What to cook for dinner quickly from the minced meat: main dishes, pastries. Detailed description: how to quickly cook minced meat dinner


This versatile product always comes to the rescue if cooking time is sorely lacking. There are hundreds of recipes using chopped meat. However, deciding what to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat, you need to remember that an evening meal should not be heavy or too satisfying. Fortunately, even in this case, the choice is quite diverse.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: general rules

What is the best mincemeat - bought at the store or cooked by yourself? For many, it is much easier to buy ground meat in a supermarket. But what is inside such a product is unknown. Except in cases where a piece of meat is passed through a meat grinder in front of the buyer. Alas, such a service is not provided in every store.

If you make minced meat yourself, you know exactly how fresh it is, from what products it is made, in what proportions. So the answer to this question is obvious - homemade stuffing is much better than purchased.

What meat is more suitable for cooking dinner? Since it is not recommended to eat tightly in the evening, it is better to use diet varieties: chicken, veal or turkey. Pork, minced pork and beef, mutton for dinner is not prohibited, but if possible, eliminate the fatty component of the product. Dishes from such stuffing should be cooked in the oven, steamed or stewed.

What type of meat is cooking faster? From chicken, turkey, pork. It takes a little more time to cook veal and beef.

In addition, for dinner you can quickly cook something from minced fish. For example, steam patties or baked pike meatballs, salmon pike perch.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: a recipe for light meatball soup

A simple, tasty, nutritious, easy to prepare first course. Soup can be safely called dietary, because there will be no oil or frying from vegetables in it. For meatballs, you can use any minced meat, but it is better to stay on chicken.


200 g of minced meat;

· 3 potatoes;

· 1 carrot;

1 onion;

· A handful of vermicelli "cobweb";

· 2 l of water (finished chicken broth);

· salt pepper;

· greenery.


1. Water (broth) is poured into the pan. Put on medium heat.

2. Peeled, washed potatoes are cut into cubes. Pour into a pan with boiled water. Cook from the moment of boiling for 7 minutes.

3. Peel the onion, cut it very finely. Mix with minced meat. Salt, pepper to taste.

4. Peel the carrots, cut them into rings or straws.

5. From the minced meat with wet hands form small balls. Dip into the boiling broth on the stove. At the same time, carrots are thrown. Mixed.

6. Once boiled, cover. Fire reduce.

Cook the meatball soup for 15 minutes. A minute before the end of the process add vermicelli and chopped greens.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat in a slow cooker: lazy cabbage rolls

This dish is prepared literally on the go. It takes a maximum of 15 minutes to prepare all the ingredients. The rest can be entrusted to smart kitchen appliances - it will put out the cabbage rolls and give a signal about the end of the process.


400 g of pork and ground beef;

400 g of white cabbage;

· 2 pieces of carrots and onions;

1 egg

· Spices for meat;

· 1 cartoon cup of white round rice;

· 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

· 4 tbsp. l sour cream;

· 1 liter of water;

· Salt.


1. Minced meat is seasoned and seasoned with spices. Mix, set aside.

2. Chop the cabbage thinly or rub on a coarse grater. Slightly salted and doused with hands.

3. Onions are cut into a small cube. Carrots rub on a grater. Rice washed three times and lay on a sieve.

4. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients. Set aside for a while.

5. The slow cooker is turned on in the "Baking" mode. Pour sour cream mixed with tomato paste and water.

6. When the pouring begins to boil, small cutlets are formed from the minced meat and gently lowered into the multicooker bowl. Lightly ted with a spatula.

7. Lazy cabbage rolls stew in the "Baking" 60 minutes. Leave to heat for another half hour.

For dinner, the dish can be served with sour cream or light mayonnaise.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: spaghetti with bolognese sauce

Hearty, tasty, simple ... So you can describe this Italian dish, which is prepared in just 30 minutes


500 g minced meat;

400 g of spaghetti;

· 3 tomatoes;

200 g of tomato paste;

3 cloves of garlic;

· 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

· Salt;

50 g of hard cheese;

· Greenery.


1. Put on a medium heat a frying pan and pour oil. Garlic is peeled, chopped, roasted for 5 minutes.

2. Next, mincemeat is sent to the pan and added. Fry, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes.

3. Tomatoes blanch, peel. The pulp is rubbed on a grater.

4. Tomato puree and tomato paste are sent to the grilled minced meat. Stir, if necessary, add a little salt. The sauce is stewed for 7 minutes.

5. While the bolognese is being prepared, spaghetti is boiled in salted water to an aldente state (5 minutes after boiling).

Spaghetti recline in a colander. Spread, slightly wrapping "in the nest" on plates. Top with hot tomato sauce with minced meat and sprinkled with grated cheese. Decorate with chopped greens.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: meatballs "Hedgehogs"

This popular recipe is a good example of the fact that you can cook completely different dishes from the same ingredients. "Hedgehogs", in fact, are the same meatballs, but not with boiled, but raw rice. A little nuance that changes a lot. Hedgehogs are prepared much faster and easier.


