Exercises for men for potency: myths and reality. What exercises are most effective for men and their potency


It is generally accepted that a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction are inherent only to older people. This is a big mistake.

Similar conditions of the body, even for impotence, are also found in young people. The number of people under the age of 35 suffering from some form of impotence has been growing rapidly in recent years.

The solution to this problem is seen in the use of special drugs and, of course, in special gymnastics to increase potency. But what are these exercises and how to perform them correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the causes of decreased potency in men

In all cases, the basis of the mechanism of development of erectile dysfunction is to blame for the decrease in the concentration of male sex hormone - testosterone. Among the immediate causes of its decline:

• Physical exhaustion. The first and most common reason. All body systems are in a state of imbalance, the amount of testosterone is rapidly falling. However, there is a decrease in potency.

• Taking certain medications. Antipsychotics (antipsychotic drugs), sedatives (including valerian), antidepressants “beat” the genital system substantially. Sexual function is fully restored at the end of the course of treatment.

• Improper nutrition. A large number of consumed fatty, salty, smoked foods - this is the reason for the decrease in libido and sexual dysfunction.

• Infectious damage to the body. Directly affects potency, because the body is "busy" with more serious things.

• Injuries to the groin area. In this case, we are talking about true impotence caused by trauma to the testicles or penis.

• Other endocrine causes. The culprits of sexual dysfunction can be tumors of the chiasm-sellar region (pituitary gland). In this case, replacement therapy is indispensable.

• Diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Tumors, intracerebral hematomas lead to a violation of the innervation of the genital organs. It can also be about epilepsy, atherosclerosis. More common in elderly patients.

• Psychological reasons. Self-doubt, negative sexual experience in the past, this is what can become the psychological cause of impotence. The treatment in this case is psychotherapeutic, using cognitive-behavioral therapy.

There are many reasons. In most cases, complexes of special exercises are effective.

Exercise Complexes for Men for Potency

The described exercises are recommended for all men, including people of an older age group. The basis of the mechanism of the positive effects of exercise is the increase in the hormone testosterone, the concentration of which has decreased for certain reasons. Also, the described exercises help improve blood circulation in the genital area.

Complex number 1

1) Get up straight. Both legs close tightly in the soles. Now you need to raise your leg high, bending the knee as much as possible. Raise the limb as high as possible, wanting to reach the knee of the chest. Lower your leg by taking one step. Then do the same with the opposite lower limb. At the "exit" should be an imitation drill line.

2) Get up. Legs at shoulder level. Take a deep breath. Bend your knees slightly for a “fold”, crouching. When squats, there should be a feeling of tension in the buttocks. Then, on the account of the "two" stand in full growth and relax the buttocks. Repeat several times.

3) Now you need to perform the well-known exercise "running in place." The execution technology is different. You need to raise your knees high, wanting to reach your chest (as in exercise number 1).

4) Lie on the floor. It is advisable to lie down not on a cold floor, it is best to lay a rug. Bend your knees, soles are firmly on the ground. Hands extended "at the seams", also pressed to the floor. Previously, under the lower back, it is recommended to put a small pillow or roller from the blanket. Now the account "one" you need to raise the pelvis. Hands and feet remain motionless. Hold the pelvis in this position for 10-12 seconds. The next step is to return to the original lying position. It is important to do the exercise slowly, carefully working out each movement.

5) Lie on the floor. Legs are straightened, arms are along the torso. Now you need to rest your hands and toes on the floor and raise your back with the pelvis as high as possible. This is the so-called exercise "birch".

6) Take an identical position. To perform the described exercise you will need a spherical object. A regular mid-size ball will do. The main difference between the sixth exercise and the fourth is that additional muscle groups are involved. Place a spherical object between the knees and hold it firmly. Now you need to raise the pelvis, while squeezing the ball with maximum force.

7) Take a horizontal position. The legs are bent at the knees, hands are freely located along the body. The essence of the exercise is to tension the muscles of the perineum. To understand how to perform it, you need to remember the feeling when a man suppresses urination. Repeat the exercise should be 25 times.

