January 12: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 12

Day of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation

Every year on this day an official holiday is celebrated on the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. This holiday was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1995. This decree changed the date of birth of the prosecutor. For a long period, the countdown of its history was connected with May of 1992, then the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decreed the state prosecutor’s office. In 2007, on the twelfth day, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation turned 285 years old. The prosecutor's office as a state institution has always occupied a special place. Its functions assumed a certain certain independence from local structures. This was one of the important covenants of our ancestors. Prosecutors in the Russian state must be incorruptible, and independent of external influences. At present, prosecution bodies are called upon to protect the state from dishonest citizens who violate the law and, vice versa, must protect society from state injustice. The prosecutor's office is the guarantor of law and order in society. There were periods in the history of the Russian state when the prosecutor’s office struggled to cope with injustice and lawlessness. Over the entire historical activity of this body, there have been many cases where honest prosecutors or investigators fought against unlawful repression, and as a result they were subjected to it. It is the prosecutor's office that is engaged in the processes of rehabilitation of affected people from political repression. Prosecutors of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia have the right to use power hard in cases of violations of the rights of citizens stipulated by law, infringement of state interests, in relation to officials who abuse confidence. The prosecution authorities of the Russian Federation coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime. The prosecutor's office has always stood, stands and will stand guard over the protection of the interests of the individual.

Abduction day

This is an unusual holiday, which is celebrated on January 12th. The day of abductions is associated with pagan faith, ancient Slavic legends and traditions. In ancient times, many Gods were worshiped. Each God was endowed with special powers, one patronized agriculture, the other cared for merchants, the third for students. The ancient gods can be compared with the current ministers of health, finance and so on. All famous gods lived on Olympus. There were always different quarrels between them. In anger, the Gods threw lightnings, overthrew each other from Olympus, and constantly started conspiracies. If we talk about the Slavic Gods, then they did not lag behind the antique. Very often it was that some formidable god abducted a wife from another God, this could happen even during a wedding. One example is the legend of how God Perun, he was the God of fire, married Dodol, the Goddess of motherhood and rain, during their wedding, Perun's brother stole the bride. There is still one legend, Koschey, the God of the underworld took away another woman’s wife; he stole Maren from God. And Dazhdbog was the grandson of that Veles, who himself at one time stole a bride. Here is such a "funny" story at the abduction day.

Post 10 Tevet

According to the Jewish calendar in 424 of the tenth Tevet, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar launched a siege of Jerusalem. This siege was long and difficult, as a result, the city was captured and destroyed, the Temple of the city was burned, and the Jews were sent to Babylon. At that time, the prophets decided that this tragic day in history would be a day of prayer and fasting for the next generation. Surprisingly, in Jewish tradition, historical events are always explained from a mystical, religious and spiritual point of view. They believe that the 10 Tevet post is a punishment for retreating from divine institutions. This day is considered the day of remembrance of the destroyed beautiful Temple, on this day it is customary to recall the greatness and beauty of Jerusalem. But the main content of this day is nevertheless sorrow. On this holiday, people should strive to correct their wrong actions, so that the Jews see the revival of the city. On this day in history, another event occurred: the translation of the Torah into Greek was completed. But the Jewish sages perfectly understood that the translation in no way can be compared with the original, otherwise the interpretation of the Holy Book can be greatly distorted. The tenth of Tevet received another meaning after the state of Israel was created. The rabbi of Israel ruled that this day will be celebrated as Commemoration Day, will be a day of remembrance for victims of disasters whose exact date of death is unknown, and the day of those for whom there is nobody to read the memorial prayer. Now, during the prayers of the tenth Tevet, a memorial candle is lit and a memorial prayer is uttered aloud.

Memorial Day in Turkmenistan

January 12 is a funeral day in Turkmenistan. On this day, Turkmens honor the memory of those killed in the battle of Geok-Tepe. At the end of the 19th century, Russian imperial ambitions began to spread to Central Asia and soon reached Turkmenistan. Russia sent a special expeditionary military contingent to Turkmenistan, the purpose of which was the occupation of new lands and the enslavement of the peoples living on these lands. England, zealously following the actions of Russia in Central Asia, helped the Turkmen authorities in the fight against the aggressor. Turkmenistan received the latest types of weapons, as well as military emissaries and consultants. British intelligence prepared the local population for a hostile meeting of Russian troops. The warlike tribes of the Turkmen began to make effective raids on Russian military camps. In 1880, the Russian division corps, supported by 74 guns, left the base in Krasnovodsk and crossed the Nebit-Dag ridge and went to the Geok-Tepe fortress. On January 12, Russian soldiers blew up the walls of the fortress and broke into the bastion. The stronghold of the Turkmen army was destroyed. The Russians lost almost 400 soldiers in the battle, the losses of the Turkmens were hundreds of times greater. In our time in Turkmenistan on this day the national flags of the country are lowered, commemorative and commemoration events and dinners are held everywhere. In 1990, by decree of the President of Turkmenistan, a memorial day was established in memory of those killed at Geok-Tep. In this conflict, Russia acted as an aggressor and an invader, the defenders of the fortress stood to the death defending their families, customs and culture.

