What is useful dandelion, how to take funds from dandelion. The benefits of dandelion: what is popularly treated with dandelions?


The healing properties of this plant have been known since antiquity, and modern medicine fully agrees with this.

The unique composition of the flower has a beneficial effect on our body, helps in the fight against infections and nervous diseases, improves digestion.

Benefit underfoot

Few people know that dandelion contains many vitamins and nutrients:

• Carotene - helps improve vision and is responsible for the healthy state of the skin and mucous membranes;

• Vitamins C and P - prevent aging, reduce the likelihood of catching an infection and have a beneficial effect on people suffering from nervous diseases;

• Iron, manganese and copper - useful for blood and blood vessels;

• Inulin - relieves the body of harmful substances and helps reduce sugar.

We can say that under our feet is a tool that allows us to improve the health of everyone who wants it. It is only important to use it correctly.

Dandelion recipes to improve liver function

The effect of the use of dandelions for the treatment of the liver and gall bladder has long been seen. The plant can be used both fresh - as salads and various snacks, and in the form of tinctures and teas.

Tea that heals

Preparing a healing tea is simple: for this, take 2 tsp of dried roots and pour 250 g. boiling water, insist for half an hour. You can drink this tea 2-3 times a day, a long reception is recommended - several months. It is desirable to carry out cleansing with tea in spring - a double benefit to the body: cleansing and saturation with useful substances.

Cleansing Elixir

The following recipe will appeal to those who love honey, as you get a drink of a similar consistency. You need to take 250 gr. dandelion flowers and pour them 1 liter of water, then put on low heat and cook for 20 minutes. The broth is infused for 10-14 hours, then filtered, add the juice of one lemon and 1.5 kg of sugar. Stirring the mixture, bring to a boil and cook for 50 minutes. As it cools down, be sure to pour it into a glass dish. Take 2 tsp with tea or juice. Store in a cool place.

Liver Improving Drink

To prepare a drink, it is necessary to clean the roots of dandelion, finely chop and dry, then lightly fry in a dry pan. To brew a drink, the roots must be ground in a coffee grinder. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add cinnamon to it. It helps not only improve liver function, but also regulate the work of the entire digestive tract.

Dandelion for healing

Dandelion has long been used in folk medicine for healing.

For example, in the treatment of anemia used this recipe: take 2 tbsp. l dried dandelion flowers and 3 tbsp. l - flowers of linden and medunica, mix with a spoonful of nettle and wormwood. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. Take half a glass 3-4 p a day.

Those who suffer from high blood pressure The healing properties of this flower will help. On a glass of water you need to take 10 gr. dry chopped dandelion flowers and boil for 10 minutes, insist and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l 4 times a day. Long-term use can not only bring pressure back to normal, but also help with bloating.

Infusion to improve metabolism. The recipe uses the leaves of the plant. They will need only 1 tbsp. spoon and 200 gr. alcohol or vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark place, then strain and take 35 drops several times a day.

Recipe to improve thyroid function (with an excess of hormones): dandelion flowers must be thoroughly washed and dried in the sun, there should be a lot of flowers to fill a 3 liter bottle. Flowers are filled with 1 kg of sugar and left to infuse on the windowsill for 3 weeks, then it is necessary to strain and add 1-2 tsp to drinks.

What treats dandelion?

Periodic intake of folk remedies from dandelion can relieve gastric inflammation, increase immunity and remove excess fluid from the body.

The use of juice - strengthens the body and heals wounds - both inside and out. It is not difficult to prepare it, for this you need to collect the leaves of the plant, sort it out and rinse, then they must be kept in saline for about half an hour. Then rinse again and twist in a meat grinder, squeeze through cheesecloth and dilute with water, in a ratio of 1: 2. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Dandelion Hair Remedies

What is useful dandelion yet? Our grandmothers often used products based on the flowers and roots of this plant to beauty their hair.

Efficiency is noted for the following problems:

• baldness;

• Itching and dandruff;

• Lack of volume;

• Oily hair;

• dullness;

• Slow growth.

In all cases, the benefits of dandelion for the health of the scalp and hair will be enormous. There is no need to buy expensive shampoos, it is better to use the tool that nature gave us.

Recipe 1: To strengthen the roots and activate the hair follicles, you need to take 3-4 tbsp. l finely chopped and dried flowers and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Stand for 1 hour, then strain.

Method of use: Moisten the scalp and wrap with a towel. Soak for one hour and rinse with warm water. This procedure must be done after shampooing.

Recipe 2: To accelerate hair growth, grind the leaves in a meat grinder and carefully grease the hair roots with the resulting slurry, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse. Before the procedure, check if you are allergic to this compound. Use once a week before shampooing.

The effect is even obtained by simply rinsing the hair with a decoction of shredded flowers and roots. It is necessary to use it after each washing and the result can be seen after just a few procedures - the shine will appear, the roots will strengthen and the hair will have a healthier look.

The benefits of different parts of dandelion, tips for use

Find out what treats dandelion by listing the benefits of each part of this healing plant.

Flowers - help with constant constipation, poor digestion of food and other stomach ailments.

Leaves - they are usually used dried, help with bronchitis and improve sputum discharge.

Stalks treat rheumatism, and the roots are used to treat anemia and gall bladder.

The juice used to remove freckles and warts.

In order that the funds from the dandelion are not bitter and even those who absolutely do not like the taste can take it, you must first soak the leaves in salt water for 40-50 minutes, and then rinse under running water. You can just pour boiling water and leave there for a couple of minutes.

Dandelion is suitable for treatment for people of all ages and has practically no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance to substances that contain juice or infusion, especially preparations made from the flowers of this plant are especially allergenic. Also, it is not recommended for people who have a tendency to diarrhea. The rest can use this amazing remedy for the treatment of many diseases and the overall strengthening of the body.


Watch the video: Dandelion Extract Research (July 2024).