Study: blood composition associated with depression


People suffering from depression or psychological stress, it turns out, have an increased level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood, which always indicates the presence of an inflammatory disease in the body. It is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen set out to find out how susceptible people with elevated CRP are to depression. It turned out to be two to three times more compared to those with whom he is normal.

After collecting data on more than 73,000 adults participating in demographic studies in Copenhagen, the researchers focused primarily on whether these people took antidepressants and whether they were ever hospitalized for depression.

Among people taking antidepressants, the likelihood of a high level of CRP was almost three times higher than those who did not take these drugs.

In addition, elevated CRP levels doubled the likelihood of hospitalization for depression.

But whether elevated CRP is the cause of mood disorders or only indicates these conditions is not yet clear, the researchers say. It is also the same as whether depression of blood CRP will relieve depression.

But even if a person suffering from some kind of inflammatory disease does not show symptoms of depression, the researchers do not exclude the fact that inflammation will lead to mood disorders.

Not all representatives of the scientific world agree with the conclusions of the authors of the study, but for an ordinary person this is a reminder of how important it is to treat your health carefully and timely stop the development of foci of inflammation in the body.


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