Sour cream for the face: inexpensive home cosmetics. Cool homemade masks with sour cream for the face on different skin types


Fat homemade or sour store sour cream is an excellent tool for making homemade cosmetics.

Masks from it are simple, but very effective.

They will cost a penny, and the result may be better than after applying an expensive product from some well-known cosmetic brand.

The benefits of sour cream for the face

Sour cream for the face was successfully used by our grandmothers and mothers. The fermented milk product successfully replaced the missing cosmetics on the shelves. Today there are no problems with cosmetics in stores, but you should not forget about the wonderful properties of masks with sour cream for the face.

Firstly, a self-made sour cream mask does not contain anything harmful or potentially dangerous. Secondly, it costs mere pennies. Thirdly, it really effectively solves the problems of any skin, then dry and flabby to sensitive and problematic.

Adding the necessary components to the sour cream base, you can create any mask that will work perfectly on your face. And vice versa. For example, the famous cucumber mask at home can be supplemented with a spoon of sour cream. Together with toning and whitening, it gives the skin more nutrition.

What is the benefit of sour cream for the face:

• normalizes the processes of cell metabolism;

• prevents early aging due to antioxidant effect;

• rejuvenates and tightens;

• improves blood circulation due to the content of ascorbic acid, brightens the face;

• tones and improves regeneration processes;

• whitens, eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

Thanks to organic acids, vitamins and minerals, sour cream perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes the skin of any type.

How to apply face masks with sour cream

Sour cream due to the acids contained in it may be too aggressive for the face. In order not to cause an allergic reaction, you first need to check the effect of the composition on an invisible area of ​​delicate skin. The inside of the wrist or elbow is suitable. If redness or burning does not appear, you can apply the composition to the face.

It is better to use rustic sour cream: it is guaranteed to have no starch and other substances unnatural for a fermented milk product. The benefits of homemade sour cream for the face will bring more. If the skin is oily, sour cream should be low in fat. In this case, a store product is still preferred.

Keep masks with sour cream for the face for at least 20 minutes. It is very good to take a horizontal position and relax. If clay is used as an additional component, it is undesirable to talk and use facial expressions so as not to stretch the skin.

Standard course of procedures - These are seven to ten masks that a woman makes in two to three days. After the end of the course, a monthly break is made, after which you can return to the original mask or try another one.

Universal mask with sour cream for any skin type

A beautiful honey-sour cream delicate mask works equally well on young and mature skin. It nourishes, makes the skin shine, rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, tones and moisturizes.

The composition is very simple: mix a large spoonful of honey and a spoonful of sour cream. If the bee product has thickened, it can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave.

After washing, the skin becomes soft, very gentle, literally saturated with moisture. Women with dry skin types are advised to moisturize their face with cream. If the skin is normal or oily, a simple cleansing is sufficient.

Masks with sour cream for normal and combination skin

If the skin is normal or combination, sour-honey mask made according to the previous recipe with banana pulp will have a wonderful tonic and smoothing effect. Quarters of fruit is enough to get the right composition. Banana can be mashed with a fork or grated.

Masks with clay, parsley, and flax seeds will give excellent results on normal skin.

Sour cream and clay

Any cosmetic clay that can be bought in a pharmacy can create a real miracle with the skin. It can be blue, pink, white clay. Its charm is that after a course of procedures, the face becomes dull, gets rid of black spots, fine wrinkles, acne and acne. In combination with sour cream, the effect is enhanced.

To prepare the product, a spoonful of clay must be diluted with sour cream to a pleasant consistency. Apply to face, wait for proper time and rinse carefully with warm water. To maintain skin tone, it is enough to apply such a mask once a week or once every two weeks.

Sour cream and parsley

The skin of the eyelids also needs to be maintained in good condition. The best remedy for this delicate area is the juice of garden parsley. It relieves puffiness and whitens. Sour cream additionally tones, softens, erases wrinkles.

A few branches of parsley greens need to grind in a mortar, then combine the resulting gruel in equal proportion with sour cream. It is enough to take a spoonful of one and the other product. The mask is applied to the skin of the lower and upper eyelids with a middle layer.

After washing it off, you will see how healthy and beautiful the skin will shine. You can do the procedure in the morning to get rid of edema and signs of lack of sleep.

Sour cream and flax seeds

Another wonderful mask with sour cream for the face involves the use of flaxseed, popular today. A home-made cosmetic product is literally miraculous: flaxseed removes toxins from the skin, exfoliates dead skin particles, heals, relieves dull gray deposits, and perfectly moisturizes.

