Fish soup - the best recipes. How to cook fish soup correctly and tasty.


Freshwater or sea, large or small, fatty or lean - each fish has a certain nutritional and culinary value. Doctors of various specialties recommend including fish dishes in the diet at least 1-2 times a week. You can boil fish, bake in the oven, fry and even make a kebab out of it. But one of the most wholesome and delicious dishes, of course, is fish soup, which can easily be varied with numerous ingredients, changing its taste in its own discretion.

Fish soup - general principles and methods of preparation

Many mistakenly believe that fish soup and fish soup are one and the same. In fact, the ear is only one of the liquid foods related to fish dishes, and soup is a much broader concept. Cooking fish soup requires compliance with a number of rules. For example, the ear traditionally consists of a certain set of ingredients - primarily onions, bay leaves, carrots and fish heads. A soup can be enriched with almost any vegetables, seafood and spices.

In the preparation of fish soup, each is guided only by individual preferences. Moreover, cereals are often added to the dish, most often rice. Soups made from white fish (cod, pike perch, flounder) are considered the most valuable in taste, although in recent years recipes for salmon fish soup have gained no less popularity, the latter are especially good when combined with seafood and caviar.

Fish for soup can be boiled either whole or cut into small pieces and freed from the skeletal system. If you nevertheless decided to boil the whole, do not digest it (especially this applies to river inhabitants), otherwise it will disintegrate and all the bones contained in it will turn out to be “free swimming”, simply put, the dish will turn out to be bony. What a pleasure to eat a fragrant and appetizing at first glance soup with bones? If you see that the fish begins to boil, take it out of the pan.

Fish Soup - Food Preparation

Before preparing a delicious fish soup, be sure to check the freshness of the main ingredient. This is not difficult to do, just look at the gills and appreciate their color. If they are red, the product is fresh. Dark or any other color indicates the corruption of the fish. Such a product is not recommended for consumption.

So, having chosen fresh fish, wash it, gut and cut off the fins, tail, and also the head. In the future, these "waste" can be used to prepare a rich broth - the basis for nutritious fish soup.

Fish soup - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Mediterranean Fish Soup

All lovers of fish dishes and Mediterranean cuisine will certainly enjoy the recipe of the original soup. Due to the variety of vegetables in combination with white fish, the soup is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. In addition, it can safely be used by people who follow a strict diet, since it does not harm the figure at all.


- one kilogram of any fish (white)
- 100 gr. rice
- three medium tomatoes
- a bunch of parsley
- 6 cloves of garlic (less or more depending on taste)
- bay leaves
- bell pepper - 1 pc.
- three bow heads
- sweet paprika - about one table. spoon
- 50 gr. olive oil
- three liters of water
- pepper (ground black) and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, pour finely chopped onion, three leaves of lavrushka and a pepper cut in half into it. Bring everything to a boil.

2. We wash the fish, cut the tail and fins, cut into large pieces.

3. Finely chop the greens and three cloves of garlic. We extract pepper from the saucepan (after five to ten minutes boiling), we no longer need it. We send pieces of white fish, herbs and garlic into boiling water.

4. The remaining two onion heads are chopped, fried in olive oil, after it is fried, add chopped garlic and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

5. Next, grind the tomatoes, previously removing the skin from them (using boiling water), lay them for roasting. We continue to pass the vegetables for five minutes, after which we add sweet paprika.

6. Put the finished frying in the fish broth (the fish should be slightly damp). We also wash the required amount of round rice and add it to the soup. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes.

We lay out the prepared Mediterranean soup on deep plates, add sour cream or mayonnaise and chopped greens.

Recipe 2: Fish Meatball Soup

Soup with fish meatballs is a very light and satisfying dish that does not require much trouble in the process of preparation. But do not forget that meatballs are very capricious and do not tolerate digestion, so special attention should be concentrated on them. How to make sure that they do not boil too much? There are many secrets, but in this recipe we glue the meatballs with breadcrumbs.


- 300 gr. minced fish (fish must be marine)
- one third of a glass of round quickly digested rice
- one egg
- a couple of cloves of garlic
- salt, ground pepper to taste
- a bunch of parsley
- a bunch of green onions
- 3-4 potatoes
- one carrot
- two large onions (one for minced meat, the other in the broth)
- a handful of breadcrumbs

Cooking method:

1. Boil the rice until half cooked. Grind onions very finely (can be pulp), grind and garlic with a small amount of herbs. Beat the egg with salt separately. We mix all the prepared ingredients with minced fish, salt, pepper and mix everything. It turned out the basis for meatballs.

