Coccyx after childbirth hurts - what to do? Why does the tailbone hurt after childbirth: norm and pathology


At the time of gestation, the pelvic bones change their position, making it easier for the head to move along the birth canal.

During childbirth, the coccyx is under pressure, this can provoke the development of trauma and the occurrence of pain.

Coccyx after childbirth hurts why

From a physiological point of view, childbirth always goes the same, but there are several reasons why the tailbone can be injured:

1. The fruit is too large.

2. The baby has a large head.

3. The pelvic bones are narrow, therefore, childbirth can not pass fully.

4. Incorrect presentation of the baby.

5. The strength with which labor takes place is high.

6. With what intensity are attempts, as well as in what quantity.

Even normal labor activity suggests that as a result there will be a slight swelling, severe pain, which is why few people pay attention to complaints in the tailbone right after childbirth, believing that this is natural. However, if the discomfort lasts more than one month, then you must visit a medical facility.

When looking for an answer to the question why the tailbone hurts after childbirth, you need to pay attention to many factors, which include the following:

1. At the time of labor, nerve endings pinched.

2. The tailbone was injured, a fracture or dislocation is possible.

3. Female genitals are inflamed.

These are the main reasons for which the tailbone can be sick, only the doctor can determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment.

Quite often, doctors use epidural anesthesia during childbirth. An injection in the back of a pregnant woman is done to have a cesarean section. In rare cases, this method is used in natural childbirth, if a woman is tired of pushing, contractions bring a lot of pain, then specialists anesthetize the lower body and the woman in labor can rest.

If the technique of anesthesia is improperly performed, back pain will subsequently occur. Most often, pain is felt in the lower back, much less often in the tailbone. After a while, the symptom will pass, but this condition must be controlled.

Coccyx after delivery: pain characteristic

The coccyx pain after childbirth in medicine is called coccyalgia. In order to identify the exact cause of the pain, its nature, it is necessary to diagnose. The following character of pain in the coccyx after childbirth is distinguished:

1. Aching pain.

2. The pain is sharp.

3. The pain is pulling.

4. Burning.

5. Pain of an intense nature.

In most cases, the pain begins to intensify when you try to bend down, while in the same position for a long time.

Pain in the coccyx, two months after the birth of the baby, can occur due to many problems: cystitis, hemorrhoids, endometritis, etc. If you sit on the couch or chair for a long time in the wrong position, this will lead to the deposition of salts and as a result there will be pain.

Therefore, if pain occurs after childbirth, this does not mean that it is a consequence of recent childbirth. Her character varies depending on different situations.

Coccyx pain after childbirth: diagnosis

You can determine the exact cause of the pain after a full examination and passing certain studies - x-rays, tomography. First you need to cleanse the intestines, laxatives or enemas are used for this. Thanks to these procedures, the prognosis for obtaining accurate data will be increased, and you can find out the cause of the pain even 3-4 months after the birth. If you are breast-feeding a baby, before taking laxatives, you should consult your doctor so that they do not harm the baby.

After examination and diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, in order to avoid complications, you need to follow all his recommendations.

Coccyx after childbirth hurts: what to do

Many women are wondering what to do if the tailbone suddenly starts to hurt after childbirth: you want to get rid of the discomfort that interferes with life, as soon as possible. If the nature of the origin of pain is the usual recovery of the body after a childbirth and there are no injuries, then you can quickly forget about unpleasant sensations. All you need to do is adhere to certain tips and rules:

1. If you know that there are no injuries, you can do sports and gymnastics on a big ball every day.

2. Use a set of special exercises, they are aimed at the postpartum recovery of the body of women.

3. The first month after childbirth, if the pain in the tailbone bothers, try not to lift something heavy.

4. For sleep, buy an orthopedic mattress, and for the first time sleep exclusively on it.

5. Many people try to relieve pain and sit on something soft for this, this is not worth it, as the situation will only worsen.

6. Try to lie as much as possible: while walking or sitting, the load on the coccyx is increased, which means that the pain will bother even more.

7. With the permission of the doctor, you can use annoying tinctures (hot pepper on vodka), this will improve blood circulation. Moisten gauze in a liquid, attach to the problem area, cover with a plastic bag and leave for 2 hours.

8. The first few days after birth, it is recommended to do cold compresses (use ice).

9. Adhere to proper nutrition; foods with a high fiber content should be present in the diet.

10. If the pain in the tailbone has arisen due to the fact that the body lacks calcium, then it needs to be replenished as soon as possible. Eat dairy products.

11. To avoid constipation, drink as much water as possible daily.

12. You can only sit in a certain position: on an orthopedic pillow, on a stool with a back.

13. If three weeks have passed since the day of birth and the pain still continues to bother, contact a medical institution.

If there is no serious injury, then after two weeks all the unpleasant symptoms go away. However, if the pain of a suspicious nature and only worsens every day, you should not risk it and self-medicate, consult your doctor.

Coccyx after childbirth hurts: medical help

If you yourself could not identify the cause of the pain in the tailbone and eliminate it, then you can not do without a visit to the doctor. But surely many people care about the question, and which doctor in this case is worth going to. First of all, make an appointment with your gynecologist, who has been following you throughout your pregnancy and knows how the birth took place. After the specialist conducts an examination and identifies the cause, he can refer you to the appropriate specialist - therapist, surgeon or traumatologist.

Depending on the nature of the origin of the pain, the treatment may be different, for example:

1. Physiotherapy.

2. Massage. When exposed to specific points, the muscles relax, blood circulation normalizes and the pain recedes.

3. Vitamin therapy. It also happens that pain can occur due to a simple lack of vitamins in the body, so as soon as you fill this deficiency, everything will return to normal.

4. If pinching of the sciatic nerve has occurred, bed rest is mandatory. As a supplement, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken. Drinking any medicine on your own, especially if you are breastfeeding, is prohibited.

5. Manual therapy.

6. Acupuncture procedure.

7. In the event that cracks or fractures were detected during the diagnosis, conservative treatment will be prescribed without fail, as well as bed rest for two to three weeks. You will have to come to terms with the fact that for a while you will simply be disabled, and someone close will have to look after the baby.

8. In case of a fracture with a displacement of the bone or dislocation, the specialist through the rectum will conduct a reduction. After this, you again need to observe bed rest.

9. If conservative methods of treatment do not bring the desired result and the pain still continues to bother, surgery is performed.

Now you know why the tailbone can be sick after childbirth, when this pain has a natural character, and when it is pathological. If the pain is distinguished by its duration and strength, it is not necessary to delay a visit to the doctor, because this can lead to serious complications. Remember: after giving birth, your baby needs you, first of all, healthy, and the tailbone is a place with which it is dangerous to joke.


Watch the video: Coccyx Anatomy & Imaging: Questions-Answers. Jason TK Woon PhD and Patrick Foye MD. Tailbone Pain (June 2024).