Actress Elizabeth Banks has found a second son thanks to a surrogate mother


American actress Elizabeth Banks became the young mother of her second son. The actress is married to an old college friend Max Handelman and they are already raising a one-year-old Felix.

The star "On the Edge" and "Spider-Man" with her husband proudly told that the name was given to the boy by Magnus. Happy parents reported the news on their official website today Wednesday: “Since 2012 is coming to an end and Thanksgiving is approaching, I can be thankful for a lot ... However, nothing can compare with the joy and excitement that my husband and I felt when we recently met our second boy, Magnus Mitchell Handelman. "

The second son of the 38-year-old actress, like the first, was taken out by a surrogate mother and Banks did not forget to thank for this: “Like Felix, Magnus was born with the help of surrogate motherhood. This experience exceeded all our expectations, he taught us a lot - generosity and gratitude. I am also very grateful to our family and friends for their support throughout the process, as well as to the Surrogate Motherhood Center for helping to make all this possible ... ”

“And now all my attention is shifting to the development of two boys under the age of two. For which I am grateful. Wish me good luck".

Next year, Elizabeth Banks can be seen in the sequel to the movie The Hunger Games - “And the Flames Will Cry.” Prior to this, the actress appeared in "What to expect when you are expecting a child," "Hot American Summer," "Three Days to Escape," etc.


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