A spoonful of flaxseed needs to be ground in a blender until smooth and left alone for 15 minutes. During this time, the active substances contained in flax seeds will begin to work. The mucous linseed gruel will remain mixed with an equal amount of sour cream and applied to the face.

Masks with sour cream for oily skin

Owners of oily skin should not deny themselves the right to use all the beneficial cosmetic properties of sour cream. Despite the fat content of this product, masks can and should be done.

Sour cream, lemon, egg white

Lemon juice cleanses, brightens, tightens pores. Chicken egg protein dries the skin, helping it get rid of seborrheic shine. To prepare the mask, you need to mix one slightly whipped protein with a large spoon of low-fat sour cream and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After a sour cream-protein mask with lemon, the skin will become fresh, delicate, a dull coating will disappear. The processes of cell metabolism will be restored, and the face will shine with beauty.

Sour cream, cucumber, aloe and hercules

For oily skin, proper nutrition and hydration are very important. An excellent result will be given by a cucumber mask at home if the flesh of a vegetable is mixed with aloe juice, sour cream and ground oats.

How does a mask work? Fresh cucumber flesh moisturizes and tones. Aloe heals, has beneficial effects on the sebaceous glands. Sour cream nourishes and tones. Hercules ground in a blender (oat flakes) cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin at the same time. Composition: ½ tbsp. l Hercules, ½ tsp aloe juice (or pharmacy extract of aloe), 1 tbsp. l sour cream, 1 tbsp. l cucumber puree.

If you make such a miracle mask every day, then in two weeks your face will look delightfully young, fresh.

Masks with sour cream for sagging skin

The recipe for the previous mask can be adopted by mature ladies. However, for them there are other, no less effective means of home cosmetology.

Sour Cream and Tramp

Pharmaceutical powder of a fresh-water sponge, or badiady, is a powerful tool in the arsenal of the struggle for youth and beauty of the skin of the face. The quality of the dermis will improve significantly after the first procedure: wrinkles will disappear, a healthy glow will appear, and the color will improve.

However, the badyaga is a potent natural substance. Applied to the skin, it causes a rather sensitive tingling sensation. This is normal, and a strange sensation will remain on the skin for several hours after washing off. The main thing is not to use a mask on the skin of the eyelids and be sure to test for individual reactions.

There are other rules:

• after a mask with sour cream and badagi, one cannot go out in the sun and sunbathe in a tanning bed for a day, otherwise pigment spots may appear;

• for the next five days, be sure to use a cream with a high SPF filter;

• after washing off the mask do not use any cosmetics;

• Repeat the mask only after a month.

The ideal time for the procedure is evening. The composition is prepared simply: the powder is diluted with sour cream to the consistency of an ordinary cosmetic mask. As a result, the skin is leveled and toned. Vascular asterisks, age spots and bruises will disappear, wrinkles will disappear, the oval will tighten.

Sour cream, coffee, honey and protein

A wonderful mask based on sour cream and coffee will help to tighten the skin. You need to mix one teaspoon of ground coffee, sour cream and heated liquid honey with chicken egg white.

Apply the mask with stroking movements to use all the beneficial properties of coffee grounds, including the scrubbing effect. The composition is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. After washing off the mask, any woman will receive a charge of excellent mood: the skin will be toned, tender, velvety, strikingly young.

Masks with sour cream for dry skin

Owners of dry skin require active nutrition. Sour cream provides it. However, to enhance the effect, you can add additional ingredients.

Sour cream and yolk

The simplest mask recipe with sour cream for the face includes a generous tablespoon of fermented milk product and one chicken yolk. Moisturizing, toning and even beautiful color after the procedure are guaranteed.

Sour cream and aloe

The composition is ideal for dry and sensitive skin. If a healer flower grows at home, you will need to cut the fleshy leaf and use the knife to select all the useful flesh from it. Then mix it with a large spoon of homemade sour cream and apply on the face. After washing the skin, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing care cream.

Sour cream and cucumber

Another recipe for a cucumber face mask at home, which can be mixed with oily sour cream and used on dry skin. A powerful moisturizing effect is complemented by nutrition. The duration of the procedure is not more than fifteen minutes.

Mix cucumber gruel with sour cream in equal proportions and apply on the face with the exception of the eyelids. To enhance the beneficial effect, wash off the mask with warm water. After this, we rinse the skin with cold (cool) water.


Watch the video: 6 Types of Face Masks to Clear & Hydrate Your Skin: Sheet Mask, Sleeping Mask, Clay Mask (June 2024).