Potato pancakes with mushrooms - unusual pancakes! Recipes of fragrant and rosy pancakes with mushrooms


Thrifty and wise housewives know how to feed a family inexpensively and satisfactorily.

Draniki is an unrealistically tasty dish, at the same time budget and easy to prepare.

Potato pancakes can be made with a variety of additions, one of the options is mushrooms.

Draniki with mushrooms - general principles of preparation

Potatoes for potato pancakes need to be chopped. Usually a grater is used for this. You can facilitate, simplify the task, if you have a food processor. It is important not to turn peeled tubers into mashed potatoes, otherwise the mass will turn out to be too liquid, nothing will come of it.

What else form the basis of potato pancakes:

• flour, semolina;

• spices;

• onions and other vegetables;

• sour cream, mayonnaise;

• eggs.

Mushrooms are added immediately to the potatoes or play the role of filling. Draniki stuffed in Belarus called sorcerers. Any mushrooms can be used: frozen, salted, pickled, fresh, if nothing else is specified in the recipe.

Typically, potato pancakes are cooked in a pan on the stove. Spread pancakes, fry on both sides. But there are recipes for cooking in the oven.

Draniki with mushrooms "Sorcerers"

For sorcerers according to this recipe, you need any boiled mushrooms. The weight of the finished product without liquid is indicated.


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 200 g of mushrooms;

• 100 g of onion;

• oil, spices;

• 2 eggs;

• flour if necessary.


1. Immediately you need to cook the filling. To do this, cut the onions into small cubes, fry in a large skillet for a couple of minutes.

2. Cut the boiled mushrooms, transfer to the onion, fry for another two minutes, season the entire contents of the pan to taste with pepper, salt, any spices.

3. While the minced meat is cooling, peel the potatoes. Rub the tubers on the finest grater, transfer to a convenient bowl.

4. Season the potatoes with spices, add eggs, a spoonful of flour, stir. Rate the consistency. If there is a lot of juice, add a couple of spoons of flour, stir.

5. Heat vegetable oil or a mixture of fats in a pan.

6. Put thin cakes in the form of fritters, spread with a spoon.

7. Arrange the mushroom filling on each fritters.

8. Top with a new serving of potato dough. All this needs to be done quickly.

9. Fry sorcerers from two sides to a beautiful crust.

Potato pancakes with pickled mushrooms "Quickly"

A variant of very fast and simple potato pancakes with mushrooms. Take any pickled or salted product. You get two servings, if necessary, then proportionally increase the number of ingredients.


• 5 potatoes;

• 5-6 pickled mushrooms;

• 1 egg;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• salt, garlic, pepper;

• frying oil.


1. As usual, finely grate the potatoes.

2. Take any mushrooms, shake off the marinade, you can squeeze. Moisture on them should not be. Cut into small cubes, add to the bulk.

3. Break the egg, sprinkle flour.

4. If the mushrooms are very salty, then do not salt. Add any spices, throw the chopped clove of garlic, stir.

5. Heat the pan by pouring a little oil.

6. Spoon potato pancakes, fry without a lid over medium heat until cooked.

Draniki with fried mushrooms and onions

Another variant of delicious pancakes with mushrooms. Here, champignons are used by default, a lot of them are added.


• 1.2 kg of potatoes;

• 0.4 kg of mushrooms;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• 2-3 eggs;

• 0.2 kg of onions;

• oil, spices;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Clean the onion heads, put in a frying pan greased with a spoon of oil, fry until transparent over low heat.

2. Cut the washed mushrooms, add to the onion and fry too. You do not need to brown, just evaporate the moisture from the fungi. Cool.

3. For now, take care of potatoes. Remove the skin, remove all eyes. For this recipe, you can twist the tubers through a meat grinder or chop in a combine. If this is not possible, then use a grater with small holes.

4. Immediately chop the peeled garlic cloves with the potatoes.

5. Add onions and mushrooms. They do not need to be crushed, we lay the pieces.

6. Break two eggs. If they are small, then you can throw three pieces into potato pancakes.

7. Pour half the flour, stir. If the mass is liquid, add the rest of the flour. If not, you will add potato juice as needed.

8. Take a spoonful of potato mass, cook ordinary flat cakes, about five millimeters thick.

Draniki with mushrooms and cheese

You can use any cheese for these potato pancakes. A fused product will also work, as it will be added to the filling. Any boiled mushrooms.


• 6 potatoes;

• egg;

• onion;

• 1.5 tablespoons of flour.

To the filling:

• 200 g of champignons;

• 100 g of cheese;

• onion.

We use spices to your taste. For frying, you need any fat or oil.


