What does the bruise dream of: on the face or on other parts of the body? Key Interpretations: What is the bruise for on yourself or another person?


Asleep, a person would like to see a lot, would like to know the unknown world of dreams.

Plunge into a dream - plunge into travel, into adventures, which, unfortunately, do not always bring joy.

Sometimes in a dream with a person troubles happen, injuries, bruises can appear.

What is the bruise for? Now let's figure it out.

What a bruise is for - basic interpretation

What is the bruise for? In the most common interpretations of dreams, it is indicated that a bruise represents an obstacle, a ban. The location of the bruise will tell you what exactly gets in your way. So, for example, bruises on the face indicate that you will be tempted, you will be subject to temptations.

But not always such dreams can talk about future events, sometimes they indicate what has already happened. In this case, the bruises will represent the wounds of the soul and heart, fear of the future, fear of remaining misunderstood. If in a dream you saw bruises on someone else’s body, you should think about whether you really treat this person well, perhaps you don’t understand him, you despise him?

Also, in some cases, injuries in a dream and bruises promise you a meeting with your old relative, which you were waiting for. This meeting will remain in your memory for a long time as a negative moment in your life. But, no matter how negative the prediction is, you always need to tune in to the fact that failure in your life is a temporary phenomenon. A dream will certainly tell you how to cope with troubles and not let them take over you completely and completely.

Why dream a bruise on your face

A bruise on the face represents the problem that the person himself does not want to see. But if he nevertheless takes responsibility for what is happening, he will be able to change the situation for the better.

It is also worth being prepared for the necessary changes in a positive direction. As soon as the problem situation is resolved, life will provide an opportunity to actively move forward. You also need to keep in mind that if a woman had a dream, she should moderate her ardor and not run into trouble. It is better to do everything gradually, slowly achieve a result and in no case come into conflict with representatives of the opposite sex.

If a woman has a relationship with an ebullient young man - it is time for her to stop it, otherwise she will never see happiness in her personal life. So, according to Freud’s dream book, if you have a bruise in your eye area in your dream, you will be disappointed in your new loved one. What is the reason for this outcome - the lack of confidence, because you do not allow feelings to arise.

The bruise under the eye of another is a symbol of your negative attitude towards him. In reality, this person can harm you, and in a dream you do everything to prevent it - attack first.

If you have a bruise on your cheek, then your secret intentions will be realized. You have already made a decision, but have not yet begun an active movement towards your goal. Do not worry about the fact that you did not inform your loved ones about your intentions, not everything should be put on public display.

Denise Lynn saysthat a bruise on your nose means that you should not interfere in other people's affairs. All your good intentions will lead you only to confusion. You should in no case interfere in other people's affairs without asking, even if it seems to you that you will only bring good.

In the esoteric dream book but it is said that the bruise on the forehead speaks not only of your stubbornness, but also of the lack of a flexible position on basic issues. You have a fairly high level of intelligence, but you ignore the wonderful opportunity to use it. Do not follow public opinion, but do not impose your own.

Why is there a bruise on my body?

Why is there a bruise on the body from the small Velesian dream book? This is a symbol that you are very wasteful. You should review your spending and keep yourself in control, money loves an account. In order to no longer have quarrels in the family due to lack of money, it is also worth tempering your ardor.

In Wangi's dream book it is said that the bruise on the neck represents the guilt that gnaws you, you do not let go of yourself, you do not give yourself the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself. Also, such a dream can warn you against insulting a loved one. You will pay cruelly for this.

If you dream of extensive beatings on your body - do not be afraid to ask for help - they will help you, you will find a way out of the situation, you should not be particularly nervous - life is on your side. Soon you will have a huge number of friends and well-wishers.

If you dream that you stabbed another person and as a result a bruise formed on his skin - you will soon reconsider your love relationship, you want to change something now, but you don’t know what. You will be able to bring to the clear water someone who has long been plotting evil against you.

If you dream of bruises on your legs - there is nothing new to do. All your undertakings will not succeed. You just wasted your time and energy. If you ignore the warning, then in reality you can really hurt your legs.

If you see a bruise on the foot of another - it is worth evaluating all the details, they may seem like a trifle, but this trifle will give a complete picture of interpretation. If you sympathize with the victim and feel pity for him, you have every opportunity to become inseparable friends in the future.

In the modern dream book it’s said that a bruise on your knee can mean someone’s desire to subjugate you. Your enemy may appear in a dream, or you will clearly know who we are talking about. The bruise on my arm is mostly a dream in order to warn you that your friends may not be your friends at all. They are most likely already experiencing fierce envy towards you.

Also, a bruise on the arm may say that you expect difficulties in the financial sector and at work. In this case, difficulties will be caused by external factors independent of you. The bruises on the back indicate that you are a fan of putting decisions in the long drawer, you have to give up this habit, otherwise your affairs will end badly.

Soon you will encounter a problem that will require immediate resolution. If a woman in a dream sees a bruise on her stomach - do not rush things, listen to the voice of reason, you are not subject to this world.

In the eastern dream book a bruise on the abdomen indicates the presence of negative in this area. Energy flows poorly through the channels, which leads to its stagnation. A man should seriously take care of his health. If we are talking about women - she should worry about being able to become a mother. She could only recently feel vulnerable and defenseless. These feelings are not subjective. Someone struck her with an energy blow.

At the same time, if you find real beatings on your body, you will certainly have a pleasant surprise. You did not want to believe your happiness for a long time, but it suddenly overtook you.

Why is there a bruise on Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book it says that a bruise on your face means that life will constantly put you on the bandwagon. You should gather strength, otherwise you will miss the right moment for self-development. You should be the most attentive to your desires.

You will also have to work hard to achieve your goal. If you find a bruise on another person, he will give you a huge amount of unpleasant trouble. To see bruises on the child’s body - you should be careful in your methods of education, do not put undue pressure on the child.

Why dream of a bruise on Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said:

• A bruise on his face is a dream - to clarify the relationship between partners;

• A bruise on his hand is dreaming of an early acquaintance;

• A bruise on the legs represents the unwillingness of partners to meet each other;

• Bruises on the body indicate a painful relationship that must end.

The dream book also focuses on the fact that it is not worthwhile to allow violence and oppression over oneself. It is worth defending your own point of view. This venture will bring not only positive results, but also satisfaction from life. Do not obey your partner for the sake of love.

In any case, bruises on the body mean not quite right decisions that can be avoided. If in real life you are engaged in self-flagellation - you should stop this practice and engage in self-development. It is worthwhile to make every effort to harmonize relationships, establish relationships with loved ones. This will give you an impetus for personal growth.


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