Golden Key Cake - Delicate Creamy Taste! Making a Golden Key cake at home


There are more legends about this cake of legends than there are recipes. They say that it is incredibly difficult to prepare, then, according to rumors, there is no way to get products, or they cost exorbitant money. But in fact, the cake is not so complicated, and the products are quite affordable, in all respects.

Golden Key Cake - General Cooking Principles

• A mandatory component of the cake is boiled condensed milk. It is it that gives the dessert a delicate creamy taste with a characteristic smack of Soviet toffee, for which the dessert was named. There are many varieties of the Golden Key cake made at home, and almost every housewife keeps a secret recipe. Such cakes can be prepared with and without baking.

• Most often, biscuit or honey cakes are baked for dessert, which are then coated with cream. Lazy, a quick version of the Golden Key cake is prepared in minutes and cookies are used in the preparation. Boiled condensed milk can be added not only to the cream, but also to the dough itself.

• Complement the cake with nuts. With small nut crumbs, bake cakes or mix it with cream. If you do not want to bother with the design for a long time, the top of the dessert is also decorated with finely chopped nuts or their halves.

Golden Key Honey Cake with Butter Cream and Nuts


• seven eggs;

• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• two spoons, with a small hill, honey;

• natural dark cocoa (powder, without added sugar) - 3 tbsp. l .;

• two tablespoons of drinking water;

• a spoon of soda;

• flour of very good quality - 2.5 cups;

• table 9% vinegar;

• walnut kernels - a full glass.

In cream:

• a can of caramelized condensed milk;

• a glass of crushed walnuts;

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• a pack of "Peasant" oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pound the eggs slightly and beat until white. Dilute the honey with two tablespoons of hot water and transfer to the eggs. Add soda, whisk.

2. Gradually adding flour mixed with cocoa, prepare a sparse, liquid dough. Pour nuts, mix.

3. Cover the bottom of a small roasting pan measuring 25 × 35 cm with parchment. Pour a third of the dough into it and gently flatten with a spoon.

4. Place the pan on the wire rack in a hot oven (180 degrees) and bake the cake for half an hour. Bake two more such cakes and cool them well by placing them on a wire rack.

5. Lightly softened in warm oil, cut into large pieces, add vanilla sugar and start whipping at low speed with a mixer. When vanilla crystals become invisible in the oily mass, switch the mixer to medium speed and gradually introduce caramelized condensed milk. Beat until completely homogeneous.

6. When forming a cake, not only coat each cake with cream, but also sprinkle with finely chopped nuts. Cream the sides of the cake with cream, and cover the top cake with the rest.

7. Garnish the cake with the remaining chopped nuts and let stand for several hours to soak.

Golden Key Cake with cream and cognac impregnation


• drinking yogurt or kefir - 250 ml;

• 125 ml of refined oil;

• boiled condensed milk - 250 gr.;

• 375 gr. wheat flour;

• a glass of milk;

• two small bags of crystalline vanillin;

• a teaspoon of dried fresh starch;

• natural cocoa powder, without additives - 2 tbsp. l .;

• three teaspoons of ripper;

• half a spoonful of “lemons”.

In cream:

• cream, the highest fat content - a glass;

• a tablespoon of powdered sugar;

• 200 gr. boiled whole condensed milk.

For impregnation:

• two tablespoons of cognac;

• whole ordinary condensed milk - 3 tbsp. l .;

• four tablespoons of water.

For registration:

• 50 gr. walnuts, peeled, nuts;

• a tablespoon of cocoa without sugar;

• 100 ml of natural GOST condensed milk;

• half a packet of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Combine yogurt (kefir), vegetable oil, boiled condensed milk in one bowl and whisk until a homogeneous foamy mass is obtained.

2. Add flour with a cultivator, add vanilla sugar with starch, prepare a thick dough. Add milk and, stirring with a spoon, bring to uniformity, then beat.

3. Divide the finished batter in half, evenly. Leave some white and the other dark, mixed with cocoa.

4. Apply butter to the round inner surface. Sprinkle the oil layer with a semolina, shake out the excess and pour the dough into the container. It is convenient to take two identical forms and bake both biscuits at the same time. But if this cannot be done, bake the light cake first and then the dark cake. Bake at a temperature of exactly 180 degrees for about half an hour, check the readiness with a wooden stick.

