How can you feed small puppies, can they eat raw meat. Feeding puppies up to a year: is it possible to give them milk, vegetables and cheese


The key to the healthy development of puppies is proper nutrition and physical fitness. External data, the health of internal organs, the correct development of the skeleton and shiny coat - all this depends on the quality of the feed.

How to feed little puppies

With the appearance of a tiny four, each owner must know how to feed the pet. This is the frequency of meals, and what you can eat the baby at a certain age in life. How should the puppy eat during illness or after vaccination.

From the first days of life, babies should eat very often. For the first three days, they are fed every three hours round the clock. The older the baby is, the frequency of meals is reduced. And by one year, a young dog should eat at least 2 times a day.

From an early age it is necessary to accustom dogs to a diet, a certain time for walks and games. This not only educates the dog, but also contributes to a healthy physical and mental development.

Food needs to be normalized, because overeating is as bad for the gastrointestinal tract as malnutrition. If the ventricle is constantly full, there is a high probability of diarrhea, gastritis, pancreatitis and obesity.

Vitamins and Minerals

As soon as the little dog begins to feed on lures, it is time to start giving vitamins and minerals. From the first day after weaning from breast milk, fish oil is added to the food. The first receptions should begin with three drops, gradually add a dose, so that by one year the dog consumed 2 tablespoons of the drug.

If for some reason the puppy has diarrhea, you need to stop taking fat until the stool normalizes, then resume again.

When a dog eats purchased, high-quality feeds, they contain all the necessary nutrients. And if a pet needs to cook food, then it is added a little. Bone meal is also added to food.

Each puppy needs a complex of minerals that must be constantly consumed:

1. Calcium gluconate - you need to start taking from 3 tablets and up to 10 (the norm should not be exceeded).

2. To improve the digestive tract, give the activated carbon to the pets, if black - 10 tablets in one dose. In general, it is supposed to calculate the number of tablets depending on the body weight of the animal. For 10 kg of weight, according to the instructions, 1 tablet goes. White coal has slightly different dosages.

3. Brewer's yeast - they can be purchased at any medical or veterinary pharmacy. The norms for taking the tablets are indicated on the package and take them also depending on the weight of the animal.

4. Bone flour - it needs to be added to food to the dog’s growing body.

5. Fitin or calcium-magnesium salt of phytic acid. It is given so that the animal has a strong nervous system, and there is no depletion of the body.

6. Calcium glycerophosphate - taken for the prevention of rickets and the overall strengthening of the growing body.

7. Normal school chalk for drawing (not colored) - veterinarians recommend giving to strengthen bones and teeth.

Is it possible to give a puppy cheese

Cottage cheese is a very useful and necessary product for puppies. Especially the canine organism needs it during a tooth change, as it is rich in calcium. In adulthood, the cottage cheese will support the musculoskeletal system of the animal.

Cottage cheese contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, prevents the development of constipation.

So that the puppy does not have diarrhea, the curd product must be of a non-greasy variety. It can fully replace one meal.

Cheese is a very healthy product, it contains vitamins PP, A, B and C, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper. Cheese does not contain lactose, it is that component that over the years is not digested by the body of an adult dog.

Veterinarians disagree on whether to give the dog a cheese. Some allow its use in very small doses, as a treat.

Dog handlers during training of puppies give small pieces of cheese as an incentive for good behavior and correct execution of commands.

The use of such a product even in small quantities is 100 g. per day, the work of the pancreas and liver of young organisms of puppies will have a bad effect.

There are three types of cheeses (Dutch, Adyghe and Tilsit) that can be given during training. Before the walk, take a few small pieces. It should be given only by hand.

The following cheeses are forbidden to dogs:

· Fused - its consistency is such that the ventricle will be difficult to digest. It will stick to the walls of the stomach and intestines, and besides, there are many spices in its composition.

· Brine or feta cheese - it contains too much salt.

· Delicious is a fatty type of cheese. In addition to diarrhea and indigestion, he will not give anything to the dog.

· Smoked - all smoked products are forbidden to animals, especially since it was smoked not by smoke, but by chemical concentrate (liquid smoke).

· Cheese with mold - contains toxins harmful to the gastrointestinal tract for both young puppies and adults.

Is milk for puppies

This product, of course, is necessary and useful, but if you give it, then in small quantities. The main valuable element of milk is calcium, it is also present in other products that are more useful for the dog's body.

Dogs are given milk until the end of the tooth change period, then they are replaced with another meal. For females, milk must be given continuously, especially to those dogs that are kept for breeding offspring.

Milk does not pose any danger to the life of a pet only if the animal does not have allergies. Drinking plenty of milk can lead to diarrhea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The safest milk is goat. It contains the smallest amount of lactose. Cow is less fat, but its lactose content is increased.

Is it possible for puppies raw meat

Another debatable question is whether puppies can be given raw meat. Helminth larvae may be found in raw meat. Some breeders recommend pouring boiling water over the meat to kill them. But this is not a way out. Larva, burrowing deep in the fibers of meat, will not even feel a stream of water.

An effective way to kill parasites is to freeze the meat product in the freezer and keep it at a low temperature for 3-4 days. The larvae of a worm egg consists practically of a liquid and, by freezing all layers of the product, it will necessarily break.

You can’t eat raw meat to some artificially bred decorative dog breeds. Also, puppies with a disease of the stomach (gastritis and ulcers) are not recommended.

It is possible to give boiled meat to animals, but during heat treatment, a large amount of useful nutrients is lost in it. Therefore, in addition to a boiled piece of meat, the puppy will need vitamins.

Fried and smoked meat is strictly contraindicated for puppies. In adulthood, you can allow a young dog to give a piece of baked as a treat, but not as a main course.

Is it possible to give puppies vegetables

Vegetables and fruits, very useful and necessary products in the diet of a doggie. Carrots and tomatoes contribute to a beautiful coat color.

Starting from two months of age, you can offer the puppy a grated raw carrot as a food. But, so that it is better absorbed, add a non-greasy sour cream or a teaspoon of vegetable oil to it.

To improve digestion, prevent the formation of tartar and remove plaque, the kids are given finely chopped tomatoes.

Antiparasitic natural remedy (anthelmintic) is garlic and pumpkin seeds. Grind one small clove of garlic and add the little dog to the porridge. In the winter, it will serve as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Seeds are also crushed and added to food. They, like a brush, will clean the intestinal wall of helminths and their larvae.

Give puppies and raw potatoes, grated, it normalizes the microflora of the stomach. Boiled pumpkin and zucchini, turnip cabbage and rutabaga will be a good addition to a meat dinner.

In the spring, for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, babies add chopped nettle and dandelion greens to food.

It is contraindicated to give dogs of any age citrus fruits (oranges and tangerines), they can cause an allergic reaction, which in some cases even leads to the death of the animal. Grapes are also forbidden, from it there is often bloating and diarrhea.


Watch the video: Toxic and Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat (July 2024).