23 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 23 weeks of gestation.


At 23 weeks, a pregnant woman really needs the support and understanding of her loved ones. Hormonal changes occurring in her body become the cause of frequent mood swings, and you need to treat them with patience and wisdom.

Changes in the body at 23 weeks of gestation

At this time, uterine growth and an increase in the placenta, as well as amniotic fluid volume, continue. The weight gain of the expectant mother is from 5 to 6.7 kg. An increase in uterine pressure on internal organs is also observed. At this time, it is located at a distance of about 3.75 cm above the navel.

At 23 weeks, changes in the chemical composition of the blood of the pregnant woman occur, due to which the fluid lingers in the tissues longer. The uterus, which increases every day, presses on the veins more and more, because of which the circulation of blood in the legs slows down. All this leads to the formation of edema. All excess water will leave the body in the first days after childbirth, and at this stage you should reduce the amount of salt consumed, do exercises to improve blood circulation and wear supporting stockings. Refuse liquid, on the contrary, should not be. If swelling occurs on the hands and face, you should consult a doctor who will determine if they are a sign of late pregnancy toxicosis.

The condition of the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation

By this time, the growth of the baby is from 28 cm to 30 cm, weight - from 460 g. up to 520 gr., although these are very average indicators, which in each particular case may differ. At this time, almost all women feel the fetal movement in the form of very tangible tremors and rhythmic tremors in the abdomen.

The child at this time spends most of the time in a dream and wakes up about once an hour, reminding her mother of herself by stirring. In general, on the day she should feel at least 10 aftershocks of her crumbs. By the 23rd week, the development of the central nervous system of the baby is at a level when the instruments record the activity of the brain, similar to the activity of ordinary people.

It is believed that the baby at this stage of pregnancy dreams. The coordination of his movements increases, he sucks his fingers for a long time, feels himself, the umbilical cord, the walls of the uterus. Although outwardly the baby resembles a little old man with red wrinkled skin, his figure is becoming more and more proportional. With the eyes that have already opened, he can see light and darkness, reacting to them. He hears sounds, and if they scare him, he immediately lets his mother know about it with his stirring. On the contrary, he reacts to her affectionate words and stroking her tummy. All organs and functions of the baby by the 23rd week have already been formed and perform the functions for which they are intended.

Possible sensations at 23 weeks of gestation

At this time, headaches, which are characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, usually subside or disappear. But the increase in the number of hormones at 23 weeks can cause frequent mood swings. At this time, Braxton Hicks contractions may occur, which are manifested by a sensation of pain and mild cramping in the uterus. This is not necessary to be afraid of, as the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth.

Expectant mother may feel pain and a feeling of heaviness in her legs. Under increasing weight, lengthening of the foot and the development of static flat feet occur, so many shoes become small. Therefore, the expectant mother should use insoles for pregnant women and wear only comfortable, stable shoes.

At week 23, many pregnant women find out what varicose veins and hemorrhoids are. They arise because of hormonal changes, the walls of the veins relax, and the uterus, which compresses the veins of the pelvis, interferes with the outflow of blood through the veins.

At this time, the sexual activity of the expectant mother decreases, as the choice of poses is limited, and more and more caution is required.

Necessary medical supervision

Those who did not do the third scheduled ultrasound at week 22 should definitely visit a specialist at week 23. This examination is extremely important for assessing the heartbeat, growth and weight of the fetus, its position in the uterus, the presence or absence of malformations, the amount of amniotic fluid, the location and degree of maturation of the placenta.

If the expectant mother has already passed all the necessary tests, then now she can simply devote her time to rest and communication with the baby, giving him her positive emotions, which are so important for him.

General recommendations

According to statistics, about 80% of pregnant women have problems with the intestines in the form of constipation or diarrhea. To combat them, a pregnant woman can use only natural means - the correct organization of the daily routine and diet. This will be useful for weight control, because overweight and underweight mothers are equally fraught with various deviations in the development of the fetus.

Many pregnant women at this time feel lower back pain. To prevent the development of such pains associated with an increasing load on the back, the expectant mother should wear a bandage and do special gymnastics for pregnant women.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Svetulja 03/29/2016
My baby gave me an ultrasound picture. What a beauty she is. I already bought her a T-shirt with the inscription "Miss World 2033."

Mam_mam 03/29/2016
How much the kid kicks, the footballer will probably be. And on ultrasound he closed his “good” with pens. So football players are built in front of the goal when a penalty kick.

Jasmine 03/29/2016
I got an ultrasound of the placenta on an ultrasound, maybe they’ll even send me to a hospital. But I don’t worry, I have a second baby, and the first one had the same story. He was born healthy.

Zinochka 03/29/2016
I got out a wreath on my leg, the gynecologist said that these are the initial manifestations of varicose veins. I advised you to buy special tightening tights.

Dushka 03/29/2016
Could not explain what is happening to me, now I understand. I want ice cream while my husband goes to the store, already I want herring. I’m capricious, but he dutifully fulfills all the vagaries :))


Watch the video: Normal Fetal Movement and Growth. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).