Drink from oranges at home - quench your thirst with freshness and good. What drinks from oranges can be prepared at home?


And on a sultry summer day, and on a frosty winter evening, a drink from oranges will be an excellent option for refreshments.

It perfectly quenches thirst, boosts immunity, and nourishes the body with vitamins. In addition, unlike juices and carbonated drinks, it does not contain dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers and other chemical elements.

Oranges at home - general principles of preparation

It is noteworthy that the products that make up the drink can be purchased at any store throughout the year. The main thing is to choose the right oranges: they should not be spoiled, sweet, not sour.

Before cooking, citrus fruits should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water to remove the remnants of wax and remove bitterness. After, depending on the recipe, either chop or squeeze the juice out of them.

Additional components to an orange drink can be ordinary water, alcohol, dairy products, as well as ingredients such as sugar, spices, mint and others.

Recipe 1. A drink from oranges at home: nectar

With just five not very large oranges, you can make more than 10 liters of a refreshing tasty drink. Moreover, the recipe is so simple that, having prepared, thus, nectar once, you will return to it again and again.


• 10 liters of boiled chilled water;

• five medium-sized oranges;

• kilogram of sugar;

• 30 grams of citric acid.


1. First, boil and completely cool the required amount of water.

2. Thoroughly rinse the oranges without peeling them. Spread in a large bowl, pour boiling water for five minutes. After we dry it and remove it for several hours in the refrigerator, so we will get rid of the inherent citrus zest of bitterness.

3. We take out the settled oranges and cut into large pieces together with the peel. Pass through a meat grinder.

4. Fill the aromatic mass with three liters of water, let it brew for ten minutes.

5. Filter the nectar first through a colander, then through a sieve.

6. Dilute the nectar with the remaining water, sugar, citric acid.

7. Stir the drink well, remove for an hour or two until the sugar is completely dissolved.

8. Pour the finished drink into bottles, put it in the refrigerator.

From the remaining citrus mass, we can prepare a delicious jam. To do this, mix the pulp of oranges with sugar to taste and simmer over low heat until thickened. We remove the jelly-like jam in sterilized jars. Cool and clog.

Recipe 2. A drink of oranges at home: with cinnamon

The method of preparing this drink is not much different from the previous one, but thanks to cinnamon, nectar acquires an unusual aroma and taste.


• three oranges;

• 150 grams of granulated sugar;

• two glasses of water;

• 1/2 tsp cinnamon.


1. Wash the oranges, cut into two, squeeze the juice into a clean, dry bowl in any convenient way.

2. Orange peel, which remained after squeezing, grind through a grater or with a sharp knife.

3. Pour water into another pan, pour cinnamon and granulated sugar. Here we put the chopped zest of orange.

4. Cook the syrup for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Filter the prepared broth through a fine sieve, mix the broth with freshly squeezed orange juice.

Such a drink made from oranges at home is an excellent "supplier" of vitamin C. You can drink it both hot and chilled.

Recipe 3. Drink from oranges at home: with spices

This drink option is ideal for those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time. It is cooked instantly, it turns out incredibly aromatic, and the sour-sweet taste perfectly refreshes and invigorates.


• four oranges;

• 230 ml of water;

• 50 g of sugar;

• cinnamon stick;

• two pinches of nutmeg;

• 3-4 buds of cloves.


1. Carefully washed and scalded with boiling water oranges cut into several parts and squeeze the juice.

2. Mix the juice with boiled cooled water, pour sugar into the mixture, put a stick of cinnamon (you can replace a teaspoon of cinnamon powder) and cloves.

3. Put the pan with the aromatic mixture on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, and cook literally one minute, after which we remove the pan from the heat.

4. Cool the finished drink, filter through a fine sieve or gauze folded into several layers.

5. Serve sprinkled with nutmeg.

Recipe 4. Alcoholic drink from oranges at home

You do not know what to bring to the table for a meeting with friends or a romantic evening as an alcoholic drink? Take this orange drink recipe. Alcohol is practically not felt in it, it is drunk easily, and everyone will like the taste and aroma of such a treat: slightly tart, unobtrusively sweet, with a slight sourness and freshness of mint.


