Finnish police seized a computer from a 9-year-old girl for "piracy"


The Finnish Police Department conducted a search, which resulted in the confiscation of property in the house where a nine-year-old girl lived, who was suspected of and accused of computer piracy. This incident became known thanks to a report by Kaleva.

During the search, law enforcement officers seized a laptop from a juvenile delinquent, with which, according to police, files were downloaded from the Internet in a pirated way. As noted on the TorrentFreak website, the baby’s laptop was adorned with a touching baby sticker from Winnie the Pooh. In the course of further clarification, it turned out that the incident occurred approximately in October 2011. The little girl possessed an irresistible desire to listen to one of the albums of her favorite pop singer, known as Kisu.

Suspecting nothing, the child entered the appropriate name into the search engine, which instantly gave a link to the Torrent portal called The Pirate Bay. An attempt to download illegally was instantly recorded and quickly monitored by the Finnish government, which was called to combat computer piracy in the country (CIAPC). Father, as the head of the family in whose name the use agreement with the Internet provider was registered, was fined 600 euros as a punishment and warning.

The owner refused to pay, because, according to him, the pirated files downloaded from the Internet could not be launched and played. It only annoyed the girl, so the next day, anyway, dad had to go to the store and buy a licensed disc, which his nine-year-old daughter was so eager to listen to.

The actions of the police, in particular the inspectors of the CIAPC service, caused a lot of noise and criticism from the organizations responsible for protecting the rights of the population. In addition, the Finnish Pirate Party joined in condemning the incident, promoting free access to downloading files from the Internet, claiming that this was not such a terrible crime.


Watch the video: Finnish school shooter chatted online with US teen held for planning own attack (July 2024).