Why dream candles, church candles, candles floating on the water? Basic Interpretations - Why Do I Have Candles Burning and Extinct


In a dream, you can watch various stories, participate in various adventures. You can be sad in a dream, or rejoice.

But why are there candles? It’s worth sorting out.

What candles dream about - the main interpretation

The appearance of a candle in a dream is interpreted by different dream books in different ways. Some interpret this as an omen of important and positive changes, while in other dream books there is an extremely negative interpretation.

It is important to pay attention to such details of sleep:

• Where did the candles appear in a dream;

• What color is the candle in a dream;

• Whether they are church or ordinary;

• Who else is involved in your dream;

• What feelings and emotions accompany you in a dream.

If candles in a church dream are a good sign. It means that you are protected by higher forces, but it is important to remember all the details of sleep. If in a dream you find a burned out church candle in your house - someone has conceived an evil against you and your beloved people.

If you find a bunch of church candles in the house, it is important to remember what color they were:

• Yellow wax candles - to new achievements, the fulfillment of the plan;

• White wax candles - for cleansing from past sins;

• Red wax candles - you will be lucky in love;

• Green wax candles - your financial situation will improve;

• Black wax candles - it's time to clear your conscience;

• Blue wax candles - it’s time for you to make contacts;

• Purple wax candles - a trip awaits you.

If in a dream you dreamed of paraffin candles, such a dream indicates artificial desires and hopes. To the artificial feelings and insincere intentions of your partner. The dream book advises you to look at it more carefully, perhaps you are missing something important in his behavior.

If something already worried you in his behavior - your excitement was not in vain. The dream book advises you to trust your intuition. If you see that a candle in your dream smokes during combustion - this is a bad sign. A lot of negativity, fears and disappointments have accumulated in your life, it is time for you to cleanse yourself of these negative phenomena.

If you see yourself in a dream, standing in the church in front of the altar - remember your emotions and feelings, perhaps you were overcome by fear. If at church you were scared and uncomfortable - such a dream means that in reality you are holding back emotions, sincere real feelings. This leads to the fact that a latent resentment is accumulating in you. You do not live a full life, hide your emotions. The dream book advises to repent of their sins, and continue to live a full life.

If you experience indescribable joy and pleasure from being in the church, such a dream means that you live a full life and are open to communication with people. You are a sincere and self-satisfied person. You do not need praise for self-esteem. So the dream book interprets a similar dream.

If in a dream you hold a candle in your hands and it constantly goes out, you should take care of your health. Something will blow it up. Perhaps your nervous strain will affect your health. If in a dream you see how the candle goes out, but you manage to light it and everything falls into place - such a dream means that you will overcome the disease. Illness will be given to you to comprehend everything that happens in your life.

If in a dream the candle fire begins to dance, sharply lean from side to side - someone is discussing you strongly. You are evaluated, and your actions do not approve. If you dream that you have two candles in your hands and their flames leaned towards each other - such a dream means that in your relationship with the second half, a period of joy and happiness will come. You will become closer to each other, mutual understanding and mutual assistance will prevail between you.

If the flame of candles deviates from each other - such a dream means that your interests will diverge and it will be very difficult for you to find a common language with your soulmate. If in a dream you see one of the candles go out, your partner will give up the relationship.

The reason for this will be constant resentment and disappointment. Perhaps your partner has repeatedly told you about your shortcomings. But you did not betray this value. The dream book advises to listen to your partner right now. Prevent break.

If you see in an dream an unfamiliar place, which is lit by the light of candles - such a dream promises you quite strange and difficult events in your life. At first you will be inspired by something new and extraordinary, but soon you will feel discouraged and disappointed.

If you see a dream in which a romantic candlelight dinner awaits you - this is not enough for you in reality. It's time to give yourself a holiday. It's time to make a really romantic meeting with your soulmate. You both dream about it.

Why dream candles on Freud’s dream book

If in a dream you light candles - you will receive maximum pleasure from sex with a partner. But do not immediately reassure yourself. You still need to work on yourself so that your partner will be just as great with you in sex.

If you had a dream about a candlelight dinner - you do not have enough openness in a relationship, you do not have enough realization in a relationship. In sex, you are also clamped and closed. The dream book advises you to be free and allow yourself more, otherwise you will regret that you have not tried much in life.

If the candle flame trembles - in your relationship everything is far from being as smooth as you would like. Disappointments and clarification of relations supplanted mutual understanding. You may no longer be bound, but you will remain in a relationship.

The dream book advises either to work further on the relationship, or to stop working on it. It's time to make a decision. Light a candle in a dream in a church - you don’t have to rely on the support of loved ones. They will be busy with their chores and will not be able to help you in solving important problems. You should not despair and be upset because of their refusal. You just have to solve this problem yourself.

Why dream candles on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said why candles are dreamed. Such a dream portends alarming and exciting events. Most likely, you will look for the only right answer to all your questions. You will try to resolve a situation that has not been resolved on your own for a long time.

If you see a lighted candle in your home - your hope of help will be justified. You really get support. But help will not come from the person you are counting on. She will come from a completely different source.

• A candle floating on water - to tears. You will plunge into despondency and frustration;

• A candle standing in the church - to a disease of a loved one;

• An extinct candle in the church - to the death of a loved one;

• Not burning candle in the church - to grief and tears;

• A candle of unusual shape - to unfulfilled dreams and opportunities.

If you see in a dream how someone lights candles - it is worth taking a closer look at all the actions of this person, perhaps there is a hidden meaning in them. If a person performs a hidden ritual in your dream, someone is trying to intervene in the course of your life. Perhaps a negative impact on your life.

If you recognize a person in a dream - try to minimize the waking up of communication with him. It will not bring you anything good. If in the near future after a dream your health is shaken, there has been a negative impact on your energy.

Why do I dream of candles in other dream books

In the Women's Dream Book it is said that if you dream of a burning candle, this is a very good sign. After such a dream, you can restore communication with those friends with whom you have long lost contact.

Also, after such a dream, you will be able to establish important financial contacts and communications. Do not miss any opportunity to make new acquaintances. If in a dream you see several candles that burn very brightly and the flame is even and beautiful, you will have peace and harmony in your family. If you see pictures or even faces in the flame of a candle, it is worth interpreting these symbols separately.

In the Russian dream book the appearance of a candle in a dream is interpreted as a mystical sign. Most likely, you will find pleasant surprises and positive changes in life, if the candle in your dream burns brightly. If the candle smokes - in your life there will be some kind of negative incident. If the candle swells with black wax - this is a faithful symbol of bitter tears. And the reason for them will be weighty. But even if your dream promises a negative future - do not be disappointed in advance. Everything is in your hand, using the hints of dreams - you can make your life much better, as well as the life of loved ones.


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