Potato: beneficial properties of starchy vegetables. What properties does potato have? What harm does it do?


Potato is a very mysterious vegetable, the attitude to which in Russia varies from love to hate. At the same time, we all over the country plant potatoes in the spring, and in the fall we harvest. Potatoes are called second bread, and this is due to the nutritional properties of a popular vegetable. But the potato also has beneficial properties that you definitely need to know about.

What is the composition of potatoes

Well-known fact: potatoes contain a lot of starch, which makes it an undesirable product on the diet table. However, along with the carbohydrates that losing weight girls are so afraid of, potatoes contain:

• amino acids;

• a lot of potassium;

• phosphorus;

• potassium;

• iron;

• chrome;

• carotene;

• B vitamins, very important for prolonging youth and beauty, PP, E, K, D;

• folic acid;

• ascorbic acid (only in young potatoes);

• malic, citric, oxalic and other organic acids.

Each of the components gives potato tubers not only nutritional value, but also benefits, which cannot be abandoned. Moreover, it is raw potato juice that is capable of real miracles of healing.

Useful properties of potatoes

First of all, you should pay tribute to the abundance of potassium. This trace element provides normal water-salt metabolism, thereby improving the flow of metabolic processes in the body. Potassium is used for people suffering from heart and kidney diseases, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. The baked potato is most useful: it retains maximum potassium. And thanks to starch, it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and liver.

The beneficial properties of potatoes are manifested in its ability to alkalize the body due to the high content of minerals, which is important for people with high acidity of the stomach. For patients with gastritis, potato soups and mashed potatoes can be a real salvation, especially during an exacerbation. Fiber envelops the walls of the stomach and relieves pain.

Boiled potatoes, by the way, in a volume of 300 grams (large portion), contains a daily intake of phosphorus and potassium. This volume of young potatoes contains almost 100 mg of ascorbic acid - this should be used when planning meals for children and the elderly.

The healing properties of potatoes

The use of the beneficial properties of potatoes is advisable in the presence of inflammatory joint diseases, a tendency to premature aging. Symptoms of gout and arthritis due to potatoes become less pronounced. It should be consumed raw, grated together with the peel and combined with the reception of potato broth. You need to drink the broth on an empty stomach: after waking up at night.

Sroy potato juice is a powerful healing agent used in traditional medicine to combat the following serious ailments:

• burns;

• fungal infection of the skin;

• eczema;

• furunculosis;

• warts;

• purulent wounds;

• erysipelas;

• lupus erythematosus;

• seals after injections;

• corns;

• osteochondrosis (mixed with honey).

Raw Potato Compress instantly relieves pain, itching, burning, has a wound healing, cooling and absorbing effect. You need to wash the tuber, grate it on a fine grater and put the pulp on the sore spot. Warts and corns can simply be rubbed with a juicy slice of potato.

An effective folk remedy that facilitates the cure of inflammation of the throat and bronchi, - hot inhalations over steam from boiled potatoes. With chronic cough, you can make hot compresses from boiled potatoes. Sore throat with pharyngitis or laryngitis can be relieved by rinsing their raw potato juice.

The list of ailments from which raw potato juice can help is quite large:

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer (in a glass in the morning half an hour before breakfast course);

• constipation;

• slagging of the body (in combination with celery and carrot juice);

• disruption of the nervous system;

• violation of the heart (100 ml on an empty stomach three times a day for three weeks);

• hemorrhoids (do microclysters or suppositories);

• persistent headaches (a quarter cup);

• anemia (half a cup twice a day);

• flatulence (half a glass four times a day before meals).

The beneficial properties of potatoes are manifested even at the stage of flowering plants. So, some healers use pollen from vegetable crops to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and flowers - to relieve cancer.

Useful properties of potatoes in home cosmetology

Boiled and raw potatoes have excellent anti-aging properties, which makes it an excellent base for making homemade masks. Boiled potatoes need to be mashed, mixed with honey, cottage cheese, egg and apply mass on the face and neck.

If the skin is dry, pureed potatoes need to be mixed with cream or fat sour cream and applied warmly to the face. Such a mask is especially good for mature skin after 40 years. It smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin, and perfectly refreshes.

Potato broth is an excellent hand skin care product. It becomes smooth, delicate, silk. At the same time, brittle nails are strengthened.

Potato harm

Calorie content of potatoes is quite high - about 90 kcal per hundred grams of the product. Therefore, for those who are inclined to be full, you need to limit the use of potato dishes. Interestingly, young potatoes are almost a third less calorie.

The presence of starch makes potato difficult to digest by the human body. Therefore, its use is worth limiting in the event that there are no problems with excess weight. In addition, due to the high glycemic index, potato dishes should be excluded if there are the following diagnoses:

• diabetes;

• obesity;

• diseases of the pancreas.

In all these cases, potatoes can cause a deterioration. Potato can have a negative effect with a tendency to flatulence or with the risk of kidney stones. In addition, there is evidence that the vegetable is contraindicated for those who experience bouts of sexual arousal or have a sexually transmitted disease.

But green potatoes should be abandoned to all people without any exceptions and doubts. Greened and sprouted tubers accumulate a deadly substance for humans - solanine. In an extreme case, you need to cut the skin as thick as possible, so as not to get a lethal dose of the substance. Nevertheless, green vegetables are best used as planting stock or discarded.

The beneficial properties of potatoes will be preserved better if the vegetable is baked or steamed, especially if you do not remove the “uniform” from it, that is, do not release it from the skin.

Since fresh potato juice has alkalizing properties, it should not be used for health purposes with low acidity of gastric juice.

The beneficial properties of potatoes are very high. Like any vegetable, it brings the body undoubted benefits. However, in the presence of certain diseases, the use of potatoes should be abandoned.


Watch the video: The Benefits of Sweet Potatoes (July 2024).