What to do if chest hurts?


How to identify mastopathy, and how to treat it

It is no secret that the current system of women's consultations in Russia does not meet modern requirements. Not enough specialists, outdated equipment, huge lines everywhere ... Today, these institutions can barely cope with the "management" of pregnant women, what can we say about the detection and prevention of diseases? This problem is so serious that the urgency of creating an association of women's health charity centers throughout the country is being discussed at the highest level.

Have you ever tried just like that, "to check your health", to get an appointment with a mammologist in your district consultation or in a clinic? Most likely, there is not even such a doctor and a specialized office there, and in order to be sent to a large medical center, you must first visit at least a gynecologist and take tests, and this is again a record, queues, loss of time. Therefore, a modern working, busy woman seeks help from a specialist only when the problem is already really serious. Usually, at this point the disease is quite neglected, and the doctor utters a sacramental phrase: "Well, where were you before? Now, if you had come six months or a year ago ..."

Indeed, many diseases respond well to early treatment. These, in particular, include such a common disease as mastopathy. It is known that to one degree or another, every second woman of childbearing age suffers from her. Symptoms of mastopathy are well known - pain and heaviness in the chest, swelling and tightening of the mammary glands. Often these signs appear in the first days of the menstrual cycle, and the woman does not attach any importance to them, considering this a "normal phenomenon." But mastopathy is insidious, after itself it can “lead” very serious diseases, up to oncological ones. The only way to prevent this is to identify it in time and begin treatment.

Of course, the news that in the near future women’s centers will open all over the country where they can come to be examined without any problems is very encouraging. However, do not forget about the means of prevention and treatment of mastopathy that we already have now, and which are well known to mammologists and gynecologists. For prevention, and at the first sign of breast discomfort, doctors often recommend herbal medicine.

As a reliable therapeutic agent for the treatment and prevention of mastopathy among doctors and patients, the non-hormonal herbal drug Mastodinon of the Bionorika company (Germany) has long established itself. This is a completely herbal remedy, it does not contain any synthetic hormones, it contains only natural extracts. Unlike dietary supplements, the efficacy and safety of mastodinone has been proven in numerous clinical studies. Its use leads to the removal of edema, the reduction of pain and heaviness in the chest and the restoration of the affected tissues of the mammary glands. In addition, the use of the herbal preparation Mastodinon helps to establish a regular menstrual cycle, and also eliminates the symptoms of PMS, which, as you know, is often combined with mastopathy.

Gently restoring the natural balance of hormones, Mastodinon returns the woman's health and well-being. However, despite the fact that the drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you should consult a specialist and read the instructions before taking it.


Watch the video: What causes chest pain & what to do? (July 2024).