Increased sweating in women - causes, symptoms and treatment. Increased sweating in women - what you need to know about prevention


Increased sweating in women - hyperhidrosis - a very common phenomenon.

Compared to men, excessive sweating in women, according to statistics, is found twice as often due to the physiological characteristics of the female body.

In addition to discomfort, hyperhidrosis gives a woman a lot of anxiety about health, if suddenly excessive sweating occurs against the background of general well-being.

Normally, every woman sweats under certain circumstances; excessive sweating is a reaction of the body to the action of external or internal factors.

Due to the abundant sweating, a normal body temperature is maintained, sweat “cools” the body with hyperthermia or with certain changes in the internal environment of the body; then toxins and harmful substances are removed.

Increased sweating in women can be both physiological (hyperhidrosis at high ambient temperatures; excessive physical exertion), and pathological. With pathological sweating, the sweating process itself accompanies any serious illness.

Increased sweating in women - causes

The causes of excessive sweating in women should be divided into general, which are found at the same frequency in men, and causes specific to women.

Increased sweating in women is divided into

- idiopathic - arising for no particular reason;

- secondary - causing any disease.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis - local, spreads to certain parts of the body; the secondary can be either local or generalized.

The causes of local hyperhidrosis can be stresses, certain foods: coffee, chocolate, spicy seasonings, hot dishes.

Increased sweating in women can be a manifestation of the physiological characteristics of the body. But in most cases, the causes of excessive sweating in women are, as a rule, certain diseases.

1. Infections: all infectious diseases, regardless of the etiological factor (viruses, bacteria, fungi) occur with increasing temperature, and, therefore, are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

2. Diseases of the endocrine system: many hormonal disruptions, which lead to an increase in the functions of endocrinological organs, cause increased work of the sweat glands - hyperhidrosis develops. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and dysfunction of the ovaries.

3. Cardiological diseases: many emergency conditions in the pathology of the cardiovascular system are the cause of excessive sweating in women. Heart attacks, shock, collapse are often accompanied by profuse sweating.

4. Permanent - paroxysmal course of autonomic - vascular dystonia: vagoinsular or sympathoadrenal crises can cause increased sweating in women.

5. Many poisonings, both infectious and toxic, are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which metabolic processes in the cartilage and bone tissues are disturbed, often cause excessive sweating in women.

7. Malignant tumors: often excessive sweating is the debut of a malignant neoplasm. This occurs with the development of lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, etc.

8. The cause of excessive sweating may also be some medications in which hyperhidrosis is a side effect. Such drugs include insulin, morphine, promedol, aspirin, etc. Canceling or replacing the drug with a similar one can normalize the condition, but this can be done by contacting a doctor.

And finally, there are reasons that cause excessive sweating exclusively in women, due to certain physiological factors. This is due to hormonal changes that occur throughout life or at certain intervals. These primarily include:

1. Menstruation. Many women before the onset of menstruation due to a sharp increase in hormones appear not only weakness, fatigue, lethargy, but also increased sweating.

2. Pregnancy. In the first trimester, when active hormonal changes occur in the body, hyperhidrosis appears.

3. Climax. During this period of menopause, there is a significant restructuring of the hormonal background, which, in addition to mood swings, fatigue, and weakness, is manifested by strong bouts of increased sweating in women - hot flashes.

Such conditions cause great discomfort, each woman can manifest themselves to varying degrees, but, according to statistics, in 15% of women, excessive sweating is extremely pronounced and violates the general condition, affects the habitual way of life and working capacity.

All these purely "female" causes of hyperhidrosis are also physiological. Any of them is accompanied by colossal hormonal changes:

- in the postpartum period, a large amount of prolactin is produced during breastfeeding, with menopause, on the contrary, the production of estrogen decreases and gradually fades.

- during pregnancy, multiple hormonal “jumps” occur throughout the entire period; in addition, a significant increase in body weight leads to increased function of the sweat glands.

After a certain time and the completion of certain processes, everything normalizes and passes without medical intervention.

Increased sweating in women - symptoms

One of the symptoms of excessive sweating in women is head hyperhidrosis. Occurs infrequently, manifested by increased sweating of the scalp, occurs with strong physical exertion, high air temperature, as a result of stress, at night during sleep.

