Facial masks at home: the most effective recipes


Modern women are accustomed to an active rhythm of life. But various stresses and overloads are strongly reflected in a state of health, in particular, on a skin. To date, there are many cosmetic procedures that help to improve the skin and improve its condition, but even cosmetologists say that absolutely all women need to do face masks.

Homemade masks involve the use of fresh vitamin-containing products. Sometimes they show themselves much more efficiently than some procedures. The main thing - to choose the right mask in accordance with the type of person.

Which mask to choose?

Since ancient times, women use face masks, as they can solve a lot of problems. Homemade masks are so diverse that you can alternate them every day using absolutely simple and inexpensive ingredients. They are able to get rid of acne, irritation, dryness or oiliness, etc. It is important to understand which mask to choose and how they differ.

Masks are distinguished by their texture:

  • Film masks represent a composition that after application turns into a film. These masks are good for oily and problem skin. They have a cleansing effect, narrow pores, remove “dead” skin particles, as well as degrease and matte the skin of the face. Sold in finished form, but can be easily made at home using gelatin;
  • Cream masks are universal. Suitable for all skin types, quickly absorbed and there is no need to wash them off;
  • Cloth Masks represent a textile basis, depending on the need impregnated with any composition: vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc. Such masks are effective and deliver nutritional composition not only to the surface layers of the epidermis, but also to the deep. In this regard, they are often used to combat age-related changes and problems with dry and damaged skin.

Masks are distinguished by the effect of exposure:

  • Cleansing masks used as a preliminary procedure before any other cosmetic procedure. The bottom line is to cleanse the surface of the dermis from sebum, cornified particles and dirt. Also, these masks help fight acne;
  • Moisturizing masks promote skin regeneration and replenish water balance, which helps to avoid sagging and stops the aging process. These masks are necessary for any type of skin, because they help to avoid age-related changes for longer. These are the most popular masks that are offered in beauty salons and are used at home. Most of them are based on hyaluronic acid, as it collects water molecules around itself at the cellular level and holds them;
  • Nourishing masks deliver to the skin the necessary nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. For such masks, products with a high content of vitamins A, E, C and Group B are usually selected. They give the skin freshness, heal and have a healing effect, eliminating various dermatological problems;
  • Whitening masks used to improve the complexion and eliminate pigmentation. Usually such masks can be combined with moisturizing or nourishing masks. The main ingredient of whitening is lemon juice;
  • Therapeutic masks designed to eliminate various problems with the skin of the face, such as redness, acne, irritation, microcracks, or with side effects after cosmetic procedures. They soothe the skin, relieve dryness, redness and have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. For their preparation mainly medicinal herbs and other products with medicinal effects are used.

In order for the masks to have the desired effect, first, it is necessary to prepare them not in a metal dish, but in a glass or plastic one, to be made in batches and immediately before use. Secondly, you should know your skin type, so that such procedures do not give the opposite negative result.

It is better to do any masks on a steamed face when the pores are enlarged.

There are five skin types:

  • Combination skin shines and has a tendency to the occurrence of problem areas in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin;
  • Dry skin inherent feeling of tightness, dryness, peeling, sometimes itching. Reacts to the influence of external factors;
  • Normal skin smooth, elastic, without any problems. Sometimes a slight shine prevails in the T-zone;
  • Oily (problem) skin glitters strongly due to increased sebum production. The pores are enlarged. The skin is subject to frequent rashes;
  • Sensitive skin reacts both to internal problems in the human body, and to external factors. This can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, such as redness or itching.

If you are in doubt and can not determine your skin type, you can check it in a simple way. To do this, you need to wash your face with soap, after an hour, apply over the entire surface of the face, pressing a paper towel, and then see how much fatty stains remain on it. Oily skin will leave an imprint of 4 zones: the chin, cheeks, forehead and nose. Combined and normal skin will leave 3 spots - this is the area of ​​the T-zone. Dry skin will not leave marks.

How to apply a mask at home?

