What care does plum need in the fall? We feed and process it. How to prepare a plum for wintering: is it necessary to cover?


Plum is a rather winter-hardy culture, tolerates cold well, but the tree needs help.

An important role is played by autumn plum care, as well as preparing the tree for winter.

If you take a little time on all the necessary procedures, then the yield will always remain at its best.

In addition, additional fertilizing and processing from pests prolong the life of the fruit tree. How to properly care for the plum?

What the plum needs in the fall: basic care and treatments

Any tree needs care throughout the season, but in the fall the main task of the gardener is to prepare the garden for the winter so that the plants successfully survive the frosts. How to do it?

Topping plum in the fall

The last feeding of the plum feeds the tree, replenishing the reserves of nutrients spent on fruiting. This procedure is carried out after harvest, before the onset of frost. A solution for feeding is prepared at the rate of 30-40 liters per fruiting tree.

Recipe for 10 liters of water:

• 2 tbsp. l potassium sulfate;

• 3 tbsp. l superphosphate.

All fertilizers, which include nitrogen, are transferred to spring. With autumn top dressing, the following types of mixtures have proven themselves well:

• Organics. Such top dressing restores the root system, affects its growth, helps the plant withstand diseases and pests. As organic fertilizers in the fall, humus or compost is used.

• Phosphorus and potash fertilizers. For good fruiting, the plum needs potassium; it is additionally added as top dressing. If the soil is sandy, then phosphorus fertilizers are not used, they complicate root respiration.

Autumn top dressing of the tree is carried out in warm weather, before freezing occurs. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the dosage, otherwise there is a risk of death of the tree. For young trees, up to three years old, in the fall apply one type of fertilizing. And older plants can be fertilized with various mixtures, alternating them.

It is difficult for a beginner gardener to determine the dosage and type of feeding plums. In this case, you need to pay attention to the tree itself, the degree of its pain, the amount of yield.

Important! After top dressing, you need to cover the soil with straw or compost. Experienced gardeners plant siderates around the tree, which not only feed the tree, but also protect it from weeds.

Autumn processing of plums from pests and diseases

In addition to top dressing, it is important at the stage of preparation for winter to process the plum from pests. Active pest control should be carried out throughout the season, and autumn - the final stage. During this period, insects prepare for winter, look for an overnight stay, so all the gardener's forces should be aimed at the destruction of wintering colonies.

Wood processing is started after harvesting. Most often, plum aphids the aphid, so the main spraying is aimed at combating it. When the number of pests is insignificant, they are sprayed with folk preparations: infusion of garlic with laundry soap, wormwood, and onion husks.

In addition to folk remedies, a solution of Bordeaux fluid, mechanical collection of pests, digging of the soil under the bushes are used, which helps to reduce the number of wintering generations. Only a systematic and comprehensive approach to caring for plums in autumn will allow you to grow a healthy tree with good productivity.

How to prepare a plum for winter: pruning, whitewashing and winter watering

In order for a tree to survive the frost well, it must be prepared in advance. Experienced gardeners have a few secrets that are important to know and apply.

Winter plum watering

If the summer turned out to be dry, then in the autumn it is necessary to carry out moisture-saving watering. It is carried out before the onset of frost, in late October or early November, but after leaf fall. If groundwater lies deep, then the ground should be saturated with two or more meters. With the surface flow of water, the soil is moistened to a depth of 1 meter.

Winters are watered carefully. If the autumn is rainy, then it is better to refuse irrigation. And grooves around the trunk, through which excess moisture will go into the drainage system. Too much moisture in warm autumn leads to repeated growth of the plant, sometimes to flowering, which is unacceptable.

Whitewash tree

After leaf fall, you need to clean the old bark of the tree from the trunk and skeletal branches. During this procedure, all lichens and other parasitic growths are removed from the tree. It is better to remove the bark with a scraper, and then clean it with a wire brush. Such manipulations should be carried out carefully, trying not to touch the healthy bark of the tree. All garbage is taken out and burned off-site.

Whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches saves from spring burns, pests and diseases. Spend it after cleaning the plum. The working solution is prepared from lime, clay and mullein. To prevent various diseases, copper sulfate is added to the mixture, which is dissolved in hot water. Substance consumption up to 300 gr. for 10 liters of water.

Prune pruning

Any tree needs proper pruning, which is aimed at removing broken branches, spinning tops and damaged shoots. Sanitary care for the plum should be carried out throughout the season. In the northern regions, it is better to refrain from autumn pruning of plums, as the slices greatly wither the tree. In regions with a mild climate, sanitary cleaning does not hurt. The procedure takes place in several stages:

1. After the autumn planting, the seedling is immediately cut. In this case, the trunk is shortened by 2/3, and the shoots by 1/3.

2. Adult trees need anti-aging pruning, during which sick, damaged and thickening shoots are removed.

3. Young trees thin out slightly, shortening only strongly growing shoots, so that the crown remains symmetrical.

Do I need to cover the plum for the winter?

This question worries every gardener, but there is no single answer to it.

In regions with a harsh climate, warming of the stem, skeletal branches is mandatory and they spud the trunk circle. To this end, roofing material is wrapped around the trunk, a warming material, on top of which reflective foil is applied.

The trunk circle is mulched with the onset of frost, using compost or humus. Such a shelter will help the tree survive snowless winters. If there is enough snow, then they additionally insulate the tree trunk to the level of skeletal branches. This option is suitable for the northern regions of the country.

Young seedlings can be insulated otherwise by arranging a hut above them from fir branches that are pulled together with twine. Additionally, snowfall will serve as another layer of shelter. Inside the shelter you need to put the cut shoots of mint, which will protect the tree from rodents.

In the southern regions, it is enough to mulch the trunk circle. Especially young trees and seedlings need it.

Autumn plum care is very important, it is aimed at preparing the tree for the cold. Do not neglect all the procedures described, because the main goal of the gardener is to get a good harvest.


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