Why do I dream of firewood: what are the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Oracle and others say. Conflicting Dream Interpretations About Firewood


Firewood in a dream is a very controversial sign.

Such dreams can carry both positive and negative consequences in real life: here everything will depend on the details of the dream itself. Let's look in more detail, what is the dream of firewood for?

What if I dreamed about firewood?

1) if you dreamed of casually dumped firewood in a house or in the yard - this is a sign that in reality you will find a lot of routine or hard work that you have to do;

2) if in a dream you are cutting wood, it means that in reality someone "saws" you. For example, such a dream may occur after a difficult and lengthy conversation with the boss or a scandal with the spouse;

3) if in a dream you intentionally throw firewood into the stove and burn them - this is a sign that you managed to get rid of something unnecessary (or you are just going to do it). In addition, if the logs are well ignited, then most likely you are tormented by any suffering or doubt, and such a dream is only a reflection on your subconscious in real life;

4) if you dream of firewood - this is a sign that you are very organized in reality and keep order in everything, down to the smallest detail. In addition, the appearance of logs in a dream means that one should expect certain problems in matters that will have to be dealt with;

5) the appearance in the dream of an armful of firewood is a sign that you may soon have certain quarrels with one of your friends or a soul mate;

6) if you saw a large log - you should expect on a big date any event that you have wanted for so long;

7) if in a dream you carry firewood from the street to the house, then most likely you should expect some unexpected event or a curious incident;

8) if you see burning logs in a dream - this is a bad sign that promises losses and waning;

9) if you bought firewood in a dream - expect the appearance of new gossip and slander from your enemies.

What is the dream of wood for Miller’s dream book

- If you saw in your dream a bunch of firewood - this is a sign that things will not go well, also expect scandals with your soulmate;

- if you dream of a large log that is usually burned on Christmas Eve - this is a favorable dream, you can expect that your greatest expectations will come true on holidays.

Why do I dream of firewood in the Oracle dream book

According to Oracle's dream book, the appearance of firewood in a dream means the emergence of disagreements with relatives or work colleagues. There is a high probability that quarrels will arise every now and then for no apparent reason.

Things will also go out of the ordinary. You will have to constantly face various difficulties, which can lead to the fact that you cease to believe in your strength. Promotion in this situation can not be expected.

However, such a dream promises not only negative portents. There is a chance that you will improve relations with friends, relatives and close people, your spouse, you can count on success in business.

What is the dream of wood for Vanga’s dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interprets such a dream as follows:

if you are chopping wood in a dream - this is a sign that the tasks you set are quite feasible, but for this you need to firmly follow your path and work hard.

Why dream of firewood on Smurov’s dream book

  • We saw an armful of firewood in a dream - expect a disagreement with friends and relatives;

  • if you carry firewood on your back - this is a sign of the appearance of a small income, which you will get very difficult. If you are financially well-off, such a dream may promise you easy profit in a dishonest way;

  • to see a large log on a church holiday is a sign that your cherished wishes will come true on one of the holidays;

  • if you chop wood in a dream - this means that in real life you will fight for success and you will probably be lucky in this. However, to achieve your goal you will have to sweat pretty;

  • the appearance of wood goats in a dream is a sign that an entrepreneurial stream is flowing in you, you are a rather savvy business executive.

French dream book

  • I dreamed about firewood - to soon improve your material condition, and for this you don’t even need to make big efforts, everything will happen by itself;

  • if you yourself, without outside help, stack firewood - your condition will increase without the help of other people;

  • if someone helps you in a dream to stack firewood - it means that in real life your condition will grow with someone's support;

  • if you are carrying a bundle of firewood - this is a sign that in the near future you will buy your new home.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

  •  Saw firewood in a dream - to useless troubles and family discord;

  •  building something from wood - to increase profits in real life;

  •  acquisition of boards in a dream - to the sad news;

  •  knocking down boards - to increase revenue;

  •  crossing them, as if over a bridge - you will get around all the impending dangers and losses;

  •  cutting or grinding - for the upcoming wedding;

  •  chop wood in a dream - dependence in real life on dishonest people;

  •  burning - to losses;

  •  transfer them - to an unexpected occasion;

  •  saw in a dream carelessly scattered logs - to minor problems;

  •  see neatly collected firewood - someone wants to drag you into trouble;

  •  met a lumberjack in a dream - in reality you will help someone from your family at the expense of yourself.

Dream Interpreter of Aesop

The appearance of this symbol in a dream is a sign, first of all, of your past, and not the future, since firewood is the result of the destruction of the forest.

- If you wander through the forest, which gradually becomes thicker and darker - this is a sign that you will have to wait long enough before your problem and question are resolved;

- dreams that you easily chop huge wood chocks and make firewood - you are very careless and do not look around you in life. The dream book warns that it is worth stopping before it is too late and draw conclusions from your own mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future.

Dream Interpreter Avadyaeva

  • Dreaming about how you chop wood - for the upcoming joyful event;

  • collect already chopped firewood - expect large income in the near future;

  • carry armfuls of firewood from the street to the house - wait for any chance meeting or incident;

  • Burn logs in the oven - to serious losses in real life;

  • to get firewood - to hear a lot of unpleasant gossip about yourself;

  • dream about how you sell firewood - to quarrels;

  • observe in a dream how another person carries a bunch of firewood - to troubles and losses;

  • if a young girl dreams of firewood, she should expect an upcoming quarrel with her fiance.

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

  • They saw in a dream how other people chop wood - a bad sign that says someone is sharpening a tooth on you;

  • carry firewood in bundles from the street to the house - expect a good surprise;

  • burn wood in a stove or fireplace - to a loss;

  • to acquire firewood is an unfavorable sign promising that you will soon hear unpleasant gossip about yourself;

  • met a man who carries firewood from the forest to the house - a bad sign, foreshadowing losses in business and scandals in the family. If such a dream was seen by a young girl - to quarrels with her fiance;

  • if you easily chop large wooden chocks in a dream - this is a sign that your great condition can become a danger to other people;

  • if you put firewood in a deck - to troubles;

  • if you see burning wood in a dream - expect many problems and barriers in life;

  • if you appeared in the forest and harvest firewood for the winter, this means that in real life you will have a difficult fight with competitors and creators, which will ultimately end in your complete domination;

  • if you saw a large log in a dream that does not fit into the oven - expect a great holiday - your wish will come true on that day. If you make attempts to cut it, it means that soon you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but who has always been deeply sympathetic to you;

  • sawing wood or grinding wood in a dream - to a successful bargain, which will be very important for you.

As we can see, firewood in a dream is a very ambiguous sign, which can carry both good and bad omens, everything will depend on the details of the dream itself.


Watch the video: Wood firewood dream interpretation, Wood firewood Dream Meaning, Wood firewood Dream Comment (June 2024).