TOP 10 most expensive dogs in the world with photos. Description, qualities of character and features possessed by the most expensive dogs in the world


For many centuries, a dog serves a person and is a friend. Friendship is priceless, but a thoroughbred dog can cost a lot of money. What breeds are considered the most expensive dogs in the world.

1. Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan mastiff is one of the oldest dog breeds, which today is recognized as the most expensive dog in the world. These huge and strong dogs are excellent guards.

In the monasteries of Tibet, they served as watchmen, and in the Himalayas and Asia they helped nomads. By nature, they are calm and restrained, therefore they will not only perfectly guard the territory, but will also become loyal friends.

Tibetan mastiffs are expensive. The most expensive puppy of this breed, aged 11 months and weighing more than 100 kg, was sold for one and a half million dollars to a Chinese coal magnate. The Chinese believe that this breed of dog brings health and safety to its owner.

2. Lyon Bichon

Lyon Bichon or the small lion dog is the closest relative of the lapdogs. These miniature animals got this name due to their “under the lion” haircut.

The cost of one levhen can reach eight thousand dollars. Lyon Bichon is included in the Guinness Book of Records as a rare breed of dog on the planet.

Outwardly, these playful dogs look defenseless and extremely decorative. In fact, they are hardy, smart, brave, fearless.

Lion dogs love to actively move, jump and play, so they will be the perfect choice for families with children.

3 Pharaoh Hound

This breed is one of the oldest and most expensive dogs in the world. Such dogs are depicted on extant statuettes and Egyptian sarcophagi. Their stories are about five thousand years old.

However, DNA analysis indicates that the Pharaoh Hound is in no way associated with Ancient Egypt. The cost of this rare and graceful breed can reach seven thousand euros.

Such dogs are smart, playful, active, friendly, but distrustful of outsiders. They have a highly developed hunting instinct, so it is important to remember this if there are small animals nearby.

As a watchman, it is better not to use this breed, as they rarely show aggression to people.


The Affenpincher breed appeared in Germany. There is a slight resemblance to a monkey in appearance, hence the name (“affe” translates as “monkey”).

These are excellent fighters with rodents in the kitchen, in the barn or stable. For this breed and was bred.

The cost of one of the most expensive dogs in the world varies from a thousand to four thousand dollars.

Affenpinchers are excellent watchmen, and in any danger they will let you know loudly. Dogs are smart, active, brave, agile, curious. If you need to provide protection from pests, affenpinscher is an excellent choice and assistant.

5.Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgeback is a national hunting breed of Thailand. Although the breed is ancient, it was officially recognized not so long ago. And thanks to isolation and poor transport interchange in Thailand, the dog has kept its breed clean.

This dog, expensive today, was once popular among the poor.

Thanks to its excellent hunting qualities, speed and an extraordinary mind, the dog caught small animals (mainly rabbits), which helped to feed itself and the owner's family.

She also protected the home from snakes and rats. Thai Ridgeback is distinguished by its cleanliness, observation, good memory, activity, strength and intuition.

6.Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranets is one of the decorative small breeds bred in Germany.

During the reign of Queen Victoria in 1870, who was very fond of this breed, Spitz were brought to England from Pomerania. This miniature and cute dog has a playful disposition, good hearing and a perky character.

Pomeranians are loyal to the owner and in every possible way try to please him, they are well trained. But without constant training, the dog can become harmful, naughty and aggressive. The puppy's price varies up to several thousand dollars.

If your pet is regularly combed, the Spitz will practically not shed and leave hair everywhere.

7. Akita Inu

This beautiful Japanese oldest breed appeared in Akita province and belongs to the group of Spitz. For a long time, Akita Inu was taken to hunt a large beast. The Japanese call this hunting dog “Treasure of Japan”.

The individuals of this breed are characterized by such qualities: restraint, nobility, intelligence, masculinity, devotion. Everyone knows the story of Hachiko, who glorified this breed. The dog so loyally and wholeheartedly loved his master that for nine years after his death he came to the station to meet him.

You can buy a puppy for several thousand dollars. But it's worth it, because you can get in the person of Akita Inu a good watchman and a great friend.

Although she is considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world.

8. Chongqing

This breed of dog is not only ancient, but also rare. The historical homeland is China, but there are not many of them here.

Chongqing Chinese dogs are very friendly, calm, courageous, loyal and fearless. This rare breed used to be loved by emperors.

Developed instincts helped to quickly find a victim on the hunt. It is better not to keep such a dog in the apartment, it is also not recommended to chain it.

Since this breed is distinguished by self-love, independence and loves to control its territory. To get a Chinese bulldog will have to spend a lot of money.

The price is 3500 dollars.

Since the breed is not very common.

9 Persian Greyhound

Saluki (Persian Greyhound) is considered one of the oldest dog breeds. This elegant and graceful hound is at the same time strong, playful and hardy.

The Bedouin Arabs took pets with them on a hunt, and also believed that noble saluki are a gift from Allah.

Dogs are silent, balanced and independent. Thanks to their subtle hearing they can be a great watchman.

They are hardy and able to drive prey for a couple of hours.

The price of a gazelle dog can reach $ 2,500.

This universal breed can adapt to any conditions. However, they are sharp because of the wayward character, not everyone will do.

Therefore, for a family with young children, it is better to opt for another breed.

10. Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terrier is a hunting breed that was bred in England. Despite its small size, this dog is characterized by endurance and courage.

Norfolk used to be used for hunting, but often guarded the household economy from rats and other similar animals.

For a puppy of this breed will have to pay a considerable amount in the range of 1000-2500 dollars.

These cheerful and strong dogs are balanced, alert and not grumpy.

They love children, so they will become not only the best watchman and companion, but also a friendly friend. Norfolk barks not often, solely in the case, if he finds something wrong or when he is bored.

Not everyone can afford the most expensive dog in the world. Yes, and the rating can be continued. Moreover, the cost varies from different factors. Therefore, any dog ​​who will be given a house and love will be reciprocated and will become a true friend of the family.
