How to raise a dog: ask professionals. Want to raise a pet that you’re not ashamed of?


An ill-bred dog is a burden. Communication with her does not bring joy to either the owner or others. It is easier to immediately properly raise a puppy, however, by trying, you can adjust the behavior of an adult dog.

Fundamentals of education: goals, objectives, principles

Education is the formation of habits in a dog that make it a pleasant companion for a person. It begins on the first day that the dog appears in the house.

For successful education, you need to establish contact with the animal. With good contact, the dog misses the owner, enjoys his arrival, seeks to communicate. But most importantly, she fully trusts the "leader." Those who are trying to win the love and trust of a pet by treat are mistaken. To earn respect and assert his supremacy, the owner must:

1. Sure. Next to a calm, self-mastering dog, the dog himself becomes more confident. If a person is unbalanced, then the dog becomes nervous.

2. To be sincere. By intonation, dogs feel satisfied with them or not. They easily recognize fraud.

3. Own a voice. Teams give moderately loud and strict tone. Screaming is not good.

4. Know what he wants. If the owner says one thing, and after a second - another, the animal concludes that it is not necessary to obey.

5. Explain the hierarchy. The dog must understand that everything in the "pack" is superior to him in status. This way you can avoid a situation where the dog obeys one person and is aggressive towards the rest of the family.

6. Loving dogs and being patient. The dog will not become obedient in one day. Perhaps he will ruin the shoes or eat the neighbor's cat. One must be prepared to explain to him over and over how to behave.

7. Pay attention to the pet. The dog becomes attached to the one who cares for it: walks, plays, feeds, trains.

Parenting is based on positive and negative reinforcement. For the correct behavior, positive reinforcement is given - a delicacy, affection, praise, a game. Some dog handlers recommend pet stroking only as a reward, but the benefits of cold handling are dubious.

Unwanted actions are stopped by negative reinforcement (a strict shout, a slap with a palm, a jerk with a leash).

Important! It is impossible to humanize a dog, that is, to analyze its behavior from the point of view of a person. Most of the mistakes in education are caused by a lack of understanding of the dog’s psychology.

Before raising a dog, you need to evaluate the following factors:

• age;

• breed;

• origin;

• target;

• place of detention.

The training of dogs of large breeds must be approached with a double responsibility.

Dogs from the shelter have a set of behavioral problems. In difficult cases, it is better to consult with a dog handler than to try to re-educate yourself.

If the dog is taken for protection, it is necessary to develop in her distrust of strangers, and in the companion dog, on the contrary, to encourage kindness.

Where to start and what to teach a dog

Most important in education is regularity, consistency and perseverance. How to raise a dog is everyone's personal business. Someone needs a perfectly obedient animal, someone will be limited to a minimum of skills. Any dog ​​must learn:

• respond to your nickname;

• walk calmly on a leash and in a muzzle;

• allow the owner to do any manipulation: examine the teeth, pick up food (even straight from the mouth), give medicine, wash, comb;

• for apartment maintenance - endure to walking or go to the tray;

• stop unwanted actions on the command "Fu!" or "You can’t!";

• approach the owner by the command "Come to me!" and leave for yourself at the command "Place!".

Puppies love to chew, so for a while it is better to hide everything that is tearing and beating. Instead, you need to offer your pet toys. He will soon learn to distinguish between what to play with and what not to.

It is necessary to develop a dog: walk with it in different places, introduce it to other animals, teach it not to be afraid of transport and noise. Everything that is happening is desirable to comment out loud, as if the dog was a three-year-old child. Talking helps strengthen contact with the pet. Also, he becomes smarter than those with whom he communicated only with teams.

How and in what cases to punish a dog

It is useless to punish a dog if she did not know about the ban. First you need to establish a rule, and then demand its implementation. Punishment follows if the dog does not listen consciously.

Bans are established forever. If the dog was forbidden to enter the kitchen, then you can not let her in there even for a minute. It is difficult for an animal to understand why, for example, it was previously fed from the table, and now it is scolded for begging.

Puppies under the age of three months are not punished. The method of distraction is used: the puppy is carried away with a toy, and he forgets what he was going to do.

In many cases, it is enough to show the dog dissatisfaction. But if she is clearly stubborn - you can slap the croup with your palm. It is to slap, not to strike. Beating a dog is unacceptable. Also, you can not be punished by deprivation of food and water.

Important! It is necessary to punish a dog with a cold head and in proportion to the misconduct. You can not take out anger on a pet.

During maturity, the dog may challenge leadership. While she is young, and she can still be dealt with, a conflict must be provoked. To do this, they offer meat to a hungry dog, and then they try to take it by the command "Give!" If the dog growls, you need to take it by the withers, lift it and shake it slightly, and open the mouth with your second hand so that the piece falls out.

Tips "seasoned": how to raise a dog

Inexperienced owners get a ton of recommendations on how to raise a dog. Most of them are useless, as each dog needs to find an individual approach. However, there are reasonable tips:

1. Reorder the dog. You can’t leave a naughty dog ​​alone. He must understand that the owner always achieves his.

2. You cannot punish a dog after it has completed a command.

3. Talk to the dog when it's convenient. The initiator of communication is a person, not a dog looking for attention.

4. Do not repeat the command. This casts doubt on the authority of the owner.

5. If punished, immediately after misconductotherwise the dog will not understand why.

6. Provide the dog with physical activity. The dog may behave badly due to excess energy. She needs to move a lot.

7. Set the day mode. This disciplines both the dog and the owner.

8. Do not succumb to tricks. Sad eyes and a lowered tail are a way to manipulate. The caregiver must be firm.

There are no untrained dogs. But if a person does not raise a dog, the dog begins to raise a person. It is necessary not to neglect the daily work of the pet, and the result will certainly come.


Watch the video: I Saved My Dog From Death (July 2024).