January 12 on the folk calendar

Anisin's Day

This day received its name in honor of St. Anisia, who lived at the end of the third beginning of the fourth century in Greece. According to the legend, the girl’s parents died suddenly, and left her daughter a sea of ​​wealth. After this, Anisya released all the slaves to freedom, and distributed her money to the poor. All her life she helped people in need, looked after prisoners in the dungeons, treated the sick and tried to comfort the mourners. In Russia, Anis was called the Stomach, because according to ancient tradition, domestic pigs were slaughtered that day and cooked insides, including stomachs. Before the giblets were eaten, it was customary to guess on them. If the pig’s spleen turned out to be smooth and even, this meant that winter would be rich in severe frosts. If the stomach was empty, it meant that the cold weather would last a long time. At that time, stomachs were cooked according to traditional recipes. The stomach began with a brisket, seasoned with onions and salt, and then roasted over a fire. Still people used the recipe of a boiled stomach, it was stuffed with meat from the head of a pig. Since the celebration of Christmas time continued on Anisyin day, the traditions of these holidays mixed up a bit. By tradition, men had fun in their own way, they arranged a wild boar hunt. When the men managed to kill the beast, they carried him on the hornets to the village so that all the inhabitants could see. Next, the women set about preparing the festive table. People noticed that on Anisyin's day, the frost became stronger. The people said that it is not necessary to ask Anisya for warmth, cold came to Anisya. Even on this day, peasants performed various rituals, if someone had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it was believed that Anisya would help to recover from these diseases.

Historical Events January 12

January 12, 1820 Established Royal Astronomical Society

The English astronomical society, the oldest in the world, it was founded at the beginning of the XIX century. The ideological inspirer of creating such an organization was John Herschel. Initially, the main objective of the organization was to popularize astronomy as a scientific discipline. In addition, the initiators of the creation of society hoped to attract large capital into astronomy, and this would make it possible to send financial donations to scientific research. Since 1831, the British monarchs began to patronize the astronomical society. At the same time, the organization received a charter and rules of operation. In 1915, in the wake of the feminist movement, women received membership rights in the organization. In 1874, the company finally settled in London, where a special building was built for its headquarters.

Nowadays, the state astronomical organization is engaged in deep study and development of astronomical sciences. The Royal Astronomical Society regularly organizes scientific congresses, conferences, seminars, publishes its own scientific and educational journals and newspapers. The organization has a huge library, and in the collection of the book depository, collected books not only on astronomy, but also on other fields of science. The Astronomical Society has several ultramodern observatories, which allows scientists of the organization to conduct continuous scientific activity. Any person over the age of eighteen who is interested in astronomy can become a member of society.

January 12, 1950 capital punishment reintroduced in the USSR

After the socialist revolution, the Bolshevik government abolished the death penalty as a relic of the tsarist regime. But not even a year had passed when a special decree was passed, according to which in special cases the death penalty was allowed in the form of execution, with the sentence being given at the crime scene. The Bolsheviks realized that without the use of forceful methods of struggle, their power would not last long. In September 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the application of capital punishment to all persons seen in relations with the White Guards and gangs who participated in conspiracies and rebellions. Soon, the Cheka received the power to bring to death those charged with treason, espionage, counter-revolutionary acts, counterfeiting. Over the whole of 1920, more than six thousand people were sentenced and executed. In 1947, a special decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced the abolition of the death penalty. The reason for the moratorium was the colossal casualties during the war, so those sentenced to capital punishment were sentenced to death with a deferred sentence. However, their selfless work in rebuilding their homeland after a devastating war, such convicts had a chance to commute the sentence. Nevertheless, the moratorium did not last more than 3 years, already in 1950 the government of the USSR restored the capital punishment applicable to persons accused of espionage, sabotage, etc. Currently, there is a strict moratorium on the death penalty in the Russian Federation. An alternative to the death penalty is life imprisonment for particularly serious crimes.

