Top 5 best yielding varieties of the most sweet and large-fruited raspberries with characteristics and description. What raspberries to plant in the suburbs, in the Urals or in Siberia


Getting a good raspberry crop is not always as easy as it seems. The shrub needs special care, and the growing region plays an important role.

Today there are many varieties of raspberries on the market, so it is difficult for a beginner gardener to make the right choice. We offer a selection of popular varieties with good yield and taste.

The best disease resistant sweet raspberries

Common raspberries are considered the sweetest among all varieties. The shrub easily adapts to any conditions of maintenance, reproduces well. However, ordinary raspberries can not boast of rich harvests, and her berry is small. It is valued solely for its taste.

Among gardeners, popular varieties are:

• "Sun";

• "Sverdlovsk amateur".

Proven over the years variety "Sun" refers to early ripe varieties. Bushes are tall, sprawling, deflected shoots, almost without thorns. Young shoots are formed weakly. Berries of the correct form, dark purple color, well withstand transportation. The raspberry pulp is sweet, aromatic. With proper care, the yield is more than one kg per bush. The variety is recommended for cultivation in regions with snowy winters. Suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

raspberries "The Sun" - photo

Raspberry "Sverdlovsk amateur" appreciated for the rapid ripening of berries. The variety tolerates frosts, bad weather and is rarely affected by pests. The yield from the bush is up to 2 kg of berries. Raspberry fruits are fragrant, elongated, saturated in color. Rip together, but do not tolerate transportation. The variety is suitable for growing in the Urals.

The best varieties of large-fruited and productive raspberries

Large-fruited varieties produce unprecedented raspberry crops, but they are demanding to care for. The shrub does not tolerate drought, without preventative treatments it is affected by insects, it requires special preparation for winter. But gardeners are not afraid, they boldly grow the best varieties:

• "Hercules";

• "Meteor";

• "Monomakh hat".

Raspberry "Hercules" treats repair grades. The bushes are erect, do not require additional supports, shoot formation is weak. The plant tolerates thickened plantings well. The variety is drought-resistant, frost-resistant, with high productivity. With proper care, up to 4 kg of berries are collected from the bush. The fruits are large, up to 15 grams each, dense, well transported. The taste of raspberries is excellent. In regions with cold and rainy summers, the taste of berries is sour. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Moscow Region, the middle lane and the Urals.

Grade "Meteor" domestic breeding is resistant to various diseases and pests, is one of the highest yielding. During the season, up to 3 kg of berries are collected from the bush. A variety of early ripening, the crop ripens together, is well stored and transported. Berries of good taste, fragrant, suitable for all types of processing. The bush is famous for its frost resistance and hardiness, it is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions of the country.

sort "Meteor" - photo

Raspberry "Monomakh Hat" refers to repair large-fruited varieties. Bushes practically do not give growth, therefore, they easily tolerate thickened plantings. The berries are red, dense, easy to transport, sweet and sour to taste. Productivity is high, up to one bucket from the bush. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions and the middle lane. In the northern latitudes, shoots cannot tolerate winter. The disadvantages of the variety include poor drought tolerance.

A selection of the best repairing varieties of raspberries for the Urals and Siberia

Repairing varieties bear fruit in the year of planting. They are distinguished by the duration of fruiting, the ability to collect two crops per season. For regions with a cold climate, it is better to choose varieties that are not afraid of sudden cold snap and tolerate winter weather well. Among gardeners, varieties are popular:

• "Bryansk Divo";

• "Diamond".

Variety "Bryansk divo" used for commercial breeding. The berries are dense, well tolerate transportation, large. Shrub of medium size, erect. Productivity is high, berries occupy 2/3 of the shoot.

Raspberry Diamond long stored on the bushes, not showered, well transported. Summer residents appreciate the variety for its unpretentiousness, high yield and large berries with excellent taste. The variety is grown on an industrial scale.

Popular varieties of early and late raspberries for Moscow region: the best varieties with photos and descriptions

In the suburbs it is better to grow unpretentious varieties that easily tolerate frosts, give a stable crop. Among gardeners, the following varieties are in demand:

• "Moscow Giant";

• "Indian summer".

Early grade "Moscow Giant" allows you to feast on berries in early June. The shrub is characterized by high frost resistance, productivity. Shoots erect, up to 2 m in height, without spikes. The berries are large, fragrant, dense, do not crumble from branches, are easily transported.

Raspberry "Indian Summer" - photo

Variety "Indian summer" treats late varieties. Berries ripen in autumn, fruiting is extended. The fruits are dark, tasty, sweet. Productivity of more than one kg per bush.

Frost-resistant raspberries that take root better in the middle lane

For the middle zone, varieties are selected that tolerate drought and sultry summer, do not die in severe winter. These varieties include:

• "Kuzmin News";

• "Fairy tale";

• "Tarusa".

Variety "Kuzmina News" domestic selection pleases with large juicy fruits. Shrub of medium height, gives little basal shoots, which simplifies maintenance. The berries are fragrant, red, sweet and sour in taste, do not crumble from a branch, but are not suitable for transportation. Productivity is up to 2 kg from a bush, fruits are suitable for all types of processing. The shrub tolerates frost well, but is affected by diseases and pests. With prolonged drought, the berries become smaller, become acidic. They grow raspberries on any soil, the variety is considered unpretentious.

Raspberry "Tale" - photo

Raspberry "Tale" maintains its presentation for a long time, easily transfers transportation. The variety is grown for commercial purposes. Harvest is suitable for fresh consumption, freezing and any processing. Shrub with an average ripening period, gives up to 5 kg per season. The berries are dense, juicy, saturated red. The variety withstands freezing up to - 30 ° C, does not require special care.

Variety "Tarusa" summer ripening is grown mainly on pylons, as gusts of strong wind can break the shoots. The berries of this variety are beautiful, aligned, fragrant and juicy, but taste inferior to other varieties. Harvest is more suitable for processing. During the season, it is possible to collect up to 4-5 kg ​​of berries from the bush. Fruiting is prolonged, in the southern regions it continues until frost. The variety withstands freezing up to -30 ° C, is highly resistant to diseases and pests.


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