Secrets of Oriental cuisine: how to cook rice for rolls. What is the difference between rolls and sushi, how to cook rice for sushi


Delicious, healthy, healthy, exquisitely beautiful Japanese cuisine gave the world rolls and sushi. Many still confuse these dishes, and for good reason.

They are actually very similar. Only the method of supply and the amount of ingredients used differ.

Rolls are specially wrapped rice-fish slices wrapped in a sheet of pressed nori seaweed. In fact, it’s just a kind of sushi - rice and seafood dishes with vinegar dressing.

In any case, the basis of rolls and sushi is rice. Its taste and texture differ from the product that is used in Russian or, for example, Uzbek cuisine. Rice combines with any seafood: fish, seaweed, shrimp, caviar. Fresh cucumbers, sesame, fruits are often put on rolls.

Any experiments can be carried out. But the main component of rolls and sushi is still rice. To really enjoy your meal, it’s important to know how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. On its basis, you can supplement traditional recipes to your liking, experiment with pouring, each time getting a new taste.

How to cook rice for rolls and sushi - general principles of cooking

Prepare Japanese dishes at home according to the strength of every housewife. Today, the cuisine of the island nation is so popular that in any supermarket there is a counter with all the necessary products: Japanese rice, pressed noria seaweed, rice and soy vinegar, pickled ginger.

Before you cook rice for sushi, you need to determine the type of grain. Improperly boiled rice for rolls or sushi falls apart as soon as a piece is in a bowl with soy sauce. There are two reasons for this:

1. the dish is made from inappropriate rice;

2. The rice itself is not cooked correctly.

As for the "right" rice, it is not necessary to buy a product labeled "Japanese" or "for sushi." In fact, we are talking about ordinary round-grain rice, and you should not overpay for a “hint”.

Of course, you can buy real Japanese rice. But our Krasnodar is quite suitable for overseas dishes. And all because it has the necessary qualities: it is well-digested and has a high stickiness. It is important that the boiled rice grains are well glued together.

The story of friable rice is not for sushi. Therefore, you can not use long-grain, including steamed rice. A healthy brown, brown, black (wild) product will not work. For rolls and sushi only white sticky grains are needed. Otherwise, the question of how to cook rice for rolls becomes meaningless.

They need to be prepared correctly: rinse in several waters (at least seven times). Water should be very cold and clean. Fused with rice grains fully prepared for cooking, it should remain completely transparent.

The principles for preparing rice cereals are as follows:

• properly boil it until fully cooked;

• separately prepare the filling (rice vinegar, salt and sugar are required);

• combine hot rice and vinegar fill.

In principle, you can just cook rice grain the way you are used to doing it, and then pour it with dressing and mix thoroughly. Or fill the grain in a slow cooker and entrust the process to it. But to get the maximum restaurant effect, you should learn how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. There are several ways, and it’s not difficult to master them.

How to cook rice for rolls in the traditional way

Ideal rice is soft, tender, but not overcooked grains. They easily take the desired shape, so the rolls and sushi are delicious, keep their shape perfectly and are not much different from restaurant ones. How to cook rice for sushi in the traditional way?


• a glass of round-grain (or special Japanese) rice grain;

• one and a half glasses of water;

• half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• 50 ml of real rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

Prepared grains of snow-white rice put in a thick-walled pan.

Pour rice with a measured portion of water. The proportion is one to one and a half - the ideal ratio of grain to water. Do not salt water, do not add any spices.

Turn on a strong fire and wait for the water to boil. The cover must be open.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, reduce the fire to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid as tightly as possible.

How to cook rice for sushi? Not more than ten to fifteen minutes. It is important that the moisture evaporates completely, but it is impossible to overdo the rice on a fire. Overcooked rice grains will spoil an excellent dish.

While rice is cooking, prepare a dressing. To do this, pour vinegar into a stewpan or small saucepan (rice vinegar is needed, and not some other).

Pour granulated sugar and salt into it.

Put the dishes on a small fire and wait until the grains are completely dissolved. It is important to stir the sauce so that the sugar dissolves faster and does not burn.

When the grains of sugar and salt disappear, the fill is ready.

Remove the boiled rice from the heat and leave it under the lid for about ten minutes.

Transfer rice grains into a large wide bowl, pour hot vinegar dressing.

Gently mix rice with vinegar filling with a wooden spatula.

When the rice has cooled to a warm state, proceed with the formation of rolls or sushi.

How to cook hot sushi rice

Delicate, sticky rice can be cooked differently. In this case, rice is poured into boiling water, and its amount increases. How to cook rice for rolls hot?


• a glass of white round rice;

• two glasses of pure water;

• two tablespoons of vinegar;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Boil water in a suitable pan (the amount of rice will increase about three times).

Rinse the rice until clear water.

Pour the grains into boiling water, reduce the fire to a minimum.

Cover the pan tightly, cook rice for 15-20 minutes until the water is completely absorbed into the grain.

Prepare the dressing as described in the first recipe.

Remove the finished rice from the heat, sprinkle with pouring and mix with wooden sticks or a wooden spoon.

How to cook rice for sushi with nori seaweed

You can use a nori leaf to give rice a special flavor. A small piece of pressed sheet is required. Before you cook rice for sushi, you just need to put it in water. It is important to remove it from the pan after boiling water. Proportions are indicated for a large number of rolls.


• four hundred grams of rice;

• half a liter of water;

• a small piece of pressed algae algae;

• 50 ml of rice vinegar;

• 30 g of granulated sugar;

• 10 g of salt.

Cooking method:

Pour rice with cold water.

Throw a piece of nori into the water, close the pan with a lid.

Turn on maximum heat and wait for the water to boil.

Remove the algae, reduce the fire to a minimum.

Cook rice exactly twelve minutes.

Turn off the heat and leave the rice under the lid for another fifteen minutes.

Cook vinegar fill.

Combine it with rice, mix.

How to cook rice for sushi: useful tips and secrets

  • The maximum cooking time for rice after boiling water is twenty minutes. If possible, do not remove cover. For the first time, of course, grain cannot be dispensed with boiling water. Rice can be cooked after 15 and 20 minutes. Much depends on the characteristics of the stove and the variety of rice. But over time, experience will come, which will ensure that the grain is completely at rest under the lid.

  • In no case should you touch the rice with a spoon, mix and disturb it. Remember one of the commandments: complete peace!

  • Ready rice needs to be cooked right away. Leave it the next day, you can not store in the refrigerator. In just a few hours, the boiled grains will rapidly lose moisture. Rice will become tough and completely unsuitable for making rolls and sushi.

  • Dressing and rice need to be mixed hot. The fill should not boil: it needs to be allowed to cool for several minutes. The amount of refueling should not be too large. The task is to give rice a light aroma and a sharp vinegar taste.

  • You can buy a ready-made dressing for sushi rice in the store. It replaces homemade pouring from rice vinegar and sugar with salt.

  • Cooking rolls and sushi follows from the cooled completely prepared rice. The Japanese use a special fan to fan and cool boiled rice grains. If you want to feel yourself in the atmosphere of old Japan, you can work with a fan. However, this is not necessary.


Watch the video: Secrets to Perfect Sushi Rice, With Taichi Kitamura (June 2024).