It is important not only to properly prepare a mask in accordance with the type of skin, but also to apply it correctly. There are simple rules that are recommended to follow in order that the result could please you. Recommendations should be followed:

  • Pre-clean the skin with tonic or other cosmetics;
  • It is advisable to apply a mask if you plan to stay at home for at least a few more hours after the procedure;
  • Apply the mask with light massage movements with a thin layer, unless otherwise specified in the recipe;
  • The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, unless another time is indicated in the recipe;
  • The mask is not applied to the skin around the eyes, as there is a thin and sensitive area. For eyelids, there are separate creams and masks;
  • If there are problems only with the T-zone, then the masks are used different: for the problem zone - one, for the cheeks - the other;
  • The ingredients for the future masks are mixed in any non-metallic containers. The metal promotes oxidation, in which the ingredients lose their desired properties.

Cleansing Peeling Masks

Peeling masks are an excellent tool for deep cleansing of the face. They qualitatively remove the “dead” cells of the skin, cleanse the pores of sebum and normalize the functioning of metabolic processes. In such masks you can combine not only the elements of the peeling, but also add nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Mask-peeling, cooked at home, differs from the purchase of masks, a mild effect. It is suitable even for sensitive and hypersensitive skin.

For peeling mask with honey and coffee for oily skin must be thoroughly mixed 1 tsp ground coffee, 1 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp lemon juice and ½ tsp Sahara. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Such a mask not only cleanses the skin, but also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

For dry skin suitable mask with almond nuts. A handful of almonds are crushed in a coffee grinder and mixed with olive, burdock or almond oil in a 1: 1 ratio. The mask is applied on the face and left for 7-10 minutes, then washed off.

Refreshing peel of orange peel is suitable for oily and normal skin. To make it, you should grate the orange zest on the finest grater and mix with semolina in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting mixture is diluted with warm water to a state of slurry and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal Mask is one of the most popular and successful peeling masks. It effectively fights acne, cleansing the pores of sebaceous plugs. In order to cook it, you need to pour boiling water 1 tbsp. oatmeal and insist 10 minutes. The resulting gruel massaged with a thick layer and hold for 20 minutes.

For acne

One of the most frequent problems that women face is acne. There are masks that allow effectively and in a short time to get rid of this unpleasant problem. The basis of such masks are usually ingredients that can gently dry the skin, tighten pores and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

A very popular mask for acne with clay. To cook it, you need to follow the instructions:

  • Purchase purified clay (it can be found at any pharmacy);
  • Add 1 egg yolk;
  • Pour 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  • Mix all ingredients to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Apply to face for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse with cool water.

Important: you can not leave the mask of clay until completely dry. They should be washed off as soon as the top layer dries. Otherwise, the clay will dry the skin.

Mask of kiwi, in addition to the cleansing effect, improves blood flow to the skin, and also vitamins the skin. For the mask, ½ of the fruit is ground into a grater and mixed with potato starch before forming a paste. Apply for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Acne mask based on dry leaves of kelp perfectly cleans the face and relieves inflammation - all due to the high content of iodine and other macro and micro elements necessary for the skin. The high content of vitamins A, C and B improves the quality of the skin, giving elasticity and elasticity.

To use such a wonderful mask, you need to grind 100 grams of kelp and 2 tbsp. oat flakes to a floury consistency. Powder diluted with mineral water to a thick porridge and apply on face for 20 minutes.

One of the most common and simple masks in the fight against acne - This is a mask of egg white. It perfectly dries the skin and mattes, removing oily shine and cleansing the pores from greasy plugs. To make it, you need to whip 1 egg white until foaming and pour ½ tsp into it. lemon juice or a few drops of lemon oil extract. Keep the mask should be about 15-20 minutes.

From black dots

The problem of acne or “black spots” is not only an aesthetically unpleasant moment for their owners, but also a problem affecting the health of the skin. Acne often causes various inflammatory processes, the causative agents of which are mainly coccal infections. Due to the accumulation of sebum with particles of cornified skin, dust and dirt, pustules, etc. may appear.

For women with similar problems there are wonderful masks that can be made at home, as well as simple general recommendations for skin care of the face to get rid of this ailment. Before applying the cleaning mask, you must:

  • Cleanse your face with tonic or soap;
  • To steam the face so that the pores are enlarged, using a steam bath;
  • Apply light massage movements to a cleansing mask for a specified time;
  • After the mask has been washed off, use a special tool that narrows the pores.

Brings good results mask based on egg white and activated carbon. To use it you need:

  • 5 tablets of charcoal crush into powder;
  • 1 beaten egg white until foaming;
  • Mix coal with ½ mass of egg white;
  • Apply to problem areas for half an hour;
  • Dry film carefully removed;
  • Treat with antibacterial moisturizer.

