A selection of the best varieties of cucumbers for unheated greenhouses made of polycarbonate and film, planting recommendations. Which of the varieties of greenhouse cucumbers are the most unpretentious?


Cucumbers are a rather heat-loving culture, therefore, in a changing climate, growing them in open beds does not always give good results. To prolong the cucumber season will help unheated greenhouses made of polycarbonate and film. With the right approach, the crop is harvested from early spring to late autumn.

But what varieties of cucumbers bear fruit better in greenhouse conditions? We offer to get acquainted with the most popular of them.

What varieties of cucumbers are best to choose for greenhouses

Today on the market there are many varieties of cucumbers, which it is difficult to choose not only for a beginner to choose for planting. When choosing seeds for a greenhouse, you should pay attention to a number of factors:

• type of pollination;

• purpose of the variety and its productivity;

• resistance to diseases and pests;

• cold resistance and shade tolerance.

Based on these characteristics, they select a specific variety for polycarbonate greenhouses or film shelter, which is the most zoned for your region.

In greenhouses cultivate self-pollinated and parthenocarpic hybrid varieties that allow you to collect a good crop of greenhouses, despite the weather conditions and the presence of insects. On self-pollinated bushes, male and female flowers are present, which allows them to be pollinated without insects. Parthenocarpic varieties form mainly female flowers and do not require pollination; their fruits do not contain seeds.

In addition, when choosing a variety, decide what you will use the crop for. Not all greenhouse cucumbers are suitable for conservation. There are varieties of salad purposes, pickling and universal. Experienced gardeners prefer to grow the latter.

It is important to consider disease resistance and cold resistance of the culture. There are varieties that most easily tolerate shade and do not get sick during early spring or late fall planting, when the temperature in the greenhouse is not high enough. In the spring-autumn period, it is recommended to grow the most cold-resistant varieties of cucumbers.

The best varieties of cucumbers for polycarbonate and film greenhouses are undemanding to lighting

You can plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate or film greenhouse much earlier than in an open garden. Harvest begins to harvest at the end of spring, fruiting continues until November. You can plant seeds immediately in the ground or pre-harvest seedlings. Among gardeners, domestic varieties and Dutch hybrids of cucumbers are popular:

• "Emelya";

• "Angelina;

• "Marina Grove"

• "Alekseich".

They are characterized by long fruiting, undemanding to growing conditions and give stable yields.

Domestic variety "Emelya" refers to parthenocarpic cucumbers. This is a hardy plant, withstands temperature extremes and cold snap. The bush is indeterminate, a type of flowering bunch. The variety is highly resistant to cucumber mosaic and rot. Two plants are planted per 1 sq. Km. m. Zelentsy of the gherkin type, with white spikes, saturated green with characteristic light stripes at the tip. The flesh is crisp, juicy, without bitterness, the skin is thin. The variety is universal, fruiting in unison, the yield for the season is about 15 kg per meter of planting. The fruiting is long, begins a month and a half after the emergence of seedlings.

Cucumbers "Angelina" early ripening are characterized by medium-sized shrubs that branch well. Zelentsy are formed by bunches of three in each. The height of the bush does not exceed 1 m. The plant does not require pollination, has good immunity and excellent productivity. During the season, it is possible to collect up to 25-28 kg of fruits per meter of planting. Productivity does not depend on illumination. Cucumbers are elongated, small, tuberous, with a pleasant aroma and good taste. The variety is suitable for preservation and salads, tolerates transportation well.

Grade "Marina Grove" parthenocarpic, intended for conservation and summer consumption. Valued for the friendly ripening of fruits, resistance to temperature extremes and diseases, transportability. The plant does not lose the ability to bear fruit even at a temperature of 0 ° C. The hybrid is grown on trellises, tall bushes, green leaves are formed in the sinuses of 5 pieces. Gherkin-type cucumbers, delicate green in color, are covered with white spikes and tubercles. The taste is excellent, without bitterness. In greenhouses, plants are planted in three pieces per square. Productivity is stable.

Cucumber "Alekseich" refers to super-early hybrids, suitable for early spring and late fall plantings, does not need pollination. Bushes are medium-sized, resistant to powdery mildew and viral diseases. Productivity up to 15 kg per square. Zelentsy greenery, suitable for conservation, without bitterness. The fruiting is long, the return of the harvest is friendly.

The best yielding varieties of cucumbers for unheated greenhouses with high disease resistance

When choosing the most fruitful varieties for greenhouses, it is worth paying attention to their immunity, because in greenhouse growing conditions the risk of damage to various diseases increases. Gardeners identified several varieties that meet all the requirements:

• "Friendly family";

• "Claudia";

• "Spring";

• "Pinocchio".

Grade "Friendly family" easy to grow, has excellent taste and good germination of seeds. The bushes are medium-sized, do not require pollination, bear fruit until the frosts. Suitable for processing and fresh consumption. Productivity of more than 20 kg per meter of planting. The ovary is formed by bundles of several pieces, on the side lashes the number of cucumbers is greater. Zelentsy aligned, bright green, small in size. The skin is covered with tubercles and white spikes. The pulp is dense, without bitterness, aromatic, does not lose its properties during salting. The variety is resistant to major diseases.

Mid-season cucumbers Claudia develop well and give stable crops, despite the weather conditions. The hybrid is highly resistant to viral and fungal diseases. Zelentsy tasty, crispy, suitable for preservation. The variety is fully self-fertile, in the greenhouse, the yield reaches 20 kg per meter of planting. Cucumbers are fragrant, small, tuberous, without stripes, not prone to overgrowing and yellowing.

Grade "Spring" begins to bear fruit in a month and a half. Suitable for processing and cooking salads. The bushes are medium-sized, do not require pollination, zoned for the central regions. Zelentsy short, tuberous, with characteristic white stripes, excellent taste, dense. Productivity is high, commodity quality is good. The variety is intended for private and industrial cultivation, output of marketable products up to 95%.

Cucumbers Pinocchio early ripening is grown mainly in polycarbonate greenhouses. The variety is cold-resistant, with a female type of flowering and a bunch of ovaries. Zelentsy without bitterness, small, saturated green, suitable for salting. Productivity up to 15 kg per meter. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis.


Watch the video: How To Heat A Greenhouse For FREE (June 2024).