8) Take a horizontal position. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands are locked and locked behind the head. Now raise your legs, just leave bent. Perform exercise "bike",

9) Sit in a high chair. The body is relaxed, the back is even. Perform exercise number 5 from the same complex. Buttocks should not be involved.

This is the main therapeutic complex that improves the nutrition of the pelvic organs and genitals.

The complex of exercises №2

These exercises require good physical preparation. They are recommended for those whose health allows you to do more intensively.

1) Take a horizontal position. Legs are straightened, arms are freely located along the body. According to the account, “one” raise both legs as high as possible, trying to get them behind the head. Of course, without proper preparation to throw the limbs so far will not work. It is only important to strive for this.

2) Once again, take the supine position, this time on the stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows and place in the armpit area. On account of the "one" raise his neck, torso, wanting to consider what is in front. The next step is to stay in this position for 12 seconds, then relax and return to the original position.

3) Now you need to perform the same exercise, but at a faster pace, without a static component.

4) Get up straight. Legs at shoulder level. On inspiration, you need to bend to your feet and grab your knees from the inside with your hands. After that, draw the stomach in and tighten the buttocks and muscles of the perineum. Hold in position for a few seconds. Then relax and return the body to its original position.

5) Sit on a chair or stool. Grasp the back of a chair or the legs of a stool. Now you need to do 10 circular movements of the pelvis, keeping the back even. Hands should tightly grasp the back or legs. After repeating the exercise, rotating the pelvis in the other direction.

6) Get up straight. According to the account, “one” begins to perform pendulum movements with the pelvis left-right.

These two sets of exercises for men for potency in most cases are enough to restore normal potency.

Exercise Myths for Men for Potency

There are many myths and legends around physiotherapy exercises for men. Let's consider some of them.

Myth 1. With impotence, it is enough to engage in only special physical education. It is not true. Of course, the described exercises help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, as well as increase testosterone levels, but they are not a panacea. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, an integrated approach is needed, including medication.

Myth 2. Exercise for men for potency helps with any form of erectile dysfunction. This is also a fallacy. There is psychological impotence when a person at the level of “instinct” cannot maintain a healthy erection. Only psychotherapy in combination with drugs will help here. Gymnastics is designed to treat physiological impotence. In addition, there is also medical impotence, when the drugs "resist" a normal erection. This condition is treated with drug withdrawal.

Myth 3. Erectile dysfunction will go away if you engage in the described exercises as intensively as possible. And in addition, it would be nice to go to the "rocking chair" and train the muscles to exhaustion. Somewhat exaggerated, but many just argue. However, this is also a myth. Excessive loads lead to the exact opposite effect, reducing the concentration of testosterone in the blood. Without a normal level of this hormone, a good erection can be forgotten.

Myth 4. One day is enough for the exercises to have an effect. Not true. The therapeutic effect is not immediately apparent, but 2-5 days after the start of classes.

Myth 5. It is impossible to get rid of impotence through exercise. No more than a delusion. Exercises for men for potency are designed to help cope with the problem. As already mentioned, this is not the main, but only an adjuvant intended for the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction.

How to perform exercises for men for potency

The key to the effectiveness of exercises is the correct execution. To do this, adhere to simple recommendations.

1) It is important to exercise regularly, every day.

2) The number of approaches during the day is 2-4. Less is ineffective, more is harmful, as the opposite effect will develop.

3) The intensity of the load does not need to be constantly increased. Of course, in the framework of "titration" of physical activity, you need to start with a minimum number of times. In the future, the load increases to an acceptable level for a particular man.

4) Perform the entire exercise should be smooth, without jerking. This will maximize the effect and minimize the risk of damage.

5) You need to carefully monitor your own health. If excessive fatigue and, especially, pain is observed, the number of times performed should be reviewed.

6) Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, informing him of the complexes that the man is going to perform. It is possible that the list of exercises will have to be reviewed. It all depends on the nature of the problem.

7) Once a week, it is recommended to rest from the exercises for men for potency. Thanks to this, the body manages to recover properly.

Special complexes of therapeutic exercises, of course, are effective. It is necessary to carry them out correctly. It is important to keep in mind that they do not always help and that exercise can only be used as an aid.


Watch the video: Naturally Increasing Testosterone (June 2024).