What is palm oil: product benefits and production features. Does palm oil harm the body?


Regarding a product like Palm oil, which is increasingly becoming a constituent ingredient of not only food, but also cosmetics and procedures, serious debate continues to exist. Does it relate to harmful products? What can be useful properties of vegetable fat and whether palm oil is capable of causing harm to the body, you can find out by reading the composition.

Palm oil and beneficial properties: what the product is made of

Palm oil is a plant-derived product that is extracted from ripe oil palm seeds. Such a plant can be found in Indonesia, Guinea, Malaysia.

Ready palm oil is divided into 2 categories:

• raw appearance, which is produced from the pulp of palm seeds;

• palm kernel form, which is made from the inner core of the fruit.

You can also divide all palm oils into 3 fractions, which differ in quality, melting point, and areas of application:

1. Palm stearin - a solid structure, which is smelted at a temperature of 46 to 53 ° C. It is used for the production of margarine, cosmetics and detergents, puff pastry.

2. Standard oil with a melting point of 36 to 39 ° C. It is used for frying, it does not emit fumes when heated, does not form smoke, and is most often used for the manufacture of confectionery.

3. Palm olein - a product having a liquid consistency similar to a cream, and a melting point from 19 to 23 ° C. The most common areas of application are cosmetology and cooking.

The richness of the chemical composition of palm oil: the benefits of components

Palm oil has a fairly saturated composition, which includes such substances:

• carotenoids - components that are actively involved in many vital processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body;

• Vitamin E, which consists of isomers of tocotrienols and tocopherols;

• Vitamin K is able to protect the body from many complications in the body in the form of, for example, ossification of cartilage, salt deposits on the walls of blood vessels and others;

• polyunsaturated acids, which are assigned to the Omega 3 and Omega 6 groups;

• palmitic acid - it accounts for about 50% of the bulk of the oil, fatty acid acts as a source of energy for the body and takes a direct part in the synthesis of hormones;

• oleic acid is considered a monounsaturated variety of fats and serves as a barrier to the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;

• stearic acid;

• vitamin A and B4;

• macro- and microelements phosphorus and iron;

• coenzyme Q10.

An important role in obtaining high-quality oil is played by the production process itself. The conventional pressing and spinning method gives the result in the form of a technical product that does not have all the beneficial properties and is unsuitable for use. In order to get real healthy palm oil, the raw material must go through 5 stages of intensive processing: purification, hydration, neutralization, deodorization, clarification. After all 5 steps of refining, the oil can be consumed.

Features of exotic palm oil: beneficial properties of the product

Can be extracted in the process of applying palm oil and benefits in the form of:

1. Improvement of visual acuity, prevention of disease, night blindness.

2. Restoring damaged mucous membranes of the body.

3. It has a wound healing effect, which helps the speedy elimination of open ulcers and boils.

4. Provides protective action against sebaceous glands, preventing the formation of inflammation.

5. Normalizes the functioning of neurological functions.

6. When used externally as an ingredient in therapeutic masks, valuable substances carotenoids have a strengthening effect on the hair, making them strong and shiny, and the skin condition is noticeably improved when used in cosmetology.

Red is considered the most gentle oil and suitable for consumption, it can have such a positive effect:

• increase the body's defenses;

• prevention of cataract disease;

• return to vessels of a property such as elasticity;

• body protection against premature aging and the harmful effects of external toxic factors;

• memory improvement;

• removal of severe and unpleasant symptoms of menopause in women;

• relief of symptoms of diseases of the endocrine system;

• elimination of chronic body fatigue, the consequences of nervous disorders, insomnia;

• ensure the safety of the female body from the development of fibrous degeneration of the mammary gland.

By the amount of beta-carotene, red palm oil exceeds carrots 15-20 times.

Palm oil harm and contraindications

Despite the huge number of positive aspects, it has palm oil and contraindications for use. For some experts in the field of studying the properties of exotic oil, its usefulness was a controversial and very big question, and all because a greater degree of harmfulness than the healing properties of this product is scientifically substantiated.

The thing is in the same composition, in which the mass of saturated fats predominates. By their nature, they are quite resistant to external environmental factors. Oil is able to maintain its taste, appearance and not spoil for a long time, this indicates that it is a good preservative. Therefore, manufacturers add it to various food products in order to extend their shelf life and save their money.

Palm oil is definitely not suitable for daily use, as it can cause tremendous harm to the human body in the form of the development of such pathologies:

• weakening of the immune system and the deterioration of the health of the body as a whole;

• a significant jump in the level of bad cholesterol;

• vascular diseases, having a damaging effect on them;

• failures in the course of lipid metabolism;

• deposits of atherosclerotic nature;

• the appearance of diabetes mellitus;

• increased symptoms of Alzheimer's disease;

• to the accumulation of excess weight and as a result to obesity;

• the development of heart and cardiovascular diseases;

• the emergence and rapid progression of cancer;

• development of product dependence.

Refuse to use even in small amounts of palm oil should people in such situations:

• with chronic diseases of the heart or blood vessels;

• with high cholesterol;

• if there are metabolic problems;

• during the period of bearing a child to women;

• during breastfeeding.

Regarding food products, nutritionists advise to refrain from eating products with such a cheap substitute for real fat, there will be little therapeutic benefit from palm oil from the inside. As for the external use in folk medicine, the use of palm oil as an ingredient in detergents and cosmetics is quite acceptable, the harm from such is minimal.


Watch the video: The Problem With Palm Oil. Fight for the Forests. TakePart (July 2024).