The owners of dry skin use gelatin mask, as it not only eliminates acne, but also contributes to the nutrition and hydration of the dermis. To this end, gelatin is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3 and infused for about 10 minutes. Then heated in a water bath until dissolved. After the mass has become warm, it is applied on the face with a thin layer or on problem areas and wait for the time necessary for the formation of the film. Then wash off with warm water.

It showed itself well in the fight with black dots “Soda” mask. But, it can not be applied to people with a dry type of face, as it dries the skin. To make a mask, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. soda diluted in warm water to the state of sour cream;
  • Add 1 tsp. toothpaste;
  • Apply the compound to the problem areas for 5 minutes;
  • After the mask has been washed away, push down on the area that was treated and remove the grease plugs that have come out;
  • Treat with a herbal-based antiseptic;
  • Repeat the procedure the next day;
  • Next, apply a mask for a month once a week.

Moisturizing masks

Moisturizing the skin is the most important procedure, since as the moisture in the cells decreases, the skin begins to age, becomes flabby and dull, and wrinkles appear. Age-related skin changes are associated with this process.

The skin contains hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the regeneration and retention of water molecules in skin cells. With age, the body produces less of it, and because of its lack, the dermis is dehydrated. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, to help the body cope with the problem of water balance and maintain a healthy skin, it is important to moisturize it.

To do this, you can use a variety of moisturizers based on hyaluronic acid and cosmetic procedures to moisturize the skin. But you can give preference and masks, which will cost inexpensive and will be no less effective. Below are a few recipes.

Tomato moisturizing mask for oily skin is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tomato dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
  • Remove the peel and blender mash;
  • Add 1 tsp. potato starch;
  • Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

For moisturizing and healing mask for dry chamomile skin The following ingredients are required:

  • 2 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences;
  • 1 tbsp. olive or burdock oil;
  • 1 tsp aloe juice

Chamomile should pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist half an hour. Then drain the water and leave the flowers. Heated warm oil pour into the remaining gruel of flowers and add aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on face for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

About the healing and moisturizing properties of aloe known in ancient Egypt. At bedtime, Egyptian women rubbed aloe juice on their face.

Egg mask with aloe not only moisturizes the dermis, but also relieves inflammation. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. aloe juice with egg white and apply a mask for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week.

Cucumber Mask - This is one of the best ways to moisturize the skin. For its preparation, grate cucumber on a fine grater, pour vitamin A and E into it - they are sold in a pharmacy - and add a little fat curd to the desired consistency.

Banana mask also perfectly moisturizes the skin. To prepare the mask, banana is mashed and mixed with 1 tbsp. sour cream. Apply a thin layer on the face of the resulting mass for 20 minutes. It perfectly helps those with dry skin. For owners of oily skin, ½ tsp is added to this mask. lemon juice or banana substitute apple.

Moisturizing masks are necessary for all women with any type of skin. They are recommended to do daily.

Anti-aging masks

The skin aging process, unfortunately, sooner or later overtakes everyone. But today, cosmetology is highly developed and offers many ways to stop these processes and prolong youth.

Anti-aging masks are used not only for the face, but also for the neck and decollete. They rather effectively struggle with signs of aging and are easy and accessible means for all women.

Rejuvenating, nourishing and moisturizing aloe vera mask does not require any special effort and cost. It is enough for her to mix aloe juice and olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio and add vitamin E, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and then mix in 1 tsp. any nourishing cream. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

Good mask of grapefruit. Fruit acids, as well as other organic elements, are necessary for our skin to maintain elasticity, elasticity and tone. To prepare a fruit mask should be 2 tbsp. flour diluted to a porridge mass of mineral water and mix with the grapefruit pulp. Mask hold 10-15 minutes.

Honey Based Masks are universal. They are suitable for solving almost any dermatological problems and for rejuvenation as well. For such a mask, honey is heated in a water bath and mixed with a small amount of olive oil. In the form of heat applied to the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Clay masks - the most popular masks in the world. To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, you need 2 tbsp. dilute white clay in warm water to a thick cream and add 1 tsp. peach butter. Apply on face, neck and decollete, leave to dry completely, then rinse.

Nourishing masks

Every day, our skin is exposed to external factors: temperature changes, strong wind, etc. Состояние кожи также отражает общее состояние здоровья и образа жизни человека. Сюда можно отнести стрессы, перегрузки и вредные привычки. Чтобы поддерживать кожу в тонусе, необходимо снабжать эпидермис питательными веществами.

