What does a child do on a smartphone? Addiction of a child to gadgets: reasons for its development and recommendations for release


A familiar picture, isn't it? Calm, only calm! Modern children will become part of the new generation of the information society, and they will need to own digital devices for a comfortable life.

Parents will need to take certain measures so that the child’s use of gadgets does not develop into mania. Among children and adolescents, the abuse of interaction with a smartphone has long been the norm, and there are a number of reasons for this.

Why do children become addicted to a smartphone?

If you do not take into account the banal laziness and unwillingness to live "in real life", the following are the main reasons for the development of addiction:

1. The desire to be on the same wavelength with the outside world and own relevant information. The child actively monitors new trends, as he is afraid to stay in the past and be cut off from society.

2. Thirst for self-affirmation. Social networks help the child feel necessary and meaningful. He can not only put his achievements on public display, but also follow the life of other people.

3. The desire to comprehend new and unfamiliar. The Internet provides an opportunity to observe the clash of different opinions and information flows. A child can change his views on the world depending on what news he reads, in which network groups he is a member. Young people are most exposed to foreign influence in the global network, which in most cases is negative.

How to help your child get rid of telephone addiction?

Thousands of children in Russia daily plunge into a colorful kaleidoscope of Internet memes and images, absorb a lot of useless information from the news feed. This habit arises very quickly and brings pleasure, but also contributes to the development of sociophobia and hostility towards the world around the child. The superficiality of information, its infinite and quick changeability leads to a deterioration in memory, creative thinking and the ability to draw logical conclusions on their own. To prevent aggravation of the situation, parents need to understand in time that all the joy of their child is contact with a smartphone.

To help your child get rid of telephone addiction, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Diversify leisure and give your child more lively communication, attend friends with him, various events, exhibitions.

2. Followso that the daily use of your smartphone does not exceed two hours a day.

3. Do not allow your child to use the smartphone at a party and at the table, especially when talking to him.

4. Diversify a teenager’s schedule with a new hobby, classes in sections and circles, so that there is as little time as possible on social networks.

5. Caution find out the reason for attachment to the virtual world and draw conclusions. If a child does not have enough emotions and communication with peers, you need to pay more attention to family holidays and a joint holiday.

6. Interested in hobbies child, in order to become his like-minded person, to support in undertakings and aspirations.

7. Parents should also find something to their liking, to show how you can get the joy of life without using a smartphone.

8. To protect your child from chronic fatigue, attention disorders and childhood depression, you must prohibit the use of the phone before bedtime.


Watch the video: Setting up your child's smartphone Medical ID (July 2024).