Chocolate Diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Chocolate diet reviews and sample recipes.


Chocolate Diet - Description and General Principles

Does a chocolate diet sound attractive? However, despite the enthusiastic fantasies about the opportunity to regale and lose weight at the same time, such a diet is a real stress for the body, because it resembles ordinary fasting. Within 5-7 days of the diet, it is allowed to eat only 80 grams of chocolate. Think - this is not even a whole tile.

However, there are still fans of this diet, and even if not fans, then desperate testers who are ready to take a chance at least once, in order to lose 5-7 kilograms promised and at the same time check the strength of mind and willpower. Because only the hardest people in their decisions will be able to withstand this diet. Such as, for example, the singer Alsou, who went through all the difficulties of the diet, lost 8 kilograms, but spoke of her as an extremely difficult event, after which some people run the risk of becoming depressed, get a nervous breakdown or just a breakdown.

Nutritionists argue that this diet is good only for its brilliant wrapper. But still, the result is inevitable weight loss. This fact is not contested by anyone. So, everyone decides which diet to choose, and therefore we will still consider the pros and cons, the rules and the menu of the chocolate diet.

Chocolate Diet - What Foods To Eat

Our "delicious" diet really involves a chocolate base. Although chocolate is considered a high-calorie product, the restrictions on the menu make the diet very low-calorie, since no more than one bar is allowed to be consumed per day. And that’s all! Imagine - all week you will eat only one bar of chocolate per day, dividing it into several receptions - the more the better. As for drinking, you can drink coffee with skim milk, green and black tea, of course, without sugar. Coffee is present in many diets, as it enhances metabolism by four percent, but, despite this, do not go too far with it - it is a powerful stimulant, increases tone and pressure.

Despite everything, the chocolate diet coincides with the rhythm of many girls, constantly torn between the office, home, salons and shops. For the first couple of days, you can already lose four kilograms, but this is taking into account the fact that when you refuse salt, the body loses a large amount of fluid. If you just go out of the diet and continue your normal lifestyle, lost kilos will return with unprecedented speed. The most “effective” loss of kilograms occurs just in recent days. However, by this time you’ll already get used to starving, and the body will be easier to cope with hunger attacks, the stomach will contract much in volume. So the hardest part is the first three days.

Chocolate Diet - What Products Should Not Be Used

Be sure to note that white chocolate cannot be a means for a diet, since it practically does not contain cocoa butter. Chocolate on a sweetener is also unsuitable for these purposes. This diet is also called coffee and chocolate, each reception of a bitter delicacy is accompanied by a cup of coffee, but no more foods can be consumed at this time. Salt and sugar, fruits and vegetables, sparkling water and juices are completely removed from the menu. And you have to forget about alcohol!

Chocolate Diet - Menu Examples

Dividing a chocolate bar or bar into pieces and consuming them several times a day will not be difficult. Breakfast lunch and dinner are the same - about 30 grams of chocolate and a cup of coffee with skim milk. In between, there is a lot of water, as the body’s limitations in salt will require increased stress on the kidneys. You need to remember the following: for all the time you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water or green tea. Drink the liquid should be a few hours after the main meal.

Which chocolate to choose?

Milk chocolate - the most rich in calories, 545 units per 100 grams. The caloric value of pure chocolate is not more than 540, the difference is practically not noticeable. Additives (nuts, raisins) add calories. In relation to the balance of carbohydrates and fats, the types of chocolate practically do not differ, the use of each type will limit the normal intake of these substances in the body. Well, this is the cost of almost any diet. Balance can be achieved by using the right selected vitamin complex of drugs.

Chocolate Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

Chocolate is an excellent stimulant of the brain, during the session it increases the working ability of students. Mental activity does not suffer, glucose enhances the brain, and at the same time you are losing weight. It also contains the largest amount of endorphins (hormones of joy), this undoubtedly helps to carry the diet easier. It also boosts immunity, helps fight anemia and early aging, as it contains a large amount of antioxidants. Pretty quickly you get the desired result, but you should not continue the diet for more than the specified time.

In addition, it has just a huge number of contraindications. First of all, this is pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding. You should not follow a diet in the presence of such diseases: diabetes, cholelithiasis and other liver diseases, high blood pressure and, of course, an allergy to chocolate itself. Exit from the diet is problematic - accustomed to saving calories, the body can very quickly replenish its reserves, the weight will return to its previous level, or even become higher. The most important thing is to preserve the benefits gained in such a complex way, so do not forget about proper nutrition, do not overeat and, of course, do physical education.

Those to whom the seven-day diet may seem too strict, but still have a desire to try out its “sweet” effect, can limit themselves to fasting days. A more loyal way is attributed to Italian nutritionists who have developed their own method of chocolate diet, the essence of which is that a simple, lightweight menu is made, and chocolate is used as a snack in between. The Italian menu includes pasta, vegetable salads, vegetables, fresh fruits and popcorn. True, this diet can hardly be called chocolate, because it can be eaten only 30 grams per day.


Ira 11.11.2016
But I lost 10 kg on chocolate! During my life I tried a bunch of diets, counting calories and other restrictions. I was weak, dizzy and had a terrible mood. Weight left, but immediately returned. And then I came up with my system: twice a week I arranged fasting days on chocolate, that is, I only ate a bar of dark chocolate all day (I always have my favorite Amour chocolate from KONTI) and washed it down with water. One such day takes 500-600 grams. No hunger, the chocolate is very satisfying and I don’t want anything else. Weight loss occurs due to low calorie intake per day. 1 chocolate = 500 kcal. Excellent discharge, lightness the next day. The most important thing is not to overeat on the second day, but to maintain this lightness so that those kg will not come back. But the rest of the days from unloading, sweet and flour is strictly prohibited, I don’t even add sugar to tea, and I eat any amount of normal food. Thus, in one week 1 kg leaves without stress for the body. I lost weight from 68 to 58 kg. Two days out of a week I eat chocolate, but on the rest of the days I don’t suffer from it. Each has its own body, for some it’s hard to eat like that, and for some it’s the way to eat chocolate and lose weight. Try it, good luck!

Marina Kiev 04/17/2016
Thank you so much, I lost so much weight from 195 to 193.843 and now I’m not eating anything except chocolate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ilyinka 04/09/2016
With this diet, if I’m not mistaken, I lost weight to Alsou, and then she had a great health problem)))

Kristia 03/21/2016
N-yes ... Not a diet, but a punishment. I love chocolate, but it seems to me that it causes hunger even more. Especially when it’s impossible. Very cruel to himself, will sit on such a diet. And I agree, you can find more sparing. For example, the same oatmeal or fruit.

Anna 03/21/2016
You can arrange in this way, something like a fasting day. Or a couple of days. It will be wonderful. But for a week, I would not eat chocolate alone. This is probably even harmful. After all, neither any beneficial substances enter the body, nor proteins, nor minerals, etc. There are more effective and safer diets.


Watch the video: Keto Recipe - Chocolate Roll Cake (July 2024).