Often the symptoms accompanying excessive sweating in women are anxiety, anxiety, poor sleep, emotional lability. Increased sweating, sometimes in addition to hyperhidrosis, is manifested by a symptom such as facial flushing.

The intensity of the manifestation of symptoms distinguishes three degrees of excessive sweating in women (as in men):

1. First degree: excessive sweating is not a problem for the patient and the people around him.

2. Second degree: there is discomfort in public speaking and shaking hands.

3. Third degree: in connection with increased sweating, psychological problems and discomforts begin to arise that disrupt the lifestyle, communication, and being in society.

Another symptom of excessive sweating in women is axillary hyperhidrosis. (increased sweating in the armpits). This, in turn, leads to the appearance of other symptoms: increased nervousness, irritability, the development of a variety of complexes. Although hyperhidrosis in the armpits is a normal reaction to high air temperature, stress, great physical exertion. There are certain factors leading to increased sweating: alcohol, spicy and very hot food.

Symptoms of excessive sweating of the feet (plantar hyperhidrosis)In addition to the most sweating, there is often an unpleasant odor that causes discomfort to both the patient and others. Increased sweating feet does not depend on the ambient temperature. It is explained by increased function of the sweat glands of the feet or increased function of the sympathetic nervous system. Often combined with other symptoms of excessive sweating in women: with hyperhidrosis of the head, palms, axillary hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms - The most common symptom of a local form of excessive sweating in women. It is manifested, in turn, by the following symptoms: cold wet palms, sometimes sweat can literally drain from the palms. These manifestations are amplified in stressful situations, during physical exertion, hormonal changes, high temperatures, overdoses of certain medications, and for some diseases. In some cases, increased sweating of the palms of women is accompanied by symptoms such as rashes, itching, unpleasant odor, redness. Of course, these symptoms do not represent a health hazard, and even more so for the patient’s life, but they can become a serious psychological problem for a woman.

Increased sweating in women - treatment

Treatment for excessive sweating in women exists. Symptomatic sympathectomy is a surgical procedure that completely and permanently relieves hyperhidrosis of the palms and armpits. This method of treating excessive sweating is not used in women with foot hyperhidrosis - in this case it is ineffective.

Antiperspirants - their use is also effective in local forms of hyperhidrosis for a while, subject to the rules of personal hygiene.

With a generalized form of excessive sweating in women, you must consult a doctor who will determine the causes and prescribe the appropriate treatment for general hyperhidrosis. This must be done on time to avoid the serious consequences of diseases that can be identified during the examination.

Treatment of a local form of excessive sweating in women in the form of axillary hyperhidrosis is divided into surgical and conservative. The best treatment currently is to use Botox. Botox blocks the transport of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the functioning of sweat glands. The effect after the use of Botox lasts more than six months. But there are certain contraindications: pregnancy, the period of feeding, allergic reactions.

Iontophoresis is a fairly effective method of treating excessive sweating in women, based on the use of electric current. It is used for hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet, armpits.

Alumochloride hexahydrate is a kind of antiperspirant, effective in 65% of cases of armpit hyperhidrosis, and also gives good results with excessive sweating of the feet and hands.

Underarm liposuction is a very effective treatment and protects against increased hyperhidrosis of the armpits for a long time.

Increased sweating in women - prevention

Prevention of excessive sweating in women depends on the form of hyperhidrosis and its intensity. In any cases, you must first consult a doctor to find out the causes and exclude serious diseases that can cause excessive sweating.

With plantar hyperhidrosis in the first place are the observance of personal hygiene; you need to choose socks and shoes only from natural materials. Sometimes with hyperhidrosis of the feet, which causes a lot of problems, it is enough to change shoes: replace shoes made of artificial materials with shoes made of genuine leather - and the problem will be solved by itself. With constant moisture in the feet, bacteria multiply rapidly, the vital activity of which causes an unpleasant odor, redness of the feet, and infection of the feet often occurs. Botox injections also help to cope with the problem for at least six months.

If the cause of increased hyperhidrosis in a woman is stress, mild sedatives and sedatives are prescribed for the prevention (and treatment).

Regardless of the causes of excessive sweating in women, in no case should one ignore this condition. It is necessary to consult a doctor on time, and then sad consequences can be avoided.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Explains Sweat (June 2024).