· 600 g of minced meat (pork and beef, chicken);

· 100 g of round-grain rice;

1 onion;

1 egg

100 g flour;

· Pepper, spices, salt to taste;

· vegetable oil.


1. Washed raw rice, finely chopped onions, minced meat, spices, salt are mixed together. And they’re not just kneading, but knocking it out so that the mass turns out to be dense.

2. Put on a medium heat pan. Pour a lot of vegetable oil, so that the "hedgehogs" immersed in it half.

3. Small balls are formed from minced meat (smaller than a ping-pong ball). Roll in flour. Alternately spread vegetable oil in boiling slowly. Brown on all sides.

4. Hedgehogs are removed from the pan with a slotted spoon and transferred to a stewpan. Pour half boiling water.

5. Stew until rice is cooked - about 35 minutes on a very quiet fire since boiling.

For a change, you can stew such meatballs in sour cream or tomato sauce. Serve without any side dish, since the “hedgehogs” are a full-fledged main course. The best complement to it would be a fresh vegetable salad.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: casserole with cauliflower

Light but satisfying meal. The sweetish taste of cauliflower blends perfectly with beef. Inside the dish is juicy, delicate, aromatic. Outside - a delicious crisp.


250 g of ground beef;

Head of cauliflower (up to 1 kg);

· 2 onions;

3 cloves of garlic;

· 4 eggs;

· 0.5 l of milk;

50 g butter;

· 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

½ tsp seasoning for meat;

½ tsp ground black pepper;

· A pinch of paprika and cinnamon (ground;

· Salt;

· 4 tbsp. l breadcrumbs;

· Several stalks of parsley.


1. Forks of cabbage are washed, divided into separate inflorescences. Pour into a pan, pour a little salted water.

2. Add a little milk (50 ml per 1 liter of water) so that after cooking the cabbage remains white. Boil from boiling for 5 minutes over medium heat. Throw back to a colander.

3. Onions are peeled, washed, diced. Fry in vegetable oil until clear.

4. Add minced meat to the onion. Mix well, fry over medium heat, breaking up lumps of meat.

5. Spice, salt, minced garlic are added to half-prepared minced meat. Cover the pan with a lid. Stew meat for 20 minutes.

6. Eggs are whipped in a foam in a deep bowl. Pour warm milk, add salt. Stir the fill.

7. The baking dish with high sides is greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The oven is turned on 200 degrees.

8. Half of the inflorescences of boiled cauliflower spread evenly in a baking dish. Following is the stuffing. Then the second half of the cabbage.

9. Pour all this beauty with an egg-milk mixture. Lay out small pieces of butter on top. Sprinkle evenly with breadcrumbs. Sent in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

10. After this time, the casserole is removed and the preparedness is checked with a wooden skewer. If liquid remains inside, the dish is returned to the oven for another 10 minutes.

The finished casserole is allowed to cool slightly. Remove from the mold and transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle with chopped herbs on top. Serve, cut into portions.

What to cook for dinner quickly from minced meat: meatloaf with egg

During the Soviet Union, this dish was necessarily included in the menu of almost all dining rooms. Today it is undeservedly forgotten. But in vain. Meatloaf with egg is very tasty both in hot and in cold form. In addition, it is not difficult to cook it.


· 700 g of ground beef or pork and ground beef;

· 5 chicken or 10 quail eggs;

· 2 onions;

2 cloves of garlic;

200 g of crumb of a white loaf;

125 ml of milk;

· 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

· Salt, ground black pepper.


1. Hard boiled eggs, leaving one for minced meat. Cool, remove the shell.

2. Peeled onions and garlic are cut as small as possible. Pour into a bowl with minced meat.

3. The bread crumb is soaked in warm milk. Knead until gruel. Excess liquid is drained.

4. Add salt, pepper, bread, a raw egg to the minced meat with onions. Knead well and knock out the mass.

5. Baking sheet covered with foil. On top, spread the minced meat with an even layer. A row of eggs is laid in the center line.

6. Very carefully, with the help of foil, roll the minced meat with a roll, "sealing" the eggs. The roll should be tight, without voids inside and tears outside.

7. The meatloaf wrapped in foil with the egg is sent to a hot (180 degrees) oven. Bake for 40 minutes under the foil and another 10-15 minutes in expanded form, so that a thin golden crust forms on top.

The finished dish exudes such an aroma that you want to eat it right away. But this is not worth doing. It is necessary to let the meatloaf cool down a bit and only then cut it into portions. Serve with sauces that are more suitable for meat dishes, and fresh vegetables.


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