Scientists: honey was more effective than all cough medicines


Scientists at the College of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania came to the paradoxical conclusion: no matter how pharmacists struggled to create the most effective cough medicine, it is best treated by its old proven remedy - bee honey.

According to studies by American scientists, a spoonful of honey at night can not only stop coughing in children from one to six years old, but also improve sleep, making it calmer and stronger.

The experiment was attended by 105 children under the age of 6 years with various diseases of the upper respiratory empty. One group of children was traditionally treated - with honey, the second with drugs. The results stunned doctors - honey treats children's cough much more effective than drugs.

Explaining this phenomenon, American experts say that honey acts simultaneously in three directions: it envelops, softens and relieves irritation in the throat. The only limitation is the contraindication of cough treatment with honey for children up to a year, because in this case, the development of an infectious intestinal disease in the child’s body.


Watch the video: VERIFY: Does honey work better than cough medicine? (June 2024).