Curd diet for a week: the basic rules of losing weight with a natural and healthy product. How to make a menu for a curd diet for a week


Varieties of cottage cheese diet are the most useful and effective methods of losing weight, which are suitable for both sexes and all ages.

Their main ingredient was chosen cottage cheese for a reason, because it contains a huge amount of useful and nutrients that the human body needs.

Features of the curd diet for a week: principles of nutrition and acceptable foods

The main ingredient in many weight loss programs is cottage cheese. The product must be selected non-fat, its composition is rich in vitamins, protein, minerals. The natural product is perfectly absorbed in the body, gives beauty to hair, nails, improves skin condition and strengthens bone tissue. Curd has a beneficial effect on nerve fibers, contributing to their recovery after nervous shocks and breakdowns.

It is also important that the curd diet for a week is not only interested in those people who are overweight, but also with a number of diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, liver pathologies, and cardiovascular ailments.

Cottage cheese diet is, in fact, a mono-diet, which involves mainly cottage cheese nutrition for several days. On the remaining days, the menu can be supplemented with other useful products, and if desired, do so all 7 days.

Cottage cheese is one of the most popular dairy products, which is actively used by people of all ages in dietary nutrition. Its popularity is explained by a composition rich in nutrients, which includes vitamins A, B2, P, E, which have a beneficial effect on immunity and vision, micro and macro elements such as calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium. Vitamin D included in the composition improves metabolic processes in the body and activates the regeneration of skin cells. Mineral substances in the composition contribute to the adjustment of the functioning of the nervous system and strengthen bones.

Some more useful qualities of cottage cheese:

• contributes to better absorption of food, having a direct positive effect on the work of the digestive tract;

• slows down the aging process in the body, prevents the activity and spread of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestine, has a rejuvenating effect on the body and removes toxins from it;

• eliminates excess body fat due to the constituent substance methionine, which contributes to the breakdown of fats;

• a large amount of phosphorus and calcium in the curd with its regular use makes the bones and teeth strong;

• reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, thereby preventing the disease atherosclerosis;

• The product is also an excellent prophylaxis of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, lungs and kidneys.

In addition to the mass of useful qualities, cottage cheese has a low calorie content and high nutritional value, due to which during the diet a feeling of hunger will not constantly haunt a person.

In addition to the main product of the diet, in a strict limited version of the curd diet, you can also use:

• muesli;

• various dried fruits;

• kefir;

• honey;

• varieties of nuts.

In more democratic options it is allowed to use:

• vegetables, herbs, salads (except potatoes);

• citrus and other unsweetened fruits;

• lean meat and eggs;

• Fish and seafood.

Forbidden under any conditions are:

• seasonings and spices, including salt;

• sugar;

• strong tea;

• coffee;

• alcoholic drinks;

• fatty, sweet, spicy food;

• confectionery, side dishes.

Selection of a diet for a curd diet for a week

When organizing the nutrition process, you do not need to spend a lot of effort and money on creating a menu. The curd diet for a week differs from other methods of losing weight with a monotonous breakfast. For a week, every morning you should start with 200 g of cottage cheese, of course, low fat, a cup of unsweetened green tea and 1 citrus of your choice - grapefruit or orange. To diversify such breakfasts, you can connect imagination, turning an ordinary portion of cottage cheese into a fragrant casserole or other dish. It is important that this breakfast is dietary and prepared without the addition of fat or oil.

For other meals, a different diet is selected. As a lunch meal you can use:

1. On Monday and Wednesday, eat a small portion of 100 g cottage cheese and 2 boiled eggs.

2. On Tuesday, add a similar amount of cooked lean meat to such a portion of cottage cheese.

3. On Thursday, add the fillet of baked fish without butter to the usual portion of a fermented milk product (cottage cheese).

4. On Friday, 100 g. Cottage cheese and boiled squid.

5. On Saturday, repeat Monday's meal.

6. On Sunday, add cottage cheese with baked meat.

In the evening meal, you should saturate the body with other food, giving it a break from the fermented milk product.

1. On the first day for dinner, you can cook a vegetable salad, bake a piece of meat and make a decoction of rosehips without sugar.

2. On another day, you can enjoy carrot salad, fish fillet cooked by baking and tea brewed on herbs.

3. On the third day, dinner consists of chicken breast and tomato salad, a rosehip broth.

4. The fourth day is easy, for dinner there is a cabbage salad and green tea.

5. On Friday, a non-standard dinner with vegetable soup and rosehip tea.

6. On the sixth day, prepare a leafy salad, bake a low-fat fish variety, brew green tea.

7. The last meal of the diet is as light as possible - green tea and a salad of greens and cucumber.

The main points of losing weight with a curd diet for a week: proper organization of the nutrition process

Useful recommendations for the effective use of the curd diet throughout the week for weight loss:

1. Use only fresh product for food or for cooking. It is better to buy less, but more often, so that the curd does not have time to lie down. You need to choose the most low-fat cottage cheese, it is better if it is homemade.

2. When participating in a fruit diet, you need to choose seasonal ones that are rich in vitamins. It is they who will benefit the body and saturate it with the missing substances during the seven-day diet.

3. The last meal should be held no later than 6 pm.

4. Be sure to observe the drinking regimen. This means that every day you need to drink 2 liters of purified or filtered water. Green tea is also counted in the total. This habit will be useful not only during the curd diet, but also in ordinary life after its completion.

5. After the end of 7 days, do not sharply return to the use of habitual junk food. The first few days it is useful to eat oatmeal in the morning, and not to make heavy lunch and dinner.

To maintain the achieved results after a diet, you need to get out of it correctly. It is the wrong way to let all the effort and work derailed, and the people themselves are to blame for this. It is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually, but if it was oversaturated with fatty and high-calorie foods, then it should not be at all. First you need to increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet, the same applies to protein foods - eggs, meat. Only within two weeks you need to try to gradually introduce complex carbohydrates into the diet, including whole-grain bread, hard pasta. It is necessary to continue to drink more liquid (water, green tea). But physical activity should be moderate. Their presence is necessary, but in small quantities. It can be long walks, sometimes outdoor activities, morning exercises.

The curd technique of losing weight is very effective, especially lovers of dairy products will appreciate it, who dream of losing weight. From other fast diets, cottage cheese is different in that it does not expose the body to stress during its course and does not harm health, and even vice versa - it nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals.

During the diet, you do not even need to include multivitamin complexes in the diet.

Contraindications curd diet

For 7 days of a diet in which a balanced diet is observed and in addition to cottage cheese there are other protein products, vegetables, fruits, it is quite possible to get rid of 4-6 extra pounds. This technique can be applied to people who have large reserves of excess weight, and those who want to only slightly adjust their silhouette.

But there are cases in practice of weight loss and when the diet is strictly not recommended. Among them:

1. The presence of chronic and serious diseases of the body, for example, kidneys, liver. If there are no such diseases, then prolonged use of the diet leads to their appearance, so you should not get carried away with such nutrition for longer than the proposed time.

2. Diseases of the stomach and intestines - signs of an upset, weakness of nausea may appear. Chronic digestive diseases are another contraindication.

3. During pregnancy and lactation, you can use the diet only after prior consultation with your doctor.

4. Individual intolerance to the product or its components is another reason to abandon this method of losing weight. Cottage cheese is a rather concentrated product. The use of it in large doses over a long period can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.

Curd mono-diet can be a big stress for the body. It is recommended to eat only cottage cheese for no longer than 4-5 days. If the body requires sweets, you can dilute it with a small amount of honey and dried fruits.