• 380 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;

• half a large or one small orange;

• 10 g of powdered sugar;

• a pinch of citric acid;

• 4 tbsp. l liquor;

• 1 tsp ground cinnamon;

• sugar to taste (1.2.3 tablespoons);

• fresh mint leaves and ice.


1. Squeeze out the amount of juice we need from sweet large oranges, mix it with a glass of boiled cooled water and two tablespoons of liquor.

2. Pour citric acid and sugar into the mixture. Mix well in a shaker or clean with a dry whisk.

3. Add the remaining liquor, mix again and send for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

4. Pour the finished drink from oranges into beautiful glasses filled with the desired amount of ice and decorate: sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon, spread a couple of mint leaves, and put a thin slice of orange on the edge of the glass.

Recipe 5. Milk drink from oranges at home

A quick recipe, a great drink with vitamins for a children's breakfast. Instead of fresh orange, you can also take ordinary orange juice from trusted manufacturers, but from freshly squeezed nectar, there is clearly more benefit.


• a glass of milk;

• half a sweet orange;

• milk chocolate.


1. Pour a glass of milk into the blender bowl, squeeze the juice from half an orange here. Beat until foam. You can also use a hand blender or a regular whisk.

2. Rub the chocolate on a fine grater.

3. Pour the milk drink from oranges into a large glass glass, sprinkle with chocolate chips.

4. In addition to chocolate, you can use coconut flakes, chopped slightly roasted nuts for decoration.

Recipe 6. Carbonated drink from oranges at home

To prepare this drink, choose ordinary sparkling water, not mineral, without any additives. Sugar syrup is used in the recipe, it is prepared from 100 g of granulated sugar and 40 ml of water: it is enough to mix both ingredients in a small saucepan and warm until all sugar grains are dissolved.


• 50 ml of sugar syrup;

• 200 grams of orange;

• bottled sparkling water.


1. Wash the orange well, cut it in half, squeeze the juice.

2. Combine the cooled sugar syrup with orange nectar.

3. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass, filling it about half.

4. Fill with soda water chilled in the refrigerator.

5. Optionally, you can decorate the drink from oranges with fruit slices or berries.

Recipe 7. Immune-boosting drink of oranges at home: with lemon and mint


• one orange;

• two lemons;

• 2.5 liters of water;

• a small bunch of fresh mint;

• half a glass of sugar.


1. Wash the orange, clean. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp, and pour the peel for 10 minutes with boiling water.

2. I also wash the lemons, cut into two parts, squeeze the juice.

3. Pour water into the pan, pour sugar after boiling, put the orange peels and mint leaves, pour the orange juice.

4. We brew the drink over medium heat for five minutes.

5. Cool the cooked mixture, decant through a fine sieve, mix with lemon juice.

6. Serve, pre-chilled in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

A drink of oranges at home - tips and tricks

• If you do not have a juicer, you can squeeze the juice with your hands. To do this, first rinse the fruit on the table, pressing and pressing hard on it, and then cut and squeeze.

• You can replace sugar in drinks with sugar or any fruit, berry syrup. For people with diabetes, it is recommended that honey be used as a sweetener.

• If you added mint leaves to an orange drink, having prepared it in large quantities, it is better to remove the mint after 5-6 hours of infusion so that the drink does not become bitter.

• If after all the manipulations you still have the flesh or peel of oranges, do not rush to throw them away. You can make delicious jam from them, they can be added to pies, tarts, and just put in tea.

• In order to slightly change the aroma, taste, color of the drink, you can put other citrus fruits along with orange: lemons, grapefruits.

• Serve drinks made from oranges, whether they are regular, soda, milk or alcohol chilled. So they fully reveal their aroma and taste.

• But as a prophylaxis of colds, a fortified orange drink is recommended to drink hot.


Watch the video: Healthy Summer Drinks Stop Motion Compilation - 15 Refreshing Drinks! (June 2024).