November 22: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


A person can realize his potential only with a certain mental well-being. The profession of a psychologist is gaining momentum today, since the mental health of people is no less important than physical. Psychology significantly affects the solution of social problems in many areas of life, it is also necessary for people and needs funding, like other industries. The holiday in Russia is celebrated informally, but the most important educational institutions of the country of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University are trying to draw public attention to the importance of the profession of psychologist. In Ukraine, the day of psychologist is celebrated on April 23.

Thanksgiving Day - the favorite holiday of Americans since 1621, is highlighted on the fourth Thursday of November. The history of the holiday takes us to the distant 17th century, to the Plymouth colony. After a hard lean year, hard times came for the colonists. The new winter also did not bode well, and Governor William Bradford organized a celebration with the Indian tribes. People thanked the Almighty for the joys of life. And the Indians saved the inhabitants from starvation. George Washington issued a Decree in 1789, in which Thanksgiving became a national holiday. On this day, people donate to charity in favor of the poor, organize dinners for the homeless. An important attribute of the holiday is roast turkey. Also on this day, traditional costume parades are held.

The purpose of this holiday is the assertion of the ideals of democracy, the education of national spirit and dignity. It is held in memory of the 2004 Orange Revolution, in which the people rose, demanding a recount. As a result of the Orange Revolution, the people achieved an honest relationship, Viktor Yushchenko became the President of the country, and Ukraine became more free.

Since 2000, the Ministry of Justice and justice officials have been celebrating a professional holiday. For the first time after the collapse of the USSR, the penitentiary system left the Ministry of Justice in Azerbaijan. Now it is part of the Ministry of Justice.

In 1943, the Lebanese parliament excluded articles related to the restriction of sovereignty from the country's constitution. The country responded to the arrest of the president and prime minister by the French authorities and the dissolution of parliament by mass demonstrations and armed clashes with the colonialists. On November 22, the Lebanese Constitution and legal government were restored. Day has become a national holiday.

Bank employees celebrate their professional holiday to emphasize the importance of the banking system and its role in the functioning of the country's industrial and social infrastructure. The Armenian government chose the date for the holiday due to the fact that for the first time on November 22, 1993, Armenia began to use its own currency. The transition to drama enabled the country to develop and improve the banking system and stimulated the development of the economy. Strengthening the drama did not occur immediately, only 10 years later Armenia managed to achieve significant success.

R. Rodriguez in his film "Desperate" showed the world famous Mexican musicians - Maryanchi. Each year, on the day of their patroness, Cecilia, they celebrate their professional holiday in the Garibaldi square. The life of a simple musician is quite ordinary. They love their profession, believe in God and do not have many civil rights in the country. They are not paid benefits and pensions, and they are not given health insurance. The group of musicians, as a rule, includes 8-9 people, there are women. An annual marjanchi contest is held in which the holder of the best vote is given the title "ambassador of marianchi of the year".

(November 10, old style) - Memorial Day of the Monk Matrona of Tsargrad

Matron lived in Constantinople in the 5th century. Being married, she fell in love with the temple, prayers, and conversations with pious people. The husband did not understand these aspirations and attacked her. Wanting to hide from her husband, Matrona gave her daughter to a woman she knew and went to the monastery under a man’s name. Hegumen had a vision, the secret of Matron was revealed. The servant was transferred to a convent, where she lived for many years in worship of God and became abbess. In Russia, signs are being considered on this day to judge the weather for the coming days. Hoarfrost predicted frosts, and fog - thaws. If geese went on the ice to look for water, then wait for warming. Cloudy and snowy weather on Matrena predicted a good harvest. Hoarfrost promised oats, and rain - a good harvest of wheat.

November 22, 1960 - exit from the conveyor of the first batch of Zaporozhets ZAZ-965 cars

They were created according to the model of the talented Italian designer Dante Dzhakozy based on the FIAT 600 car. Zaporozhets was a solid and economical small car, had a smooth bottom, good cross, and gained fame as an unpretentious and inexpensive model. Abroad, cars were sold under the name "Yalta". The same factory in Ukraine began to produce wheelchairs. The last descendant of these cars was the Slavut model, which today is discontinued due to the environmental requirements of the European Union.