2. Peel and chop all the vegetables for the soup: potato - into slices (or cubes), onion - finely, carrot - cut into thin slices.

3. From the minced meat we form small round meatballs, roll them in breadcrumbs.

4. Boil water (about 3 liters) in a container. After the water begins to boil, add the components in the following order: potatoes, onions (which, by the way, can be overcooked), meatballs with carrots. After laying the meatballs, we reduce the fire to a minimum, but so that the soup continues to boil a little.

5. Once the meatballs are cooked, turn off the stove and drop the finely chopped greens and cover for five minutes.

Recipe 3: Greek Pikeperch Fish Soup

Of course, soups from the Greeks are very popular. They are prepared on the basis of various meat, vegetable, mushroom and, of course, fish broths. The traditional dressing for Greek fish soups is milk, sour cream, or heavy cream. In addition, the Greeks love to generously enrich their creation with spices and herbs. However, if you are not such an avid lover of herbs and seasonings, you can not put them in soup in such large quantities.


- 500 gr. zander fillet
- one large onion
- two teaspoons of flour
- two teaspoons melted. Butter
- two tomatoes (rather large)
- two table. lies. heavy cream
- two cloves of garlic
- greens (at least two species in a bunch)
- ground pepper - one third of a teaspoon
- Lavrushka - one leaf
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut the finished fillet into pieces (if the fish is not peeled, peel, gut it, separate the pulp from the bones). Peel the onion and shred in half rings.

2. If there is a head and fins, fill them with water and put on the stove, adding chopped onions, herbs, parsley, pepper and cook from the moment of boiling for about half an hour. If there are no heads and fins, we take part of the fish fillet.

3. Next, filter the broth (we throw out the heads, fillet - no). In a transparent broth we spread the pike perch fillet, sliced ​​in portions, and cook until the fish is ready.

4. Separately, in a pan, melt the drain. butter, put the flour and overcook it, stirring, until a yellowish tint, adding a couple of tablespoons of water or broth.

5. Remove the peel from the tomatoes and rub them into the pulp (using a sieve or a blender), add the resulting tomato puree to the soup. Add the slightly fried flour. We also pour cream into the pan, spread the chopped garlic, pepper, salt, two bunches of greens (different). Bring the dish to a boil and remove from heat. Delicious and satisfying fish soup is ready!

Recipe 4: Spanish Seafood Fish Soup

This dish consists of almost all marine inhabitants. Just a real multi-colored marine mix! We advise you to try this amazing and, we are not afraid to say this word, heavenly food.


- two peeled tomatoes
- one Bulgarian pepper (yellow)
- one onion
- a couple of cloves of garlic
- 150 gr. peeled shrimp
- one or two handfuls of mussels
- 100 gr. squid rings
- 300 gr. white fish fillet
- red dry pepper
- five peas of black pepper
- Lavrushka - a couple of leaves
- saffron
- litere of water
- two large potatoes
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. We chop the peeled onions with garlic, fry on the grows. oil. After three minutes, add dry pepper, sliced ​​bell pepper, peeled tomatoes and simmer until the pepper is cooked. Then grind the overcooking in a blender and pour it into the pan again.

2. Pour a liter of water, mix and lay all the seafood along with chopped fish fillets. Mix, cook over low heat for several minutes until the fish is ready (see that it is not digested, and seafood does not become rubber).

3. In parallel, in a saucepan, boil diced potatoes. After it has become soft, put the contents of the pan into the main container. Mix. When the soup boils, we throw the saffron and the lavrushka. Two minutes after boiling, turn off the stove, and remove the pan. Delicious Spanish soup is ready! Bon appetit to all!

Fish soup - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Fish soup can be cooked from almost any fish, however, such species as carp, roach, roach and bream are not recommended, because during the cooking process they give the broth a characteristic bitter shade;

- If you boil frozen fish, you need to lower it only in cool water (broth), otherwise it will lose its taste and become completely tasteless;

- To improve the taste, you can add several types of fish to the soup. So, for example, a combination of perches and brushes will provide the dish with a sticky and more intense interesting taste, and burbot and whitefish will make it more sweet and tender.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Fish Recipes (June 2024).