Parsley juice: benefits, composition, treatment. Can everyone use this healing remedy?


Parsley is the most popular seasoning with a unique composition, rich in healthy minerals and vitamins. Juice from the root and leaves is considered an indispensable elixir, since the drug is characterized by high biological activity. In addition to vitamins, there are a large number of antioxidants, flavonoids, mineral salts. But is it possible for everyone to consume juice, or are there contraindications and can harm parsley juice?

The benefits of parsley juice: composition and properties

Plant juice is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, minerals that are beneficial for the body. Parsley juice can compete with any other drink in terms of vitamin content. It is rich in vitamins:

· PP;


· K;

· B vitamins

Also in the composition is retinol, carotene, flavonoids, nicotinic acid, which improve the body's absorption of ascorbic acid. They are characterized by a strong antioxidant effect. Thanks to this composition, the flexibility of blood vessels and their integrity are preserved. The composition contains such trace elements:





· Sodium and so on.

This is a very low-calorie product that has virtually no fat. As for the healing properties, the diuretic should be noted first. The drink is indicated for people with urinary tract diseases. The composition helps to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating puffiness. After taking, local inflammation is eliminated and pathogenic microbes are killed. With constant use of parsley juice, you can get rid of kidney stones.

The drink is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It promotes the release of digestive elements and normalizes intestinal motility. It should be drunk with indigestion, lack of appetite and gastritis with low acidity.

If you mix this juice with beetroot, you can normalize the menstrual cycle. If mixed with carrot juice, it is recommended to drink for patients with a large load on the organs of vision. But nutritionists advise when using juice to exclude foods containing starch from the diet.

Paula parsley juice: how to make a healthy drink?

Plant juice is not prepared in canned form. The only storage option is to freeze in the freezer. But such a composition can only be used for cosmetic purposes. Drinking such a composition is advisable in the summer.

The drink is always prepared only for one reception. It is not recommended that even a short period of time to store the composition in the refrigerator. This is due to the fact that useful properties pass very quickly. But the torn greenfinch can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Before preparing the healing composition, the stems and leaves must be washed very well under running water. It is recommended to leave it soaked for forty minutes in a saucepan. Grind a clean greenfinch using a blender. Then squeeze fresh juice with gauze. To get juice from the root, you need to wash the roots, rinse and grate on a fine grater. Squeeze in the same way.

How to drink in order to benefit from parsley juice?

The drink has high biological activity and is one of the most potent. That is why nutritionists recommend using no more than 50 ml of elixir per day. Also should not be consumed in pure form. Before use, the juice must be diluted with boiled water. It is also useful to mix with other freshly squeezed juices.

If you want to lose a couple of extra pounds, then just drink 2 small spoons of the drink 30 minutes before eating three times a day. During the use of the drug, experts recommend abandoning the consumption of meat products and sugar.

To bring the menstrual cycle back to normal, mix parsley juice with beetroot in the same proportion. For a day, it is also not recommended to consume more than 50 ml of beetroot drink. Start taking the drug should be a couple of days before the start of critical days and continue until the end of the cycle.

Green juice can be given to babies starting from the year. But you can not exceed the dosage of 2 small spoons per day. Pediatricians recommend diluting juice with apple juice or adding to vegetable puree.

The benefits of parsley juice in cosmetology

Parsley juice is very often used by cosmetologists and can be found in the most expensive cosmetic preparations. It can be mixed with other beneficial substances such as thyme, burdock or chamomile. This is a unique tool that will help solve a number of problems:

1. Mosquito bites. Parsley juice is an excellent remedy for itching after a mosquito bite. A couple of minutes after applying the juice, all symptoms disappear, redness and swelling go away.

2. Acne. If you can’t get rid of acne even when visiting cosmetologists, then you need to use parsley juice. It is recommended to wipe daily problem areas of the dermis with a cotton swab dipped in juice.

3. Excessive oiliness of the skin. The drink will help to cope with the shine of the skin, overly expanded pores. To combat this problem, you need to make a mask of honey, parsley juice and lemon juice in a ratio of 4 to 2 to 1.

4. Whitening of the skin. Mix parsley juice with a lemon nipple in a ratio of 1 to 5. Using the resulting product, wipe the face a couple of times a day.

5. Refreshment of the dermis. Elixir will help tone the epidermis. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab in a liquid, wipe the face, wait until it dries. After all, rinse with warm water.

6. Strengthening hair. Experts recommend rinsing your head once a week after washing with green juice. After such procedures, the hair will become lush, shiny, thick. The same goes for cilia. If you wash your face with greenhouse juice, the cilia will grow faster and stop falling out.

7. Pigmentation of the skin. After a long exposure to the sun, pigmented spots often appear. Getting rid of such a pathology is extremely simple. It is necessary to spread gauze moistened in a healing elixir daily on the face once a day.

8. The fight against freckles. This recipe has been used since ancient times. It is necessary to make a mask of sour milk with parsley juice. If the skin is sensitive, dry and flaky, then milk should be replaced with sour cream.

Parsley juice harm: contraindication to use

Like any other product, parsley juice is rich in acids, so it can provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, intestines, stomach. That is why it is strictly forbidden to use the composition for people with serious diseases of the oral cavity. Also, you can not drink in the presence of ulcers in the mouth, wounds, seizure.

You can not use the drug with:

Gastritis with high acidity;

Chronic heartburn;

· Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is highly recommended not to use the product for pregnant women, since the drink increases the tone of the uterus. Before taking it, it is recommended to get expert advice. Also, before use, it is necessary to check for allergies to the components, otherwise you can harm parsley juice.


Watch the video: How to Cleanse your Kidneys (July 2024).