What you need to know before keratin straightening at home? Keratin Straightener


Keratin hair straightening in the salon is an expensive procedure. And considering that it is recommended to conduct it every 3-6 months, it can significantly hit the pocket. Yes, and registering with the master for a week or two in advance is not always convenient. It is much easier to buy all the necessary tools and carry out keratin hair straightening at home.

You will learn about the fact that this will require process technology in this article.

What is needed for keratin hair straightening

For the procedure you need:

• hair dryer, ironing;

• ordinary comb, comb;

• flat brush for painting hair;

• technical shampoo for deep cleansing, towel;

• keratin composition.

The cosmetic market offers a huge range of products for keratin straightening. Consider the features of some popular tools.

The composition may have a different consistency. Liquid is the most difficult for independent use, therefore, it is better to choose a medium or thick consistency.

Cocochoco. Country of origin - Israel. In the product line for straightening there is a tool for severely damaged hair (Pure), premium keratin (Gold) and classic keratin. Products are distinguished by their relatively affordable cost (average price of 9000 r. Per 1 liter) and good straightening effect, therefore they are in high demand.

Brazilian Blowout. Country of origin - USA. This is one of the most expensive and highly effective straightening products. The average cost of 17,000 p. for 1 liter In this regard, low-quality fakes appeared on the cosmetic market, so it is recommended to buy only from authorized distributors. You can wash your hair and stab your hair after the straightening procedure.

Cadeveu. Country of origin - Brazil. The most popular line-up in the product line is BrazilCacau. The product is quite toxic, but effective. It provides a lasting effect of ironed hair (up to six months). The average price for 1 liter is 10,000 rubles.

Inoar. Country of origin - Brazil. The manufacturer offers a wide range of products, the most popular Moroccan. He copes well with his main task, but judging by the reviews, the effect does not last as long as that of competitors. But the cost of the product is much lower than that of other means - the price per 1 liter is approximately 8000 r.

Detailed instructions for self-straightening hair

Keratin hair straightening at home starts with a head wash. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, this will help to better prepare the hair for keratin enrichment and achieve the disclosure of keratin scales. For a greater effect, you can hold the shampoo on your hair for 30-60 seconds.

Then pat your hair with a towel, comb thoroughly and blow dry to a dry state with a warm (neither cold nor hot) temperature. After all these manipulations, the hair becomes voluminous, fluffy, because keratin scales open slightly.

The keratin composition is quite toxic, has a specific smell, so it is recommended to wear a disposable medical mask and gloves before the procedure.

Necessary divide curls into 4 zones: first in the center, then right and left side across. 3 zones to stab with a hairpin-clothespin, so as not to interfere. It is better to start processing curls with the most curled hair (usually this is the back of the head).

The application of keratin composition has similarities with the technique of hair dyeing - it is necessary to divide the hair into horizontal, necessarily thin (width should not exceed 1 cm), strands and apply keratin evenly over the entire length (you must shake it first), backing 1 cm from the root of the hair.

It is necessary to ensure that all the hairs are treated with the product, otherwise at the final stage (when exposed to a hot iron), the untreated areas are injured. Do not apply the composition as a mask, attention should be paid to each lock. If any areas have dried up, you need to apply the product again. To distribute it better, you need to additionally comb the hair with a comb. Treat all remaining areas in a similar fashion.

The procedure is quite laborious, which is why it is not cheap.

No need to rush when performing the procedure. The longer the keratin composition on the hair, the better, so that it penetrates well into the structure of the hair shaft, it is additionally necessary to maintain it on the hair for half an hour. In this case, there should be no external pressure on the hair (you can not twist, tie, pin, etc.).

Next stage - medium temperature dryer. After drying, the curls seem quite heavy - this is completely normal.

Final stage - straightening with an iron. If long hair is straightened, an iron with wide canvases is recommended. The temperature during processing should not be lower than 230 degrees, otherwise the procedure will be ineffective and keratin will not be sealed in the scales of the hair shaft. Straightening with an iron must be carried out according to the same principle as when applying the composition - to align small thin strands with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. Iron 1 strand should be ironed from 7 to 10 times!

During the first 2-3 days after the procedure, it is not recommended:

• wash hair;

• collect in the tail with an elastic band;

• remove curls by the ears.

All this will help prevent creases and prolong the effect of straightening. But there are funds that these rules do not apply to, it all depends on the specific composition. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair with sulfate shampoos. Although they are well washed, they are quite aggressive - they open the scales and provoke the washing out of the keratin composition from the hair shaft, they are dried. In addition, it is recommended to use keratin-containing products: conditioners, balms, masks, oils, serums.

What result can be obtained at home

If you do not rush and follow all the recommendations of keratin straightening and subsequent care, you can achieve an impressive result. The first straightening procedure restores hair to 70%, the second - 100%, so you can get the desired effect of smoothed hair after the second straightening.

Thanks to this procedure, you can forget about curly, naughty hair. The keratin composition can even reanimate curls burnt by perming. It is suitable for all types of hair, helps to make the strands healthy, smooth and shiny.

Keratin hair straightening at home helps to achieve a beautiful well-groomed look of curls and save a lot of time on their straightening. Few people are naturally given hair that remains smooth and obedient even after washing their hair. Therefore, most women resort to styling with an iron or hairdryer. It not only takes at least half an hour, but also negatively affects the condition of the curls. Therefore, one keratin leveling procedure will help to forget about ironing for at least 2 months.

Keratin protects hair from negative external influences: increased or decreased humidity and temperature, exposure to chemicals, etc. It creates a protective coating on the hairs that prevents the destruction of the structure of natural hair, brittleness and cross-section.


Watch the video: HOW TO: Brazilian Blowout Keratin Treatment At Home! Step by Step, Tips (July 2024).