What to do if the boss fell in love with you: practical tips


The office is not far from home, colleagues are wonderful people, there are almost no rummages, and salaries are always given on time. Do you also think that nothing can break this idyll? You are mistaken.

If your boss is a man, he is quite capable of becoming a splinter at your fifth point. Rather, his feelings. After all, when working relationships go to the front of personal relationships, it is so easy to get confused in the intricacies of subordination and responsibilities ...

So. The boss often calls you to his place for no reason, the employees begin to whisper behind your back and squint in your direction unfriendly, and the young secretary, seeing your approach to the manager’s office, does not even try to hide her smile. What to do?

Option 1. Negotiate

Even the most stubborn and persistent boss can be explained that he is dear to you as a wonderful and sensitive mentor, and you are invaluable to the company as a specialist. And who knows how things will turn out if you leave because of his harassment? The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules:

  • do not show aggression (speak quietly, but so that you can be heard well; watch out for diction; in no case go to the person and do not threaten your husband / police / curse, because it can provoke a self-confident man);
  • Do not flaunt the conversation (if there are ten pairs of curious ears around, it will be difficult to solve the problem);
  • not to behave cheekily and arrogantly (in this way you only sow a lush garden of doubts in the chef’s soul and he wonders if you are saying what you really think).

Option 2. Ignore

Just ignore it. The boss has come too close to you and is trying to put his hand on his shoulder - move away, pretending that you need to take something from a nearby table or fix the ikebana on the wall. Invites you to have dinner at a restaurant - tell us that you are on a diet and after six eat only crackers with water. Do not give him promises for the future and present everything in a friendly manner.

Option 3. Quit

This is a completely cardinal step and is worth attention only in two cases: when it is no longer possible to endure, or when there is a vacancy in another organization. But even then it is better to maintain normal relations with the chef, otherwise you can just stay on the beans - without a severance pay and with an ugly entry in the work book.

Option 4. Agree

Well, it happens. Regardless of what motives motivate you (a thirst for material wealth or sincere feelings for this person), there is a risk of losing your job after the "easy relationship" will tire the big boss and he wants to take a break from you. So think carefully before you become a toy in someone’s hands.

However, it is also worth taking a closer look at the situation. Perhaps everything seemed to you, and the boss adheres to a friendly style of behavior also with your colleagues? And real love can happen, from which, as you know, they don’t look for other love. Be careful!

Text: Matrena Barabanova
