties, indications, contraindications and methods of use. The opinion of doctors about the white-headed


Meadowsweet or Labasnik (synonym: whitehead) is a plant that has a height of up to 1.5 m and is common throughout Europe, as well as in North and South America. Meadowsweet meadowsweet grows in wet meadows. After flowering, fruits are formed: small spiral nuts containing seeds.

Tavolzhnik is an old medicinal plant that Lonitzer described in his herbal book. Salicylic aldehyde was obtained from flower buds and today is sold in modified form in the form of synthesized acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

The plant is frost-resistant and can grow in sunny or semi-shady places. It is reproduced from seeds sown in spring or autumn. In addition to the typical wild-growing form, there are decorative varieties with yellow-white young leaves.

The whitehead contains salicylates, flavonoids, tannic acids, essential oil and citric acid. In studies of invitro, a slightly toxic glycoside has been identified, which can cause a headache in high dosage. The healing properties of the whitehead have been proven in numerous randomized clinical trials.

Clinically important medicinal substances: polyglycoside in the form of monotropidine, essential oil with salicylaldehyde and methyl salicylate. The plant contains tannins in large quantities.

Flowers have diaphoretic and diuretic properties.The concentration of salicylic acid is so low that the anti-inflammatory effect is questionable in the scientific community. Medicinal plant recommended for hyperhidrosis only, but not with inflammatory diseases. In rheumatic diseases and gout, the plant is used to stimulate urine output.

Flowers and young leaves are processed into tea, which is said to have a strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic effect. However, since the substances contained in the plant, as in many other herbal remedies, vary greatly in dose depending on the growing conditions, it is usually recommended to buy the ingredients in a pharmacy.

A whitehead can reduce the release of stomach hydrochloric acid and thus counteract heartburn.

White-headed: indications to use

Previously, the plant was used in folk medicine as analgesic and febrile means. Flower tea has a diuretic, anti-diarrheal and anti-inflammatory effect.

He acts like a weak sedative and relieves joint pain. Due to its pleasant aroma, the plant is also used in cosmetics.

All parts of plants, in particular flowers, are suitable for flavoring sweets and fruit dishesas well as drinks. Most often, the whitehead is used in French and Brussels cuisine. Often beer and wine are seasoned with meadowsweet.

Excess sweating

Doctor's comment:high dose flavonoids have a diaphoretic effect. In addition, they are said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects together with ascorbic acid contained in the medicinal plant. The main indication of the whitehead is excessive sweating. A herbal remedy will help with sweating, but it must be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Rheumatic diseases

Doctor's comment:derivatives of salicylate contained in the whitehead inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by irreversible inactivation of cyclooxygenase-1. The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested mainly in the initial stages of inflammation. In the long run, meadowsweet is not effective, therefore it is not used.

Malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system

Doctor's comment:a medicinal plant has insignificant anticarcinogenic properties. Rugosin, which is a component of the tannin group of ellagitannins, reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. It is believed that the complex of ellagitannins also has astringent, wound healing, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. However, these effects have not been documented in either the invitro or invivo studies.

Rugozin has a slight anti-cancer effect, which is not comparable with the action of modern cytostatic agents. A whitehead cannot be used as a substitute for chemotherapy or radioimmunotherapy.


Doctor's comment:Salicylate derivatives reduce abnormally high body temperature, because they act on the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus, stimulating peripheral vasodilation. Vasodilatation enhances perspiration and, consequently, heat loss. Active substances do not lower the normal temperature.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect is also due to phenylglycosides contained in the medicinal plant. The ingredients react with cyclooxygenase, therefore, they can inhibit the formation of other inflammatory mediators. The antipyretic effect is additionally supported by flavonoids.

Other indications

Doctor's comment: with anxiety, dysmenorrhea, urination disorders or cystitis, the clinical efficacy of a whitehead has not been proven.

Active substances practically do not overcome the blood-brain barrier, therefore they are unable to influence higher cognitive functions.

The bioflavonoids contained in the meadowsweet meadowsweet have a slight antibacterial effect, which does not help with cystitis.

1 tablespoon of the tea mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let the tea brew for 10 minutes, then strain and drink it hot. In the acute phase of the disease, you must drink at least 5 cups per day.

Doctor's comment:Tea blends are sold in various so-called “fixed blends”, which can be combined by the pharmacist depending on the indication. In mixtures, a distinction is made whether tea has more diaphoretic or anti-febrile properties.

Tea, which has a fairly strong anti-febrile effect, is rich in salicylic acids. Another herbal mixture consists of 35% of sunflower flowers, 35% of a linden flower, 20% of a whitehead and 10% of chamomile flowers. It reduces sweating and improves the condition of a patient with fever.

The use of a white head is recommended to be discussed with a doctor if there are serious chronic diseases of the blood coagulation system.

Outdoor application

Doctor's comment:in the form of ointments or gels, a whitehead is usually not used. In the invitro studies, small anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effects were detected, but they were not confirmed in human trials. In a local form, it is not recommended to use a herbal remedy, since clinical efficacy has not been proven.

An absolute contraindication of the whitehead is hypersensitivity to salicylates.

It is recommended to refrain from prescribing concentrated extracts of the whitehead in case of gastroduodenal ulcers, active bleeding, or during anticoagulant or hemostatic treatments.

It is forbidden to take oral dosage forms with alcohol for children under the age of 2 years, pregnant women and during lactation.

The mesenteric meadowsweet can be used for idiopathic excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) or fever caused by bacterial infections.

If internal bleeding or anaphylactic reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking the herbal remedy and consult your doctor.


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