Sweet pepper in a greenhouse: the best varieties for all regions of Russia with a description and photo. Good grades of pepper for greenhouses: top 5 most productive


Bell pepper is considered a heat-loving and light-loving crop, it is quite difficult to grow it in an unstable climate. However, many summer residents are not afraid of difficulties, especially since the market today has many good varieties for greenhouse farming. It remains only to choose pepper to your liking.

The best varieties of sweet pepper for greenhouses near Moscow

In the conditions of the Moscow Region and the Moscow Region, the culture takes root well in open ground, however, return frosts can destroy bushes. To protect the crop, gardeners try to plant peppers in greenhouses. Among the popular varieties of vegetables, it is worth paying attention to the following varieties:

• "Ares";

• "Barin";

• "Winnie the Pooh".

Variety "Ares" is considered to be ripe. It can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, greenhouses. If you plant pepper seedlings in greenhouses, the season of fresh vegetables can be significantly extended. Bushes are tall, compact, grow no more than 50 cm in height. The fruits are bright red in color, thick-walled, weighing up to 300 g, to taste juicy, sweet. Productivity is good, with m2 it is possible to collect up to 15 kg of fruits. Pepper is suitable for preservation and all types of processing.

The most productive is the variety "Barin". In greenhouses, with proper care, you can collect up to 19 kg per m2. Peppers are juicy, thick-walled, cuboid in shape. In the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are yellow, gradually acquire a red tint. The variety is mid-season, begins to bear fruit in the third month of cultivation.

Winnie the Pooh pepper is suitable for any greenhouses and hotbeds. The bushes are compact, not tall, grow no more than 25 cm. The culture is hardy, resistant to various diseases, it begins to bear fruit early. The fruits are small, with juicy walls, yellow-green or red, with a pronounced aroma. Most often, the variety is used for the preparation of salads, toppings and processing.

The variety tolerates transportation well, does not lose its presentation for a long time. Productivity is average, not more than 5 kg per m2.

Which pepper is good to grow in the greenhouses of Siberia: the most hardy varieties

Today on the market there are many varieties of pepper for growing in Siberia and the Altai Territory, but they also require special treatment. In greenhouses and hotbeds, the culture often suffers from rot, the fruits are poorly tied, there is not enough light for normal development, even in summer. Experienced gardeners recommend regularly airing the greenhouses, as well as using ovarian stimulants. It can be preparations "Bud", "Ovary" and others.

Among all varieties of pepper, summer residents prefer to grow the following:

• Grenada;

• "Flamenco";

• "Yellow Bull".

The high-yielding variety "Grenada" with beautiful fruits of orange color is famous for its excellent taste. The hybrid is considered to be ripe, the fruits are tied after 95-100 days from the appearance of seedlings.

Cube-shaped peppers, large, with thick juicy walls. Suitable for fresh consumption, cooking lecho, salads and pickling. Vegetables retain their presentation for a long time, tolerate transportation well. Productivity is good.

A hybrid of "Flamenco" with red fruits is considered very hardy and productive. Bushes are medium-sized, compact, resistant to diseases and pests. The fruits are thick-walled, large, juicy. The weight of one pepper reaches 250-400 gr. In the stage of technical maturity, the cream-colored fruits turn red after full ripening. The hybrid has a characteristic aroma and pleasant taste. They grow it mainly for implementation.

The "Yellow Bull" variety is distinguished by fruits of a particularly large size. One peppercorn reaches 20 cm in length. The walls of the fetus are thick, about 2 cm, juicy. The skin is thin, in the stage of full maturity it acquires a honey-yellow tint.

Fruits of universal purpose, are able to maintain a presentation and taste for a long time. Productivity in greenhouse conditions is up to 20 kg per m2.

The coldest pepper for greenhouses of the Urals: good varieties with description and tips for growing

In the Urals, it is better to grow early varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper, which are most adapted to the local climate. Among summer residents, such varieties are popular:

• "Montero";

• "Gingerbread Man";

• "Amber".

Montero variety is considered tall, bushes reach 1.2 m in height. The fruits are fleshy, large, tasty. With proper agricultural technology, it is possible to grow peppers weighing up to 900 gr. Productivity is high, with at least 7 kg of fruits harvested from m2. At the stage of full maturity, vegetables acquire a red tint.

The variety is hardy, resistant to major diseases, suitable for growing in any film shelters and greenhouses.

Pepper "Gingerbread Man" is appreciated for its productivity. About 3 kg of pepper is collected from one bush per season. Fruits are spherical in shape, flattened, with pronounced ribs. At the stage of full maturity, red; taste contains bitterness. The variety is suitable for freezing, all types of processing and preservation.

The bushes are medium-sized, reaching 25-40 cm in height, well-leafy, compact. Resistant to bacterial wilting and other diseases.

Variety "Amber" is famous for conical sweet fruits of orange color. Mid-ripening culture. Bushes are spreading, tall, sparse leaves. The yield of the variety is good, using top dressing, you can collect up to 7-9 kg per m2. The fruits retain their presentation for a long time, are well transported.

The most fruitful tall varieties of bell pepper for polycarbonate greenhouses: good varieties for sale and lovers

Tall varieties and hybrids of bell pepper are characterized by unlimited bush growth. Such plants need to be grown on a trellis or provided with a garter.

In the northern regions, heat-loving culture is planted in greenhouses, which must be well-lit and heated. To get an excellent harvest, summer residents grow varieties:

• "Orange Miracle";

• "Hercules";

• "Latino".

Variety "Orange Miracle" refers to early ripe varieties that bear fruit well in open ground and greenhouses. The bushes are powerful, sprawling, require the formation and rationing of the ovaries. Resistance to viral and fungal diseases is good.

The fruits are large, their average weight is more than 200 grams. Cube-shaped peppers with dense skin, juicy, thick-walled. Tied well, even in a cool climate.

Bell pepper "Hercules" is highly resistant to cold snap and various diseases. The bushes are medium-sized, powerful, well leafy. With good care, one plant gives up to 10 peppers.

Fruits of the correct conical shape, dark red color, large, thick-walled, juicy, with a pronounced pepper aroma and taste. The yield of the variety is good, from 5 to 7 kg of fruits are harvested from m2. Peppers of excellent quality, transportable, retain their presentation for a long time.

Good results when grown in a greenhouse gives the variety "Latino". A culture with compact bushes from which you can collect a large number of marketable products. With good care, the meter of the garden brings up to 12 kg of vegetables. Experienced gardeners are advised to form a plant in two stems in order to increase productivity, however, in this case, the bushes require garters to support.

The variety is early ripe, peppers aligned, cuboid in shape, saturated red. The walls of the fruits are thick, juicy. This variety is used for stuffing.


Watch the video: 3 Ways to Protect Plants from Frost and Cold Weather (July 2024).