January 12, 1998 signing a protocol banning human cloning

Cloning, or simply "copying," in the modern world is prohibited in almost all countries of the world. The process of accurately reproducing a copy of a living being is not clearly regulated at this time, not in a medical and ethical context, not in a legal plane. The technology of this complex process is also not technologically streamlined and gives a lot of failures. However, there are successful results of cloning higher animals. So, for example, using the method of "transfer of nuclei", the Dolly sheep was cloned. The sheep lived for 6 years, and scientists announced a successful experiment. Most researchers claim that the successful experience of sheep cloning, allows at this stage to begin experiments on human cloning. However, in the case of human cloning, it is impossible to recreate the old consciousness, personality, and this serves as yet another confirmation that the human consciousness and his physical body are something different from each other. It becomes clear that a person’s genetic code does not carry his consciousness, he is only responsible for the exact reproduction of the physical body. Whereas consciousness is nothing but an energy-informational substance that exists independently of a physical body. In January 1998, an agreement was signed in Paris banning the cloning of a human being. By its decision, the European Community has made a great contribution to the protection of human rights. About twenty leading European countries have signed the agreement. In the United States and CIS countries, human cloning is prohibited by law.

January 12, 2005 Deep Impact

Deep Impact is NASA’s automatic spacecraft. Designed to study Tempel's comet. For the first time in the history of astronautics, the Deep Impact apparatus dropped a hardware probe onto the surface of a comet, which sank into the surface layers of a comet. He also managed to photograph the comet at close range. Outstanding astrophysicist Michael Ahern was appointed project director. The spacecraft was launched into space on January 12. With a direct approach to the celestial body, it was found that dust and gas flow from the surface of the planet. As scientists established, the gas emanating from the surface faults of the comet was carbon dioxide. In addition, snow and glaciers fell from the surface of the comet. Scientists have also established a particularly high radiation background for the comet, but its electromagnetic field was extremely weak. The surface of the comet was very fragile and brittle. The probe "copper blank" literally broke the surface of the comet, which caused a powerful discharge of soil matter. The power of the explosion was equivalent to the explosion of 5 thousand kg of dynamite. From the shock explosion, a huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters was formed, and the depth of the crater did not exceed 30 meters. According to the spectral analysis, it was found that the comet consists of ice, carbonates and hydrocarbons.

January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake

The epicenter of the underground vibrations was recorded at a depth of thirteen kilometers, 22 kilometers south of the capital of Haiti. During the disaster, several shocks followed by a force of 5 to 7 points. According to scientists, the last earthquake of a similar magnitude occurred in Haiti in the middle of the 18th century. As a result of the terrible earthquake, more than two hundred thousand people died, more than three hundred thousand people were seriously wounded and injured, almost a thousand Haitians were missing. Financial and material damage amounted to 6 billion dollars. The capital of the country, Port-au-Prince, was severely affected by the earthquake, where the main state institutions, thousands of residential buildings, almost all hospitals and hospitals were destroyed. 3 million people were left without housing. The capital of the country turned into a pile of ruins, and resembled a city subjected to total bombardment.Many foreign citizens died, including representatives of international diplomatic missions. In Port-au-Prince, there were terrible destructions, the water supply system was destroyed, roads were destroyed and blocked by the ruins of buildings, there was not enough drinking water. Everywhere there were bodies of the dead, they were piled right on the sidewalks. Sanitary services were paralyzed. The police worked, not organized, from the prison destroyed by the earthquake, all prisoners escaped. International assistance was late. The threat of epidemics and hunger hung.

Born on January 12

Sergey Korolev (1907-1966), Soviet scientist

Sergey Korolev was born in January 1906. Korolev is a symbol of the space age. He began to create simple gliders, and ended up creating orbiting spacecraft. In 1930, Korolev graduated from Moscow Aviation Technical University and was hired by the Aerodynamic Institute, and three years later, he was transferred to the Research Institute of Jet Aircraft. At the research institute, a young scientist manages the department of rocket technology and creates the first model of a rocket engine. During the period of repression, Korolev fell into the hands of punitive organs. He was able to resume his design activity only after the war. Under the talented guidance of the scientist, the first ballistic missile launchers were created. In 1957, Korolev created a rocket launcher that was able to put a spacecraft into near-earth orbit. From that moment began the era of astronautics. In 1961, Korolev, together with his research team, launched the Vostok-1 spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board in near-earth orbit. With this launch, an outstanding designer ushered in the era of manned space exploration. The United States was able to carry out its first manned missile launch, only two years later. For his unique achievements, Korolev was awarded prestigious Soviet awards and prizes. And in 1958 he was awarded the title of Academician.

