How to prepare the beds for planting in the fall. We prepare beds for strawberries, garlic and carrots - is it possible to put manure, superphosphate and azofoska?


Autumn is approaching, but for summer residents, the planting season is not over yet. Now the time has come to plant many crops that will yield an early harvest in spring. The beds for them are prepared in advance. Read on how to do this correctly.

Features of the autumn planting of vegetables and herbs

Autumn plantings significantly save time in the spring, provide an opportunity to get an early harvest. Most crops are sown until late autumn, some seeds are scattered on the first snow, so the beds should be prepared in advance.

After harvesting the main crops, you need to plan the next year’s planting, observing crop rotation. After that, select the beds for autumn planting and dig them well, make the necessary fertilizers, select all the weeds. The earth needs to be leveled, broken lumps, grooves. In autumn, it remains only to decompose the seeds and sprinkle them with dry soil mixture.

Important! Autumn sowing has its own rules, this method is not suitable for all owners of summer cottages. It is worth abandoning winter crops if in your region there are strong gusts of wind, the snow constantly blows away from the site.

How to prepare a bed for garlic in the fall

Winter garlic is planted in the first half of autumn, about a month before steady frosts. A bed for it is prepared two weeks before the planting of cloves. It is better if before this, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini or legumes grew on it.

Garlic grows well on rich organic soil. It has a shallow root system, so the topsoil should be sufficiently nutritious. Under digging, humus, mature compost, phosphorus-potassium mixtures and wood ash are added. Good results are given by the introduction of:

• nitroammophoski;

• azofoski autumn composition;

• superphosphate.

All fertilizers for autumn planting are best applied in liquid form, so that they penetrate the soil faster. Fresh manure can not be made under garlic.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, the bed is shed with copper sulfate, and then covered with a film before sowing. The width of the beds for winter sowing is up to 1 m, the height is not more than 25 cm.

Important! Autumn fertilizers should not contain a lot of nitrogen, so as not to provoke the growth of green arrows.

Preparing the bed under the bow for planting in the fall

Before winter, you can plant onion sets on the heads, onions on the first spring greens and blackberries. Onions for turnips and greens are planted in the second half of autumn, two weeks before the onset of frost. During this time, it should be well rooted. Sow chernushka in the first frost so that the seeds do not have time to germinate.

Good predecessors of the culture are tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage. You can not plant onions where carrots or garlic grew. The garden is dug up on a bayonet of a shovel, a lot of organic matter is brought under the digging. Onions grow well on humus and compost-rich soil. You can use chicken manure, but it is applied at the rate of 200 g per m2.

Before planting, the soil is watered with a solution of mineral fertilizers. Use calcium chloride, double superphosphate. It is advisable to treat the bed with infusion of tobacco and table salt in order to prevent the appearance of onion flies and stem nematodes in the spring.

Important! The width of the beds for planting onions is 45-90 cm. 20 cm are left between the grooves in the beds.

What fertilizers to put on the bed under the greens for autumn sowing

It is recommended to sow greens in late autumn, when the freezing temperature has already been established, since with a small plus the seeds germinate.

A bed of parsley or dill is prepared at the place of growing potatoes or tomatoes. The site should not be flooded with meltwater so that the seeds do not get wet. The bed is cleaned from the previous culture, dug up and enriched with minerals. On m2 make 5 kg of compost, 20 g of potassium salt and superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l nitrogen fertilizers. Heavy soil is loosened with sand.

When all work is completed, the bed along the entire length is covered with a film so that the rains do not erode the soil. In late autumn, the shelter is removed and sown.

We grow radishes in the fall: preparation of beds for culture

Radish can be grown to the very frost, because its seeds germinate at a temperature of + 1 ° C. Autumn plantings are carried out on enriched organic, slightly acidic soil. Good culture precursors are:

• early potatoes;

• cucumbers;

• garlic;

• tomatoes;

• beans.

You can not plant radishes after cruciferous, because they have similar diseases and pests.

The landing site is deeply dug, the entire thickness of the arable layer is enriched with humus, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. The bed is formed of a ribbon type. The distance between the lines in the tape is no more than 15 cm, row spacing up to 45 cm.

Strawberry transplant in the fall: how to prepare a bed for planting

Planting and transplanting strawberries is best done in the fall. A dry, well-lit place with a low level of groundwater is assigned to the culture. The best precursors are cereals and legumes.

Soil on the site should be fertile, loose and moisture-intensive, with neutral acidity. Culture loves the abundance of organic matter in the soil, so humus, ripe sawdust, ash, and peat are brought under the dig.

A bed over the entire area is watered with ammonia solution to restrain the growth of weeds, to kill larvae and pathogens.

You can plant strawberry seedlings on high or ordinary beds. The width of the furrow is not more than 20 cm. The distance between the lines is about 20 cm. Most often, strawberries are planted in two ribbons.

Winter sowing carrots: preparation of beds, planting technology

Autumn sowing carrots is rarely used, since seed losses are very high. If the weather is stable in winter, there are no prolonged thaws, then you can try this method. Sowing is carried out 1.5 weeks before frost, when the air temperature does not rise more than 2 ° C.

The bed is prepared on the site of growing tomatoes, potatoes or legumes. The soil for carrots should be nutritious, especially its deep layers. It is advisable to loosen the soil in advance to get smooth, beautiful root crops.

Peat soil is enriched with humus, turfy soil, loosened with sand.

If the soil in the area is clay, then it is advisable to add peat, stale sawdust, humus.

Chernozem loosened rotted sawdust, sand. From mineral fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium salt are added.


Watch the video: Fall Garden Bed Preparation (June 2024).