The benefits of glycerin for the face are the secrets of home care products. What harm can glycerin do for the face?


Glycerin, with its ability to moisturize and thoroughly care for the skin, as well as with a minimum of possible side effects, is a very popular ingredient in cosmetics. You can not only buy them in the store, but also cook them according to home recipes.

What are the benefits of glycerin for the face?

The simplest substance from triatomic alcohols called glycerin, is one of the most effective and popular face-care products for modern home cosmetology, when the goals are to moisturize, tone, gently cleanse and improve the metabolism of the epidermis.

The main positive property of glycerin is to moisturize. Removing water from the air, he delivers it directly to the cells of the epidermis, simultaneously strengthening them and normalizing water exchange in it.

Sufficient moisture saturation helps the skin to shine with youthful beauty longer and smoothes fine wrinkles, increases the elasticity and smoothness of the epidermis.

Acting on the skin at the cellular level, glycerin indirectly contributes to the improvement and acceleration of metabolic processes in it and better absorption of the components of other care products.

Also, it is possible to note an improvement in the protection of the skin from the adverse effects of bacteria and contaminants coming from the external environment and again because moisture saturation increases the integrity of the epidermis.

How to apply home-made cosmetics to get facial benefits from glycerin

When choosing masks with glycerin, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

· Before applying the mask, you need to wash well, the skin should be clean, but - it is highly recommended not to deeply clean the face or steam the skin the day before;

· It is also useful to make a light facial massage, stimulating blood circulation;

· Keep the mask for 10-20 minutes (depending on individual sensitivity);

· It’s convenient to remove the remains of the mask with paper towels, and after that you should thoroughly wash yourself with plain water, not cold and not hot, preferably at room temperature;

· The best time for the mask is morning or lunch, if postponed until late in the evening - there is a risk in the morning to find that the face is so saturated with moisture that it is “decorated” with bags under the eyes and swelling.

Like masks, glycerin lotions are supposed to be applied to clean skin.

There is no point in rubbing them intensively - quite once or twice, run along the massage lines with a cotton pad moistened in lotion.

The duration of the average course of using any means with glycerin is 8-12 procedures, taking into account their use 1-2 times a week.

The benefits of glycerin for the face can be more effective if you drink plenty of clean (not carbonated!) Water every day.

What home remedies for the face can be prepared to evaluate the benefits of glycerin for the face

Almond mask

To prepare a mask with the effects of scrub and blackhead remedies, grind 4 tablespoons of almonds and, combining the mass with 1.5-2 tablespoons of glycerin, rub the product on the problem T-zone of the face. Allow the mask to dry, after which - remove it with napkins and finish with washing.

Mask with clay

A mask of cosmetic clay of any color will help restore the health and well-being of problem and oily skin. To do this, dilute 4 tablespoons of its powder with 1 tablespoon of warm water (or a decoction of thyme or sage) and mix everything with 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Evenly distribute the mask on the face (avoiding the area around the eyes), leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water.

Algae mask

One of the most useful, anti-aging and refreshing masks is obtained from kelp (it is especially recommended after 35 years). Prepare mashed potatoes from 1 tablespoon of dry kelp powder and warm water, wait until the algae swells and add 1 raw egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Spread the mask over your face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Protein mask with honey

Masks with egg white are suitable not only for oily skin, but also in combination with glycerin for all its types have a slight tightening effect. Beat raw protein lightly and add 1 teaspoon of heated liquid honey and glycerin.

Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, wash with cool water.

Potato mask

Nutrition for mature skin will be presented with a mixture of 1 medium-sized boiled potato (boiled and peeled), mashed in mashed potatoes and mixed with milk and olive oil (1 tablespoon each), 1 raw egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Having prepared the mask, apply it on your face for 20 minutes, then wash yourself.

Oatmeal mask

A nourishing and soothing mask that eliminates unaesthetic traces of skin irritation (including peeling), obtained from liquid flower honey, ground oatmeal in flour and glycerin. Combine all the ingredients in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each, and add 2 teaspoons of warm milk to them. Spread the mask over your face, leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash. This tool is universal - suitable for normal, combination and dry skin.

Tea Lotion with Grapes

To get a tonic and skin cleanser (including toxic particles from the urban atmosphere), lotion combine 5 parts of green tea with 4 parts of grape seed oil and 1 part of glycerin.

Citrus lotion

A refreshing lotion that also enhances and brightens sensitive skin’s immunity can be made from almost any citrus fruit — lemon, orange or lime. Having taken half the fruit, grind it in a blender - the pulp along with the skin (but remove the bones!), Pour 250 ml of water and let it brew for a day or two. Then, strain and dilute 1 tablespoon of glycerin in aromatic water. Similar to a lotion of rose water, this product is not harmful to wipe the skin and twice or thrice a day.

Herbal lotion

Medicinal herbs - an ancient ingredient in beauty recipes, healing and rejuvenating the skin of any type. Take the herbs of peppermint or chamomile and prepare a fairly strong broth for half a glass of boiling water. Cool to a warm, pleasant temperature and mix with 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Pink lotion

In order for the skin to become smooth and velvety, you can prepare a lotion of 150 ml of rose water and 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin. If outside the window is a hot summer, you can use it not only in the morning, but also a couple of times during the day as needed.

Can glycerin cause harm to the face

The previously noted remarkable ability to moisturize glycerol can turn out to be a manifestation of harm to glycerol for the face if you use it in a room with dry air (below 45-60%). The fact is that it is not possible to extract moisture from the air, glycerin in anything - a mask, tonic, will draw it from the deep layers of the skin, thereby draining it.

Naturally, moisturizing the upper layers of the skin will be completely unimportant.

Today, indoor air is extremely dry. Therefore, firstly, it is better to have a device for measuring the level of humidity in the home, and secondly, you can increase it by spraying water from the spray bottle, putting a wet towel on the batteries, it will also be wet in the bathroom after taking a shower.

Any products with glycerin, even those in which its content is minimal, are not recommended for women who want to buy and / or preserve a beautiful tan, it does not matter if it is natural or purchased in a solarium.

The fact is that there can be harm from glycerin for a person with a tan, since the product has the property of "washing out" melanin from the skin.

Those who are new to using this product so that there is no harm from glycerin for the face should start with its minimum dose (to find out their individual reaction to it) in the funds, changing the proportions in the recipes on the go. Conclusions about the effectiveness of drugs and the absence of an allergy to glycerin can be made even if it contains only 5-10% in the same mask (this is its average content in store cosmetics).

The use of glycerin products can worsen oily or hypersensitive skin, and is also strictly contraindicated if the face has foci of inflammation, severe acne, wounds, and even scratches.


Watch the video: Top Five Uses Of Glycerin. Glycerin Benefits. Home Remedies. DIY Hacks. Foxy Makeup Tutorial (June 2024).