1. We are engaged in a stuffing. Cut the onions into cubes, fry the butter in a spoon. It is very important not to add a lot of fat.

2. Rinse, peel the mushrooms, cut into thin slices, spread to the onion. Bring to readiness. Season the fried mixture with pepper, do not forget to salt.

3. While the mushrooms are cooling, chop the raw potatoes with the onion head in any way. Add the egg, pour, sprinkle flour and stir.

4. Grate the cheese. If a soft product is used, then simply transfer to mushrooms. Stir the mass.

5. Season the filling with spices, herbs, garlic to your taste. It can be made hot.

6. Heat the oil in a skillet.

7. Take one spoonful of potato mass, put in the form of a fritters. In the central part, put a teaspoon with a mountain of mushrooms, flatten.

8. Cover with a new portion of potato dough.

9. Fry potato pancakes until cooked. To make them well baked, make a moderate fire.

Draniki with mushrooms and minced meat

A variant of hearty, meat pancakes, which can be consumed independently or supplemented with side dishes from cereals and vegetables. We use ground beef. Mushrooms can be boiled or pickled. In any case, the potato pancakes are amazing.


• 5 potatoes;

• 200 g of minced meat;

• 2 eggs;

• 200 g of mushrooms;

• 100 g of onion;

• 1 spoon of sour cream;

• 3 sprigs of parsley;

• spices, oil;

• garlic as desired.


1. Cut boiled or pickled mushrooms into small cubes, straws, or simply into slices. We throw it into a bowl.

2. Add chopped onion, garlic.

3. Spread minced meat to them. Stir the mass.

4. Peel the tubers and also add to the mushrooms with meat, throw parsley. You can add a couple of pinches of dry grass if there are no fresh twigs.

5. Break the eggs, stir.

6. Season the mass with spices.

7. If in the previous recipes it was required to thicken the dough with flour, then here it needs to be made a little thinner. To do this, add sour cream, just one spoon.

8. It remains only to fry ordinary pancakes in the form of small cakes. Cook on low heat, since minced meat needs to be steamed.

Potato pancakes with mushrooms and cheese in a pot

Are there any ready-made potato pancakes from breakfast? From them you can prepare an amazing dish for lunch or dinner. Mushrooms are used.


• 12 potato pancakes;

• 1 onion head;

• 200 g of champignons;

• 120 g sour cream;

• spices, garlic;

• 0.5 tablespoons of flour;

• butter;

• 50 g of hard cheese.


1. Turn on the oven to heat up 180 degrees, immediately cook 2 pots. Oil inside.

2. Cut the onions, put in a pan, fry for a minute, no longer needed.

3. Add the mushrooms cut in large pieces, evaporate the water.

4. As soon as the mushrooms begin to fry, add sour cream mixed with flour. Stir, turn off.

5. Mushroom mass must be salt and pepper. Add greens, other spices, cloves of garlic to taste.

6. Put potato pancakes in two pots, alternating with mushroom mixture.

7. Cut the cheese into several cubes, divide between the pots.

8. Put in the oven for 25 minutes, no need to cover with covers.

Potato pancakes with mushrooms and chicken

Another variation of potato pancakes. For the filling, this recipe uses pickled mushrooms and boiled chicken breast. But the carrot gives a special brightness to the dish.


• 1.2 kg of potatoes;

• 3 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• salt, oil.

To the filling:

• 0.2 kg of chicken;

• 0.1 kg of mushrooms;

• 1 onion;

• 1 carrot;

• spices.


1. It’s better to start cooking with the filling. Cut onions, three carrots, lightly fry in a pan.

2. Add chopped mushrooms and chicken, warm for a minute, season with spices, cool.

3. Cooking ordinary potato dough for potato pancakes. You can use a combine or grater. For taste, add a little mayonnaise, put three yolks, but two squirrels. We transfer the last protein to the filling.

4. Now it remains to fry the pancakes with the filling. We spread a spoonful of flat cakes, on them a mushroom mass with a chicken, close the whole thing with a new portion of the dough.

5. Since the filling consists of almost finished products, you just need to fry the potato shell.

Draniki with mushrooms - useful tips and tricks

• Are draniki fat? Spread them out of the pan immediately onto paper napkins or towels, cover them from above as well. So that the products do not absorb fat, you need to spread the mass in a well-heated oil.

• Draniki will turn out to be much tastier if you add a piece of butter to the vegetable fat during frying.

• To prepare a diet of pancakes from potatoes with mushrooms, spread the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet, cook in the oven. It is best to cover the sheet with a silicone mat. You can use foil, but you have to grease it.


Watch the video: Potato rösti roll: easy, tasty and cheesy! (July 2024).