Delicious melon smoothie with apple and grapefruit


Today I want to offer you to cook one of the options for a delicious snack - a smoothie of melon, grapefruit, apple, with the addition of lemon juice and honey. Such a smoothie will perfectly satisfy your hunger, saturate the body and give you strength and vitality. Making smoothies is quick and easy, especially if you have a special technique.

Smoothies can be taken to work with you, pouring into a beautiful bottle, also if you do not have time to eat, but you urgently need to run away on business, you can have a smoothie along the way. There are many options for making smoothies, it is prepared from a wide variety of berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Well, I propose to proceed.

Time for preparing - 15 minutes
Servings Per Container - 2


  • Melon - 300 g
  • Grapefruit - 0.5 pcs.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Honey to taste
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Mineral water - 70 ml

Cooking process

Prepare all the necessary ingredients on a list. Choose the most delicious melon, peel it, remove the seeds. Cut the melon into arbitrary pieces. For smoothies, you can even take a not-so-sweet melon, just add more honey in the cooking process.

Peel half of the grapefruit, cut all partitions in citrus, then cut the grapefruit into small arbitrary pieces.

Peel a ripe sweet apple, remove the core. Cut the apple into arbitrary pieces.

Prepare a bottle for mixing smoothies, put the grapefruit, apple and melon in it. Add some favorite honey, orient the amount to your taste.

Pour a little mineral water into the bottle, it can also be a favorite juice, only it should not be from store bags, but natural. Spin the bottle and rearrange it in a special blender.

Beat all components for a few seconds until smooth. Add lemon juice and beat again - take a sample.

Pour the delicious smoothie into glasses and serve.

Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Pear, lemon, banana, red grapefruit & melon smoothie for Concrete Ju-Jitsu (July 2024).