Такие маски можно использовать ориентируясь на сезонность. То есть, для весны подойдут маски на основе овощей и фруктов, чтобы снабдить кожу достаточным количеством витаминов. Для зимы рекомендуются маски на масляной основе, чтобы защитить кожный покров от воздействия низких температур.

Зимняя питательная маска на сметане готовится следующим образом: в жирную сметану комнатной температуры добавляют полстоловой ложки льняных семян или ½ ч.л. льняного масла. Наносят на 20 минут и смывают теплой водой.

Отбеливающая питательная маска с фасолью - прекрасное средство в весенний период. Для приготовления следует:

  • Отварить 10 зерен фасоли и пюрировать;
  • Добавить по 1 ч.л. лимонного сока и оливкового или льняного масла;
  • Тщательно размешать и нанести на лицо на 20 минут;
  • Wash off with warm water.

Луковая маска не только питает, но и является хорошим лекарственным средством при различных кожных проблемах. Необходимо 1 луковицу запечь в духовом шкафу и пюрировать. В кашицу добавить 1 ч.л. растопленного на водяной бане меда и 1 ч.л. оливкового масла. Отлично помогает в зимний период даже при очень сухой, шелушащейся коже.

Сок петрушки используется во многих косметических средствах, так как весьма благотворно воздействует на кожу. Для питательной витаминной маски необходимо смешать 1 ч.л. сока петрушки с ½ ч.л. оливкового масла и 1 ч.л. творога. Держать маску нужно 20 минут, затем смыть теплой водой.

Маска на основе отварной моркови весьма эффективно питает кожные покровы. Для её изготовления нужны ингредиенты:

  • 2 tbsp. of milk
  • 2 tbsp. оливкового масла;
  • 1 ч.л. масла авокадо;
  • 2 tbsp. творога;
  • ½ вареной моркови.

Все компоненты смешать в теплом виде и нанести на лицо, шею и декольте. Держать около 15-20 минут. Wash off with warm water. Повторять в зимний период такие процедуры до 2-3 раз в неделю.

Весенняя питательная и успокаивающая маска готовится следующим образом:
половину очищенного огурца натирают на мелкой терке, смешивают с 1 ст.л. жидкого меда и 1 ст.л. масла кунжута. К этой массе добавляют 15 гр ржаного хлеба замоченного в огуречном соке. Все тщательно перемешивают и наносят на лицо и шею. Смывают через 15-20 минут.

Ночные маски

Ночные маски представляют собой активное, глубокое воздействие на кожу лица. Большинство из них не требует смывки, так как рассчитаны на глубокое, длительное воздействие. Также делают концентрированные маски перед сном, которые смывают. Они комплексно ухаживают за кожей лица. Их используют до 2-3 раз в неделю.

Маска на липовом отваре: ⅓ стакана отвара смешивается с 1 ч.л. оливкового масла и 1 ст.л. муки. Туда рекомендуется добавить жидкий витаминный комплекс А, Е, С.

Какао-маска: 1 ст.л какао-порошка заливается теплой водой до получения сметанообразной массы. В него добавляется по 5-6 капель масляных экстрактов абрикоса и миндаля

Морковная маска: смешивают 1 ст.л. творога, 2 ст.л. теплого молока и 1 ст.л. морковного сока. К смеси добавляют 1 ч.л. оливкового масла и тщательно перемешивают. Затем наносят на лицо удобным способом.

“Ароматная” маска: смешать по 4 капли масляных экстрактов мелиссы, лаванды и масла из виноградных косточек. Нанести на лицо и через 7 минут наложить полотенце смоченное в горячей воде на 20 минут. Тем же полотенцем удалить остатки масел.

Отбеливающая маска: смешиваются жирное молоко и медицинский спирт 1:3. Составом протирать лицо несколько раз в течении 7 минут. Смывать не нужно.

Чтобы кожа выглядела здоровой и для сохранения молодости, следует заботиться о коже ежедневно. Маска предполагает интенсивный уход, осуществленному благодаря высококонцентрированному комплексному содержанию полезных веществ. Правильно подобранные косметические средства, включая маски, помогут выглядеть неотразимо в любое время года.


Watch the video: 6 FACIAL MASKS TO SAVE YOUR SKIN (July 2024).