5. Pour cold cream into a pre-chilled bowl, add powdered sugar in several small portions and beat. Then, continuing to whisk, spoon in the cold condensed milk. The cream will be ready when the traces of the corolla do not disappear.

6. To soak the cakes, stir the whole condensed milk with cold boiled water and cognac.

7. Cut the cooled biscuits into two parts, lay the cakes on the table and soak them with the cooked soak. Then put three spoons with a slice of cream on each and form a cake, evenly smearing the cream mass during molding. Carefully align the sides with the remaining cream and carefully level it with a silicone spatula.

8. Grind nuts in a coffee grinder or blender. Cover the sides of the cake with the crumbs.

9. Beat butter with condensed milk. Divide the cream mass in half and color one part by adding cocoa. With a white cream, apply a thin rare mesh to the surface of the cake, and make openwork edges at the edges dark.

A simple recipe for Golden Key cake made from biscuit cakes on eggs with butter cream


• six eggs;

• 80 gr. thickened homemade cream or butter;

• wheat flour - 115 gr.;

• a tablespoon of dark cocoa;

• 190 gr. fine sugar.

In cream:

• standard can of whole condensed milk;

• a tablespoon of brandy;

• a bag of crystalline vanillin;

• natural cocoa powder - 1/2 tbsp. l .;

• a pack of high-quality butter.

For impregnation:

• 130 gr. sugar

• brandy spoon;

• 120 ml of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dough for white biscuit. Break three eggs into a bowl, add 90 gr. sugar, dip in the capacity of the water bath and beat, while warming, until it increases in volume. When the lush mass rises, increasing approximately threefold, remove from heat.

2. Gently mixing, gradually enter 40 g. melted butter and flour - 90 gr. Do not whisk, do not interfere in circular motions, but only with movements directed from the bottom up, otherwise splendor will be disturbed.

3. Cover the bottom of the mold with parchment and pour white dough into it, place in the oven and set to bake when heated to 180 degrees. On average, it takes no more than half an hour to cook sponge cake, but it is better to check the readiness after 25 minutes. A known method is to pierce a biscuit with a toothpick. If its surface remains dry, it means that the cake is ready.

4. In the same way, cook a dark biscuit. By adding cocoa to the dough, reduce the amount of flour to 50 grams. Mix cocoa powder with sugar.

5. Place the finished cakes on a wire rack and leave to ripen for eight hours. It can be used immediately, but after complete cooling.

6. Prepare the impregnation. From syrup and water, prepare a syrup, then cool it well, and introduce cognac.

7. Cut the biscuits along, in half, to get four cakes. Lay them on the table, slices up and soak in cognac syrup.

8. Whisk the butter softened in a warm room until smooth. After that, without stopping whipping, add condensed milk to it. The cream will whip better and be more magnificent if milk is introduced gradually, adding a couple of spoons. Add vanilla and brandy at the end.

9. Divide the finished cream mass evenly into two parts and color one with cocoa powder in a dark color. It is advisable to transfer the filler into the cream through a strainer, then it will be easier to mix.

10. On a flat dish, put the bottom cake of dark biscuit and grease it with a light cream. Lay the top dark biscuit on top and coat it again with light cream. Lay out light cakes in the same way. The sides of the cake should be leveled with dark cream.

11. On the upper light cake, apply, squeezing from a confectionery syringe, a thin mesh of white cream mass. Garnish it with dark cream, forcing it through a nozzle of a larger diameter with teeth.

12. Place the prepared cake for soaking in the cold for two hours.

Sour cream cake "Golden Key" with boiled condensed milk


• two glasses of sugar;

• two standard metal cans of boiled condensed milk;

• two tablespoons of soda;

• 470 ml of fat cream;

• one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder, sugar free;

• three glasses of wheat flour;

• four eggs;

• 400 ml of rare 15% sour cream;

• table vinegar;

• simple syrup from sugar and water for impregnation;

• dark chocolate - 100 gram bar.

Cooking method:

1. Intensively beat eggs with added sugar, put sour cream mixed with boiled condensed milk, flour, and beat again. At the end add vinegar slaked with vinegar, mix. Pour half the dough into a separate bowl, mix it with cocoa.

