Which facial cleansing is better: mechanical, vacuum, ultrasound or combined? How often can I clean my face?


Clean, pink, radiant health skin - this is the main secret of beauty. At any age, it is important to pay attention to facial cleansing.

This procedure allows you to maintain healthy skin and maintain its youth for a long time. Which facial cleansing is better is the question that excites both young beauties and women of elegant age.

What types of cleaning exist

Choosing care, a woman is in a difficult position. What to give preference to - home or salon procedures? And if you go to the salon, then what kind of cleaning to try and apply?

Deciding which facial cleansing is better is necessary based on the condition of the skin. If there are no special problems, then any option is suitable. If the skin is problematic, there are deep subcutaneous inflammations, profuse purulent rashes, acne, then for your own safety you should consult a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. The specialist knows best what kind of effect can solve the problem and restore cleanliness and health to the skin.

The choice of procedures for deep and effective cleansing of the upper layer of the skin is quite large.

• Mechanical or manual cleaning is the easiest and most popular method. It is carried out both in the salon and at home. The point is to first open the pores by steaming, and then manually remove sebaceous plugs or pus from them. You can do this with your fingers or with a special device - a Uno spoon. Mandatory disinfection.

• Throwing, or brushing. A new procedure for mechanical cleaning, which is carried out with special brush nozzles. Despite the mechanical effect, it is much less traumatic compared to manual cleaning, does not cause pain and does not leave marks on the skin. Effectively cleanses the skin pores from black spots, and the epidermis - from dead skin particles. It is carried out in the cabin or at home, if there is a special device.

Vacuum cleaning based on the creation of the effect of stretching the contents of the pores with a special manipulation. At the same time, a light massage is performed that significantly improves the lymph and blood circulation of the face. It is carried out only in the cabin.

Ultrasonic cleaning - The most popular salon procedure. The ultrasonic manipulator acts completely painlessly, steaming the skin is not required, which means that cleaning is allowed with rosacea. The meaning of the procedure is to destroy sebaceous plugs, cleanse the dermis of dead cells and remove the decay products in a natural way.

Laser cleaning based on the impact of the same beam on the skin of the face. The popular salon procedure is indicated both for solving serious skin problems and for preserving youthful skin.

Combined cleaning combines mechanical effects on certain areas of the face and ultrasonic or laser cleaning.

Each of the procedures has its pros and cons, as well as indications and contraindications. When it comes to beauty and health, details are of the utmost importance. An important point is the regularity of cleansing treatments. How often can you do a facial cleansing, a dermatocosmetologist must determine.

Salon cleaning: pros and cons

Regular visits to the salon after 30 years are a contribution to your youth and beauty. So say beauticians, and they are absolutely right. But even at a young age, the help of an experienced specialist can not do. Especially when it comes to really serious problems: keratosis, acne, subcutaneous inflammation. They are decided individually by a specialist, which determines how often you can clean your face.

Indeed, in the arsenal of a professional cosmetologist there are devices, devices, highly effective cosmetics, without which the success of the procedure will be doubtful. And yet, you need to evaluate all aspects of beauty salon care and be sure to understand how often you can do face cleansing.

Permanent benefits:

• several methods of steaming the face before cleaning, including without exposure to hot steam (gel or paraffin masks, vaporizer, etc.);

• safe removal of ulcers. At home, even with sufficient disinfection, there is a risk of blood poisoning with the contents of the subcutaneous purulent capsule;

• special hardware procedures, which are carried out only in the salon using a laser, ultrasound, vacuum manipulator, are completely safe, and most importantly - painless and atraumatic. In addition to actually deep cleansing the skin, they even out complexion, stimulate the production of collagen fibers, rejuvenate, even out complexion, relieve wrinkles and swelling, tighten the oval of the face and give a lasting long-lasting effect.

It is salon procedures that combine cleansing, rejuvenation, and healing. High-quality salon procedures are superior in effectiveness to home care, providing skin with beauty and health.

But there are also disadvantages to be aware of:

• brushing (scraping) and vacuum - the procedures are effective, but short-lived. You will have to do them regularly to maintain a clean face. Not all girls are willing to pay twice a month for beauty;

• cleaning with ultrasound and a laser will cost even more, although the effect will be noticeable longer. At the same time, ultrasound is not always able to deeply cleanse the pores, you still have to resort to mechanical extrusion;

• the cabin offers not only hardware procedures, but also mechanical cleaning. In some cases, combined cleaning is indicated, since only manual removal of the contents of the pores will be effective. Mechanical cleaning is painful. In addition, you will have to go through a rehabilitation period: wait until the wounds heal.

Do not forget that salon treatments have contraindications. For example, ultrasonic cleaning cannot be done if there is couperosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, inflammation in the sinuses, etc. Laser cleaning will have to be abandoned if a tendency to scarring of the skin is found.

Home Cleaning: Pros and Cons

Deep cleansing of the dermis at home is possible in several forms:

• mechanical cleaning with preliminary steaming;

• use of an individual brush brushing.

Not all girls are ready to entrust a face to a beautician or regularly pay for the procedure. Because of allergies, someone does not wear professional cosmetics, but someone is simply afraid of professional chemistry on his face, considering it too aggressive.

Home-based mechanical cleaning is the most popular, simplest, and obviously affordable pore cleanser. The benefits of home care are obvious:

• it is fast and free;

• do not use aggressive chemicals of professional cosmetics, which means there will be no allergies or harm;

• the steam bath is no worse than a chemical steaming mask. Moreover, steaming can be combined with treatment, hydration and nutrition, if you add the right herbs;

• A properly performed home procedure sometimes cleans better than expensive ultrasound. So which cleaning is better?

Of course, there are pitfalls. First of all, there is a high risk of infection, since it is impossible to create absolutely sterile conditions at home. The steamed pores are enlarged and vulnerable, the infection can penetrate, even if they are completely healthy.

In addition, self-squeezing blackheads is very dangerous. The consequences can be catastrophic, up to the development of furunculosis or blood poisoning. Most often, instead of getting rid of an acne, the girl receives in the morning a scattering of new acne or extensive inflammation, which in some cases has to be treated with medication.

How often can I clean my face?

The answer to this question depends on two factors: the condition of the skin (its type) and the type of procedure. Mechanical cleaning for young skin, oily and prone to acne, is carried out at least twice a month. As soon as the wounds from the procedure heal and the formation of new pustules or sebaceous plugs begins, the cleaning should be repeated.

If the skin is dry or normal, the pores need to be cleaned much less frequently. One procedure of mechanical cleaning in a month and a half is quite enough.

For mature skin, laser or ultrasonic cleaning is preferred. After 30 years, the tendency to fat content disappears. Pores are often clogged not with a greasy secret, but with cosmetics and dust particles. The mechanical action is carried out pointwise, and ultrasound, laser or chemical peeling is ideal for removing a layer of dead skin.

The frequency of vacuum, laser or ultrasonic cleaning procedures is once a month. To keep the skin clean and fresh as long as possible, it is advisable to do scrubbing or peeling weekly.


Watch the video: TESTING A BLACKHEAD VACUUM SUCTION MACHINE! MyPaleSkin (July 2024).