The simplest and most effective ways to propagate raspberries. How to prepare planting material and what to do with it after rooting


To plant raspberries on the site is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know the main methods of propagation of the bush, which give a guaranteed result.

Suitable time for raspberry propagation

Before embarking on raspberry planting, you need to choose the right time to work. It can be spring or autumn - it all depends on the chosen method and region of cultivation. So, in the south of Russia, landing can be done at any time. But in the central part and northern regions it is not necessary to postpone for later. Finishing planting is better by the beginning of summer.

Rules for the propagation of raspberries with green and lignified cuttings: preparation of shoots and planting technology

Very often, cuttings are used to breed known varieties of raspberries. The method gives a good survival rate of planting material. Bushes are hardy, productive and fully retain varietal qualities.

Important! Cutting raspberries allows you to successfully breed varieties of shrubs with weak basal shoots.

For cuttings use green and lignified shoots. Each method has its own characteristics.

Propagation of raspberries with green cuttings

Green cuttings are planned for the summer, more precisely at its beginning. They use basal shoots, which by that time have already grown and grown stronger. The shoots are cut to a length of not more than 15 cm, pinch the top of them, tear off the lower leaves. Each stalk should have several buds.

Before planting, the cuttings are prepared:

• maintained in the Kornevin solution;

• dust the bottom edge with root stimulants.

Prepared cuttings are rooted in any available way, for example, in water or a substrate. Although experienced gardeners recommend rooting cuttings in rolls with moss.

Rooting in water does not give 100% results; twigs can rot. For planting in the soil, a mixture of humus with peat and sand is prepared in advance. The substrate is filled with a container for germination, the cuttings are planted to a depth of 2 - 4 cm. Rooting takes place in greenhouse conditions for about a month. All this time the container is ventilated and the soil in it is regularly sprayed.

To root shoots in sphagnum, you need to prepare the moss in advance. It is pre-soaked in warm water so that it is saturated with moisture. After that, the moss is laid out on a strip of fabric, the cuttings are laid out at a certain distance from each other and rolled up with a “sausage”. The workpiece is cleaned in a bag until the roots appear.

Planting lignified raspberry cuttings

Lignified cuttings are prepared for work in late autumn, then by the spring they will completely take root. It is better to cut shoots from annual branches that are well ripened.

The shoots are divided into parts, each of which is at least 10 cm. The cuttings are prepared and stored at a temperature of -2 ° C. In the spring they are planted in individual cups and rooted, and then grown in the garden.

The method of propagation of raspberries layering

The layering propagation method is suitable for ordinary and remont raspberries. The best time for it is autumn. They choose an annual lignified shoot, slightly break it and drop it next to the bush.

The layering is regularly watered until it takes root. They are transferred to a permanent place next spring. However, experienced summer residents are advised not to touch the challenge during the year. During this time, he will develop a good root system. Such a seedling will tolerate a transplant. Repairing varieties may begin to bear fruit this season, but all ovaries should be cut short.

How to propagate raspberries with nettles

Nettle is a young basal shoot with a size of not more than 12 cm. With its help, many varieties of raspberries are bred. The best time for work is spring, when the shrub starts growing.

Instructions for rooting nettles:

• cut young growth and transfer to a permanent place in the ground;

• well pritenit;

• water regularly in the first month of cultivation.

The method is simple, does not require much time, the roots appear quickly.

Can raspberries be propagated by basal offspring

If the nettle has outgrown, then this is the root offspring that can be used to breed raspberries.

This method is used in early summer. Subsidiary plants are dug up so that they have their own root system, and planted in a prepared place.

To plant better planted - create a greenhouse effect. Shelter is removed when young leaves appear, and the shoot begins to grow.

Features of propagation of bush raspberries

Bush raspberries, which grow for a long time in one place, need to be transplanted and divided into parts. Work is planned for early spring. Fruiting young bushes begin in a year.

Landing Rules:

1. The adult bush is completely dug up, and old branches are cut, leaving 20 cm.

2. The root portion is carefully divided into several parts.

3. Delenki transplanted to a new place. Planting pits form 30 x 40 cm.

They take care of young bushes in the usual way, do not forget about regular watering and mulching of the soil.

The Scottish way of breeding raspberries: how to get a lot of planting material

This method is used when it is required to plant a large area with raspberries, and it is difficult to get planting material of one variety. The essence of the method is to grow many root-own cuttings from one bush.

In early spring, the mother plant is selected, which is highly spudded with a mixture of peat, sawdust and humus. Hilling is done as the shoots grow several times. In summer, the mulching layer is kept moist, which stimulates the development of root and kidney replacement.

With the advent of autumn, the bush is dug up and divided into cuttings, after which they are tied and stored until spring. In early March, delenki are dug up and watered abundantly, after two weeks young shoots appear. The bushes are grown for a month and transplanted into the garden. Such raspberries will bear fruit next year, however, the repairing varieties will please the berry this season.


Watch the video: Propagation From Cuttings - Make Your Own Mist System (June 2024).