November 22, 1990 - Margaret Thatcher's resignation as British Prime Minister

11 years as Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister in England ended in disagreement in the Conservative Party and resignation. Margaret Thatcher is a recognized world politician, she is rightly considered the winner of the Cold War along with Ronald Reagan. As Prime Minister, she has achieved significant economic success and increased UK prestige in the world. Under her leadership, many state-owned companies were privatized. The nickname "Iron Lady" fully justifies her inexorable character, business acumen and determination. In 1992, she was awarded the nobility in the title of Baroness.

November 22, 1963 - John F. Kennedy killed in Dallas

Kennedy became the very first president of such a young age, while he was only 44 years old. He managed to pass several important laws and change the situation in the country, but most of the reforms were blocked in Congress. Kennedy made a great contribution to the removal of tension between the USA and the USSR, and agreements on disarmament and the prohibition of nuclear tests were signed in 1963. The country loved its President for his determination and wit. He was shot by a sniper, hitting the neck with two bullets. The crime of the 20th century has not yet been disclosed.

November 22, 1928 - the first performance of Maurice Ravel’s Bolero at the Grand Opera took place

Russian dancer Ida Rubinstein asked Maurice Ravel to write a piece of music for her troupe. At the evening of this troupe at the Grand Opera in Paris, it was first performed as musical accompaniment. The combination of classical rhythms with Spanish dance tunes created a sensation at the concert. Also took place the premiere of "Waltz" Ravel. The great success of the performance was long discussed by the public and in the Paris newspapers. "Bolero" has become an independent work.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl (1801-1872), author of the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Dahl was a very versatile person. Being engaged in medicine and literature, he managed to serve in his youth in the Navy, receive a medical education, and participated in the war with the Poles. Among his hobbies was ethnography, he constantly collected information and decided to try his hand at literature. The first book, Russian fairy tales, was banned from publishing. Dahl began to be published under various pseudonyms. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, together with its proverbs of the Russian people, are still considered the golden fund of Russian literature.

Kurt Koffka (1886 - 1941), one of the founders of gestalt psychology

Particular attention in the theory of Kofka is given to teaching a child on his mistakes. He wrote many works in which he drew attention to the innate ability of people to interact with the environment. He supported Stern's “theory of convergence”, participated with Wertheimer and Köhler in experiments, and founded a psychological research journal. In 1935, his main work, The Principles of Gestalt Psychology, was published.

Charles de Gaulle (1890 - 1970) - French commander, writer, President of the country

Charles de Gaulle is a recognized military theorist. During World War 2, he created and led the organization of resistance, after the liberation of France he became chairman of the Council of Ministers of France. Later, he created the party "Unification of the French people" and became a prominent political figure in the country. In his memoirs - the three-volume essay "Call", "Unity" and "Salvation", he describes activities in critical war years. In 1958, he was elected President of France, carried out the decolonization of lands, trying to maintain cultural influence. During his reign, France receives nuclear weapons. Charles de Gaulle resigned voluntarily during the crisis in the country. His name is given to the area of ​​Paris.

Victor Olegovich Pelevin (1962), Russian writer, laureate of the Small Booker Prize

His famous works: the collection "Blue Lantern", the story "Chapaev and the Void", and others. Today, he is one of 1000 significant figures of modern culture. His works are filming film studios, theaters stage plays. Translation into the languages ​​of the world and widespread fame brought him the title of the most influential intellectual in Russia.

Edward Burneys (1891-1995) - one of the founders of PR

Bernays conducted the development of the first PR companies based on the works of Sigmund Freud, being his nephew. The manipulation of subconscious feelings and impulses allowed Bernays to develop the science of mass persuasion. In the US, he actively developed commercial advertising using an approach of subconscious influence on the audience. He used the same methods in political persuasion. The result of his first advertising campaign was the huge success of the Diaghilev ballet tour (1915). He owns a share of success in promoting such companies as Procter and Gamble, General Motors and several influential political figures of the 20th century on the world market. He called his scientific method "engineering of consent."

Today Joseph, Konstantin, Porfiry, Cyril, Matryona, Mikhail, Victor, Dmitry, Ilya, Ivan, Alexey, Alexander celebrate


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