Igor Kurchatov (1903-1960), an outstanding Soviet scientist

Igor Kurchatov was born in the Urals in a family of rural intellectuals. Due to the illness of Igor’s sister, the family was forced to relocate to the Crimea. There, the boy studies at the local Simferopol gymnasium and graduates with a gold medal. After graduating from high school, Kurchatov entered the Crimean University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Showing great zeal and talent in his studies, he graduates from the university with an external degree. In 1925, the young Kurchatov was invited to the Leningrad Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences. There, under the mentorship of Academician Ioffe, Kurchatov revealed himself as a talented scientist. Soon the young scientist makes a number of great discoveries. Kurchatov discovers nuclear isomerism and the phenomenon of arbitrary fission of uranium nuclei. During the war, Kurchatov was developing methods for protecting ships against magnetic mines. In 1943, the GKO created a secret laboratory for the study of atomic energy. Its leader is Igor Kurchatov. Under the leadership of Kurchatov, the first Soviet atomic and hydrogen bombs are created in this laboratory. In 1954, Kurchatov builds the world's first nuclear power plant. The scientist created the first Soviet thermonuclear installation. In 1959, Kurchatov, in collaboration with Aleksandrov, designed and created the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin. For his achievements, Kurchatov is called an outstanding scientist during his lifetime, he called cities and villages, institutes and academies by his name.

Charles Perrault (1628-1703), storyteller writer

Charles Perrault was born in the distant 17th century. Most readers know Perrault as a talented storyteller, but Charles also wrote great poems. He was an academician of the French Academy of Art. His contemporaries knew the writer as a publicist, academician and important dignitary. He was a lawyer and Secretary of State for Treasury Colbert. But nevertheless, it was precisely his works that brought the world fame to the writer: "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella", Blue Beard ", etc. The literary dawn of Perrault came at the time of the appearance of the fashion for fabulous works. Tales became the most favorite hobby of both secular society and and the royal court.The writer did not dare to publish fairy tales under his own name for a long time, Charles was afraid that his activity would be regarded by the public as a kind of childishness.The basis of Perrault's fairy tales was made up of well-known folk plots, which the writer outlined in his characteristic humorous way. The famous writer was able prirovnyat fairytale genre to "high" or full literature. He was the founder of children's literature and literary education. Tales of Charles Perrault translated into dozens of languages ​​and is very popular among children and adults.

Raymond Pauls (1936 ...), Soviet composer

Raymond Voldemarovich was born in Riga in 1936. He studied music since childhood. In 1952 he entered the conservatory and studied piano. In addition to studying, Raymond makes his living by playing in restaurants and pop rooms. With the Riga Orchestra, Raymond traveled all over the Union. Since 1964 he became the head of the national orchestra. At that time, the composer wrote his first musical works: “We met in March”, “Winter Evening”, “Old Birch”. At that time he was invited to write music for films, the first films with his music were: “Servants of the Devil”, “Arrows of Robin Hood”, “Death under sail”. In 1960, the composer's first record was released, which was sold in million copies. At that time, Pauls managed to give more than a hundred sold-out concerts. He was the first to draw the attention of the Latvian public to domestic performers, because before that in Latvia they preferred the stage of the GDR. In the 70s, Raymond created the famous ensemble "Modo", which toured throughout the USSR. Then there were the famous works “Leaves Yellow” and “Blue Flax”, “Sister Carrie” and “Sherlock Holmes”. In the mid-70s, Pauls began his long-term and successful collaboration with Alla Pugacheva and wrote a number of outstanding songs for her: "Maestro", "Million Scarlet Roses", "Without Me", "Hey, Up There." With success, his songs were performed by V. Leontiev, and L. Vaikule, and Sofia Rotaru. The master worked closely with poets Reznik, Voznesensky and others. At the initiative of Pauls, the Jurmala song festival was created. Raymond tried his hand at politics. During the period of independence of Latvia, Raymond Pauls was Minister of Culture, Advisor to the President, Member of the Sejm. Raymond Pauls - People's Artist of the USSR. The maestro is married, has a daughter and two granddaughters. Now the famous composer lives and works in Riga.

Jean Delanua (1908-2008), French director

The future director was born on the outskirts of Paris in a working class family. As a student, he first appeared in several films, mainly in extras or in episodic roles. Jean began his cinema career as an editor at the studio, and a few years later he took up directing. Delanua made his first film in 1933. The director received worldwide fame by filming a literary classic. In 1943, he makes the film "Eternal Return", which tells the story of Tristan and Isolde, the main roles in the film were played by prominent artists Jean Maare and Madeleine Soloni. Then the master made the film "Notre Dame de Paris", "Double bed", "Man of action". Soon he makes films in which eminent actors Marina Vladi, Jean-Louis Barrot, Jean Gabin and others play. Among the director’s awards, it is worth noting the golden palm branch and the Cesar film award. The last film of the famous director was the picture "Maria of Nazareth." During his career, Delanua has created about thirty film masterpieces. In France, Jean Delanoy enjoys a high position of eminent director. At a certain time, the master led the cinema association. Despite the great services to the cinema, the directors were mercilessly criticized, but this only strengthened his confidence in his innocence.

Name day 12 january

Irina, Leo, Maria, Makar


Watch the video: Highlight events, weekends and holidays on calendar in Excel (June 2024).