2. Bake two biscuit cakes: dark and light. Before filling the dough form, grate it with butter and powder well with flour. Bake strictly at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

3. Cool the finished cakes, and cut in half. To prevent the bottom from becoming damp, cool the workpieces only on a wire rack.

4. To fluff, whip the cream and, without ceasing to whip, add the condensed milk in a creamy mass onto a spoon.

5. Soak the sliced ​​cakes with sugar syrup and quickly, but carefully collect the cake, well spreading the preparations with butter cream. You can optionally lightly sprinkle the cream layer with grated chocolate.

6. After aligning the sides and applying a thin layer of cream on top of the cake, rub chocolate over it through a fine grater.

The easiest honey cake "Golden Key" with nuts and cognac


• a tablespoon of brandy;

• beet sugar - 1 cup;

• two tablespoons of honey, liquid;

• two full glasses of flour;

• walnuts - 150 gr.;

• five eggs;

• standard dough ripper bag

For cream:

• brandy spoon;

• a can of condensed caramelized milk;

• butter, preferably 82%, butter.


• 100 gr. almond shavings.

Cooking method:

1. Very finely chop a nut with a heavy knife. Do not grind with a coffee grinder or blender, excessively small crumbs thicken the dough. Separate the butter on a plate and leave to soften.

2. Beat eggs with regular and vanilla sugar. Do not grind, namely whisk, as you need an airy white foam. Add nuts and mix gently with a spoon. Pour in liquid honey with cognac and mix gently again.

3. Transfer the flour a couple of times with a cultivator and, carefully mixing, introduce it in parts into the honey mixture.

4. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil and pour a third of the prepared creamy dough. Spread it evenly with a rectangular layer, a little less than a centimeter thick, and set to bake. A quarter of an hour is enough for honey cake with 180 degrees set.

5. Drag the baked workpiece by the parchment onto the table and leave to cool. Bake two more cakes. After baking the last workpiece, bake, without turning off the oven, almond chips to a light golden color, cool.

6. Prepare a cream from softened butter and boiled condensed milk. Pour in the brandy at the end, mix or walk with the mixer a couple of times.

7. When laying cakes in a cake, coat them well with cream and cover it with the remnants of the top and sides of the product. Sprinkle the surface of the dessert with fried chips and leave it warm for an hour and a half for impregnation.

Lazy Golden Key cake made from cookies with nuts and chocolate icing


• creamy natural butter - one pack;

• a bank of GOST state condensed milk;

• 300 gr. peeled walnut kernels;

• any non-friable cookies - 800 gr.

In the glaze:

• refined sugar - 50 g .;

• a glass of low-fat sour cream;

• four tablespoons of dark cocoa powder;

• oil "Farm" - 50 gr.


• halves of a walnut - a handful.

Cooking method:

1. On a medium heat, heat a dry frying pan. Put walnuts and fry, stirring, for three minutes, cool.

2. Prepare small crumbs from cookies: break them with your hands or roll them with a rolling pin, folding them in a bag.

3. Stir the soft butter with a mixer until smooth, and gradually stir in the boiled condensed milk without ceasing to beat. Then add the crumbled cookies and mix, this time, with a spoon.

4. Transfer the butter base to the dish, shape the cake and lay on top the fried walnut kernels.

5. Combine sugar, sour cream and cocoa powder, and put on low heat. Vigorously stirring, bring to a boil, immediately lower the heat and cook until noticeably thickened.

6. Pour the cake with hot glaze, refrigerate and place in the cold for two hours.

Golden Key Cake - cooking tips and tricks

• When preparing dough for dark cakes, mix cocoa with granulated sugar or flour. It will not be collected in lumps.

• When cooking glaze, add cocoa powder to the bulk, sifting through a sieve, or pre-crush its lumps, if any, with a fork.

• For creams, take only high-quality boiled condensed milk. If the product contains vegetable fats and other unnatural supplements, the creamy mass will not beat well.

• Condensed milk can be cooked by yourself. Place a tin can of whole condensed milk in a large pan filled with water almost to the top. On an intense fire, bring the water in the pan until it begins to boil, sharply reduce the heat and continue cooking for two hours. Do not forget to regularly watch the water, it should not boil away, otherwise the jar will “explode”. Add water as needed. First, cool the cooked condensed milk in the water and pan where it was boiled, and then substitute it under a stream of cold water.


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