What can you learn from a cat? Take a close look at your pet and take an example from it!


The Internet is full of photos and videos of cute cats. They gain hundreds and thousands of likes! Books are even written about cats. For example, what life lessons are useful to learn from talking with a pet.

To enjoy the life

The cat always knows what it wants. With all her appearance, she exudes self-confidence and calm. What of the fact that the owner does not like that she sleeps on his bed? This does not bother her favorite. People are accustomed to consider cats to be rather selfish creatures, but this is not so. They are attached to us in their own way, albeit not as faithfully and faithfully as dogs. But if a person feels bad, the cat will definitely come up to him, lie on a sore spot, warm and pull out bad energy.

Be yourself

If the cat does not like the food offered, she will not eat. No persuasion will help. Even understanding that you are not happy with her, she will not change her behavior. The pet is sure that people should love him for who he is. Why don't we learn this from cats?

With pleasure to know the world

All cats are curious by nature. It’s not difficult for them to climb onto cabinets and upper shelves, to attics and trees, to walk along high fences and roofs, just to find something new and interesting. A cat learns the world in a game like a little child. If the pet could talk, he would definitely ask you to trust your intuition, to do what you want and not to be afraid of anything. And then the world will open from a new angle.

Set a goal and achieve it without fear of obstacles

If a cat lives in your home, it must have woken you more than once in the morning. His "Meow!" favorite makes it clear that he wants to eat, and does not intend to wait until you wake up. For cats, the word no does not exist. No matter how you drive it away from you, sooner or later you still have to get up and feed the stubborn woman. Where did she get so much energy and determination?

Fall and rise

Have you ever seen a cat fall and remain lying? Most likely, she will get up, shake herself off, wave her tail and go about her business. After all, new discoveries and fun adventures await ahead, so there is no time for doubt! It’s worth taking it into account, because many people spend precious hours thinking about their failures or the endless digestion of past grievances. Why, if you still have nothing to fix?

Love yourself

By nature, cats always sleep as much as their body needs, eat their fill, play, because it's interesting. If you are used to sacrificing yourself in the name of family or friends, stop. A cat takes care of itself first of all, why don't you take an example from it? You will immediately notice that you began to feel much better.

Respect the borders of others

There is no love without respect - this is what psychologists say. Do not rely on feline devotion if you are not treating it well. Cats do not forget insults, so a surprise in slippers or ragged wallpapers is a completely natural response to rough treatment. Pets are able to defend their borders and do not accept inconsideracy. But if you make it clear to the cat that you have no mood for playing with her, she will not insist.

Take care of yourself

In any incomprehensible situation, the cat begins to wash. Zoologists are confident that this is a calming procedure, and not just an element of hygiene. The pet seems to tell us that caring for your body not only helps to look great, but also puts your thoughts in order.

There are in moderation. All cats are graceful and elegant by nature. Unlike dogs, they only eat when they feel hungry. A fat cat is not healthy. If we also have a snack only when necessary, and not out of boredom, we can forget about diets.

Radiate confidence

If she wants, the cat can climb onto your back or head. It will look calm and calm. It would also be useful for us to be more confident in ourselves. Then others will take us more seriously.


Watch the video: HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER (July 2024).